VIDEO: MAGA Framed! Stalin Would be Proud of #TheSwamp Sting & Purge as Globalist Elites Grab Power Back From The People!

Cancel Culture Strikes Belgian Government! Rabid Left Wants Theo Francken Gone, Despite Him Being Linked to Asylum Fraud and Human Trafficking!

Imagine A Country Where One Sect of The Church Is The Government Which Controls The Military! THAT is Iran! Yet The Left Condemn US Strike on Qassem Soeleimani?

Neutral No More! Irish Regime Becomes Sponsor of Terrorism, Harbouring Captured Irish ISIS Fighters!

Syria Calls its Refugees Back to Rebuild, Yet Still, Selfish Ireland Steals Syrians For False Virtue

Syria NEEDS its “refugees” back from Ireland! War in Syria is over! #HelpThemBackHome

Syria NEEDS its “refugees” back! War in Syria is over! #HelpThemBackHome

Syria NEEDS its “refugees” back! War in Syria is over! #HelpThemBackHome 

Syria NEEDS its “refugees” back! War in Syria is over! #HelpThemBackHome

What Price Atheism? Genocidal UNHCR decides where refugees are “resettled”, sends Muslims to UK and Christian Syrians to Germany and Sweden!

War in Syria is OVER! Syria needs the refugees and migrants to go home to rebuild their country! Video:

Putin brings hope of long term peace to Syria – can the refugees go back home now to rebuild their country?

Israel Attacked Chemical Weapons Plant in Syria, Local Reports Claim