Here is a list of all the patriotic or nationalist candidates for the upcoming local elections in Ireland. Remember not to give any transfer or preference votes to the mainstream parties, as that is how they sneak in every time on the umpteenth count. Only vote for who you actually want, and leave the rest..
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List of Patriotic Candidates for Irish Local Elections
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VIDEO: PROOF MSM & Big Tech Stole US Election With Censorship! 17% Biden Voters REGRET Vote – Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had They Known About Biden Scandals!
Here is your proof MSM & Big Tech Stole the US2020 Election by Enforcing Censorship! 17% of Joe Biden Voters REGRET Voting Biden! They Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had they Known About Biden Scandals!
An NTD news report reveals how 17% of Biden voters would NOT have voted for him had they known about the Hunter Biden laptop & financial scandals (which Twitter censored) and the Joe Biden Sexual Allegations or even that Trump had been nominated for a Nobel Peace prize!
Never let it be said that silencing freedom of speech does not work! This is why we have to fight even harder to stop Big Tech (Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, etc, and the Big TV networks) from lying by omission, in other words censorship or “Gap News”!
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Landmark Case to Show How Twitter, California & Democrat Party Colluded to use “Election Integrity” as a Weapon to Censor Conservatives!
An important landmark lawsuit that might very well prove the fact that Twitter is indeed a state actor, which could have some very serious implications, has been brought by Harmy Dillon and Ron Coleman in California, with all the evidence and receipts, to show that Twitter and the State of California conspired with the Democratic Party, to get Twitter to censor the people they don’t like politically, using “Election Integrity” as a false default reason.
According to Robert Barnes of Barnes Law, speaking on Viva Barnes, the plaintiffs have document after document after document proving it, but as we have seen in recent years, facts and evidence are no longer considered proof in a world where the Mainstream Media and Big Tech manufacture the reality.
The plaintiff, who is a lawyer from California, had a pretty big social media presence, and was completely censored and cancelled, simply for raising basic questions about what happened in the election, that were not ev
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Biden Destroying the American Dream: “Caused more Damage in 100 Days Than I Thought Possible in Four Years!” – Congresswoman Mace
Joe Biden has already caused a lot of damage as an illegitimate president because he is being “guided by the far left” which includes extreme left Islamic radical AOC and China owned Nancy Pelosi, says Republican South Carolina Congresswoman Nancy Mace, who appeared on Fox News saying that Joe Biden has “done more damage in 100 days than she thought was possible in four years as President.“
Ms Mace who is a parent with two children, and also member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee also said Bumbling Biden has reversed almost every good decision that President Trump and his Administration made, mostly just to pacify the far left radicals, to attack Trump and Conservatives. Ms Mace said it’s important for Republicans to stand up and have their voices heard in 2022 mid-term elections, as they have a lot to run on and for.
She added that it is important for Government to let parents and school boards make decisions on how our chi
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Video: World Wide Rally For Freedom & Democracy! Take Back YOUR Consent & Expose The Covid19 Emperor With No Clothes!
Dr. Anne McCloskey from Northern Ireland explains why the CoronaVirus Emperor has no clothes! People around the world will be gathering in cities on Saturday 20 March 2021, to Rally for Freedom and real democracy in the face of the totalitarianism forced upon us in recent times…
Protecting our Rights
Together we can bring an end to the distortion of the truth, coercion through fear and regain the autonomy and freedom achieved over centuries of struggle and sacrifice.
Responding to Tyranny
There are many thousands of people in this country and millions across the world who know that the ‘health crisis’, which began in March 2020, is a Trojan horse to introduce a supposed new era or order for humanity.
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VIDEO: Far Left Youtube Deletes Biden’s Dislikes! Mainstream “#LoveMedia” Artificially Manufacturing Popularity & Consent for The Left! Did They Trick You?
