Giorgia Meloni, “Italy’s Trump”, Favoured To Become First Female PM in Coalition with Salvini & Berlusconi

Petition: Make Peace NOT War! Invite both Ukraine & Russia to join NATO & EU to ensure lasting peace!

Pro Establishment Irish Times, Keeping it’s Readers on the Wrong Side of History. Open Letter to Fintan O’Toole from Anthony Coughlan

Christian Iranian Exiled in UK on BRexit, Islam, EU, UN Migration Pact and Globalism

Yet another stumble for Jean-Claude “Druncker” as he misses a step and takes a tumble before dinner at top level EU-Africa summit in Vienna

Can Trump Stop War? The NWO Establishment want WAR again, and like WWII, despite Hitler pleading for peace, the Allies wanted war.

Trump and BRexit leaves World Supremacists Obama, Merkel, Hollande and EU panicking on the wrong side of History