VIDEO: Cuba Dysfunctional But SA Imports Cuban Engineers? It is Just Money Laundering! Should SA Send 120 Unemployed White Engineers to Cuba?

VIDEO: Forget Election Fraud! Democrats, MSM & Big Tech Could Make Holocaust & Holodomor Look Like a Holiday Camp!

Video: Emperor Biden, the Racist Hypocrite, Bans Travel From South Africa! Is He Targeting Afrikaners That He Hates So Much?

#ExposeThemToHarm is official policy now: Terrorists get second chances while the locals get none & become victims of Islamo-Globalism

Syria NEEDS its “refugees” back from Ireland! War in Syria is over! #HelpThemBackHome

One of the 5 Biggest Threats to Humanity has Died, so why is Mainstream Media not cheering but rather commiserating?

Unelected EU Supremacists vote to use Taxpayers Money to Brainwash EU Citizens with “Fake News”