#TheLeftLies: Did you fall for it? It is all smoke and mirrors as the left, Democrats, Big Tech and the Deep State swamp manufacture Biden’s faux popularity, like they manufactured his election, yet in reality when you step back from Social Media and Mainstream Media imperialism and bias, Biden is the most unpopular “most popular” Prez! Youtube and Big Tech have been actively trying to censor the truth of Biden’s UNpopularity coming out, by deleting dislikes to all his vids, on various channels. On one video as much as 70% of the dislikes were deleted to make him appear popular! Likewise, over Valentine the biased mainstream media gushed about a “Love Story” in the Whitehouse? They seem to forget how Joe and Jill met. How did they meet? Well, Joe cheated on his wife and friend, and Jill cheated on her husband (Joe’s friend). Sounds like a love story made in hell, but cheating fits the narrative of the liberal left just fine.
Sycophantic coverage of pro Bide
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Video: Biden Impeached! The Evidence CNN, ABC, PBS, NBC, BBC, RTE Hid From You, That Prove Biden’s Corruption!
It’s OK to hate Biden! There is a reason Biden is in such a rush to sign Executive Orders. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, has just filed two articles of impeachment against President Biden on Thursday, alleging abuse of power when he served as vice president under Obama. The Congresswoman says Biden admitted withholding billions of dollars in US aid to Ukraine, in order to have a prosecutor fired to prevent an investigation into his son Hunter’s business dealings in the country. Classic “quid pro quo“!
Dinesh D’Sousa interviews Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia), elected to her first term in November, who accused Biden of being “unfit to hold the office” and a “lengthy and disturbing” pattern of “abuse of power” while he was Barack Obama’s vice president, citing his threats to the Ukrainian government and his son Hunter Biden’s shady business deals overseas among the examples.
In a statement on Thursday, Greene sa
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VIDEO: Fascism is a Left Wing Thing & Joseph “Stalin” Biden Proves it! USA Once Again Becomes The Designated Enforcer of The New World Order
The USA is The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth & The Left Now Control it Completely! Without Trump, America will now once again revert to becoming the enemy of freedom and independence loving people worldwide, and unless patriots, republicans & freedom lovers step up to the plate, worldwide, it will now stay that way permanently, because the Fascist Deep State will never let their guard down again, like they did in 2016 when Trump so unexpectedly won. In the end Trump, who probably kept more promises than he made, was bogged down by the very Swamp he promised to drain, but if nothing else, at least Trump managed to expose the Deep State and the Establishment to the masses. Whether this will have a lasting effect remains to be seen as the fascist Deep State is hard at work re-installing its fascist structures and communist policies in order to take and keep complete and permanent control, a job that has been made far easier thanks to the weaponized “China Virus” as Tru
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As Thick As Thieves! The election coup / fraud of USA2020 has all the hallmarks of an Obama scam backed by the Deep State, and having been Biden’s boss, Obama would know all the details of his corrupt VP’s activities. He also knew Biden would agree to partaking in election fraud to become President, to save his family from disgrace, like Clinton or any classic african despot does! It is clear the reason Joe Biden was happy to be complicit in election fraud was because being President would give him and Obama immunity from everything, like illegally spying on Trump, the Trump Russia collusion hoax, corrupt deals with Russia and China and various sex scandals, including some which were no doubt “honey traps” set by the CCP! Clearly Biden is a national security risk! But then, it is the aim of NWO and globalist Democrats to destroy USA, so it’s a win win for them!
As VP to Obama, Joe Biden threatened to withhold a Billion dollars of US Government Aid fr
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VIDEO: Deluge of Institutional Election Fraud Evidence From State Hearings! #TheSwamp & MSM Completely Hide it!
THE USA ELECTION WAS STOLEN! How can I say that? Having watched through over 30 hours of witness testimonies sworn under oath at state senate hearings, over the past week, and they all show institutionalized anti Trump, pro Biden bias, with many cases of electoral law being blatantly disregarded by the Democratic Party/BLM/Antifa! Sadly the Republicans are allowing their reasonableness and tolerance to allow the Left Wing to hoodwink them again. How much have YOU watched? How much has YOUR fake news mainstream media shown YOU? Why do you still watch TV? Why do you still use globalist social media, whose aim it is to destroy YOUR country and YOUR culture and history?
