New Afrikaner Boer Struggle Song released: “Net Ons Riviere Loop Vry”

Cancel Season Again? Youtube Deletes 10 Year Old Channel With No Warning, No Strikes, No Opportunity To Respond!

Petition: Make Peace NOT War! Invite both Ukraine & Russia to join NATO & EU to ensure lasting peace!

Morocco Uses Illegal Migrants as a Weapon! Sends 8,000 Migrants Swarming Across the Border to Spain, Who Shelter Moroccan Separatist!

The Oscars, Once the “Night of Nights” has Died – Only 3% Americans Watched the Craven Cabal of Virtue Signaling Elitists!

VIDEO: Cuba Dysfunctional But SA Imports Cuban Engineers? It is Just Money Laundering! Should SA Send 120 Unemployed White Engineers to Cuba?

“This is Indoctrination!” NSW Minister Reacts to School Children Having To Create Anti-Police & Pro BLM Posters in Australia!

Video: World Wide Rally For Freedom & Democracy! Take Back YOUR Consent & Expose The Covid19 Emperor With No Clothes!

How Fake Anti-Racism Destroys Nations: South Africa’s ESKOM Directors Use Allegations of Racism To Continue Systemic Looting of The Taxpayer!

VIDEO: Many “Reaching for the Chuck Bucket” over Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Racebaiting Woke Propaganda Interview!

VIDEO: Far Left Youtube Deletes Biden’s Dislikes! Mainstream “#LoveMedia” Artificially Manufacturing Popularity & Consent for The Left! Did They Trick You?

VIDEO: Where Will YOU Run To? Joe Biden’s Ethnic Cleansing Plan for White Americans! – The Video Joe Biden Wants to Hide!

Video: Emperor Biden, the Racist Hypocrite, Bans Travel From South Africa! Is He Targeting Afrikaners That He Hates So Much?

Video: Biden Impeached! The Evidence CNN, ABC, PBS, NBC, BBC, RTE Hid From You, That Prove Biden’s Corruption!

VIDEO: Fascism is a Left Wing Thing & Joseph “Stalin” Biden Proves it! USA Once Again Becomes The Designated Enforcer of The New World Order