Anti White, Anti Christian and Anti Male Attacks Growing Worldwide! White Christian Boys Publicly Identified, Shamed & Berated for Being “Oppressors by Default”!

“This is Indoctrination!” NSW Minister Reacts to School Children Having To Create Anti-Police & Pro BLM Posters in Australia!

Video: World Wide Rally For Freedom & Democracy! Take Back YOUR Consent & Expose The Covid19 Emperor With No Clothes!

VIDEO: Many “Reaching for the Chuck Bucket” over Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Racebaiting Woke Propaganda Interview!

VIDEO: Far Left Youtube Deletes Biden’s Dislikes! Mainstream “#LoveMedia” Artificially Manufacturing Popularity & Consent for The Left! Did They Trick You?

W.H.O. Director General Tells The World To Stay Locked Down While China Gets A Headstart in Global Economy! 836,000 Sign Petition for his Resignation!

HAPPY BREXODUS! Here is The EU Alternative To Make Britain Great Again and 281,000 have already signed this common sense petition!

Post BRexit UK-Australia Trade Agreement Could Include Visa-Free Travel Proposal For Anglosphere!

#ForgetEurope? Post BRexit Freedom of Movement Between UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland? Just Imagine…

The NEW WORLD ORDER was not a conspiracy theory after all! It commences December 11, 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco!

Migrants “Enriching” The West with Record Breaking Measles Outbreak and South American “Kissing Bug” Disease!

What Price Atheism? Genocidal UNHCR decides where refugees are “resettled”, sends Muslims to UK and Christian Syrians to Germany and Sweden!

No-Go Zones are Conquered Land in Australia Where Muslim Culture is a Mono-Culture Rejecting Multiculturalism, Freedom of Speech and Association (Video)

Next batch of Australian rejected asylum seekers headed our way, mostly single men

A reader asks: Who is resettling refugees in North Carolina?