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VIDEO: Did the Deep State & CIA Orchestrate Obama’s Two Election Victories Like They Did With #Biden in #USA2020?
MANUFACTURING CONSENT: It appears modern day elections have become a game of predicting how many fake votes the Deep State & Far Left will require, to overcome the actual votes and yet still appear legitimate. With this in mind, the only reason Trump won in 2016, was because the Deep State globalists and democrats did not expect him to win at all, so they did not prepare sufficient overstock ballot papers with which to commit their fraud.
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VIDEO: Firehose of Evidence from Millions of Americans That Mainstream is Hiding, Proving Democrats Changed More Votes Than Putin Ever Did!
#Smartmatic voting software robbed #Venezuela of its democracy and SmartMatic voting software is banned in Philippines for involvement with election fraud too! Why was #USA2020 using it? Who purchased it? Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani Says Election will Be Overturned: “We Have Proof I Can’t Disclose Yet“
Meanwhile Trump Team Attorney Sidney Powell dropped a BOMBSHELL on Fox News Sunday Morning Futures, saying that she has proof of Fraud and that CIA may have used Smartmatic & Dominion for it’s own benefit – She said CIA Chief Gina Haspel should be fired immediately! She also had proof of kickbacks to the officials who purchased the software for USA.
The fall of America and its election integrity is symptomatic of the Globalist Socialist Revolution…
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VIDEO: Trump WILL Make Fools of Mainstream Media & Hollywood Again in 2020 for Two Reasons: The #Deplorables & The #Economy, Stupid!
As this video compilation of loud mouth Never Trump Liberals below shows, Mainstream Media & Hollywood made total fools of themselves in 2016, openly spouting their hatred for the normal man on the street, who voted Trump.
#USA2020 is no different, and in fact the contrasts are even starker than in 2016 after the liberals have waged a four year open war on Trump and his base. The castigation, swearing, physical attacks and even murders of any one who supports Trump has created a sub set of voters that the Pollsters have no way of reaching, never mind polling. In fact Pollsters have no way of knowing how much to adjust their polls by, because the so called “Deplorables” or “racists” or “chumps” have completely gone underground and will only surface at the moment the cross is made on the ballot paper.
Thanks to Trump’s many successes on the economy and record job creation, even amongst minorities, this group is now far larger than they were in 2016 thanks to the ag
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“White People are in BIG Trouble!” Rabbi Says Jews are Safer in Israel Than Whites are in Their Own Homelands!
Where will YOU run to once globalism has destroyed your homeland? Even Jews are even fleeing from South Africa! Is it time to stand and fight?
Edited highlights of a mini documentary released by Katie Hopkins, showing how Jews finally have a proper homeland of their own, to be safe in and preserve and protect their culture history, language and heritage, yet whites, who hosted them in the diaspora for so many centuries, have mostly lost control of their own homelands. Rabbi Chaim Klein tells Katie directly that whites are in Big trouble and that jews are much more safer than whites!
The liberal driven islamification and africanisation of white countries has created a genocidal dystopian environment for millions of white’s in their own Homelands as muslims and africans flood their countries.
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VIDEO: Why Whites Should NEVER Trust Politicians Again! They All LIED Except for PW Botha Whose Prediction Came True!
A Nation Conquered by ONE Word! These are the blatant, globalist paid for lies which enabled the ANC’s, terrorist driven, violent coup d’etat of 1994, where they not only annexed a dozen self governing nations in one foul swoop, but before, during and after the coup, white South Africans and their society were, and still are, literally terrorized, ransacked, raped and murdered in staggering numbers. The terrorism, violence and the lies from within the captured white government, created an abnormal regime, in which these horrific attacks are hidden and even justified by the veil of false political correctness, which was given to the bantu by the liberal Global World Order and Communism’s Politically Correct “anti-racism” weapon. As a result, bantu captured a first world country, way beyond their means and ability to create, never mind manage, just as PW Botha predicted.
The ANC and bantu won the worlds biggest lottery, one which the mighty British empire sacr
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