The Far Left has already being ridiculed for calculating global cow farts, so it certainly is not beyond them to count how much CO₂ humans exhale! As if it wasn’t bad enough that we were forced to stay in our own homes, even though no one would have believed it before 2020, it now appears that it is not long before our own breath will be measured and counted! A Dutch bankster and professor, Barbara Baarsma from Rabobank, wants to give citizens personal annual CO₂ quotas! If the far left is already counting the emissions from cows, how long before they start measuring the CO₂ we emit with every breath?
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Are Globalists Planning to Charge us to Breathe? What is your breath worth?
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Ireland also Attacks their Farmers, Like the Netherlands, Germany and Canada!
As part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset” agenda for humanity, Irish leaders have joined their co-conspirators in the Netherlands, Germany and Canada, to phase out farmers and their farms, further risking global food shortages. The Irish government plans to impose a reduction in emissions of around 28 percent on Irish farmers.
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Globalist Campaign of Farmers Being “The Enemy of The State”, Strikes The Netherlands & Belgium
The Netherlands is still inherently an agricultural country, which produces a colossal result by surface area, placing it second in the world ranking for agricultural and horticultural product exports. The Dutch farmers and horticulturists form the historical platform of a prosperous Netherlands. However, the globalist Rutte/Kaag government, following World Economic Forum policy, has implemented the plan to liquidate/buy out a significant part of these farmers and agricultural companies.
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Petition: Make Peace NOT War! Invite both Ukraine & Russia to join NATO & EU to ensure lasting peace!
The best way to ensure permanent and lasting peace on the European continent, is to let both Ukraine AND Russia join the very organisations that claim to maintain peace and stability in Europe.
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Farmers Defense Force Wins Court Case Against State and Public Broadcaster’s (AVROTROS) Fake News in Netherlands!
Dutch Establishment Broadcasts Fake News! The Dutch farmers’ action group, Farmers Defense Force (FDF), has won a lawsuit against the State of the Netherlands and AVROTROS, the public broadcaster. The reason for the court case was the broadcast of the TV program “Opsporing Verzocht“, in which the group FDF was associated with arson, without any proof for it. FDF was been wrongly associated with the arson near the RIVM in Bilthoven.
The Public Prosecution Service works with the TV program makers and communicates their investigation reports o them. According to the ruling, the State and AVROTROS must together pay the legal costs, salary costs, interest costs and an amount of €3,425 to the FDF.
It rarely happens that a victory like this occurs in a media climate in which the mass media is actively working against Dutch farmers and specifically the FDF. The farmers are blamed for everything, but it now appears that it may not always go unpunished. The
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Video: World Wide Rally For Freedom & Democracy! Take Back YOUR Consent & Expose The Covid19 Emperor With No Clothes!
Dr. Anne McCloskey from Northern Ireland explains why the CoronaVirus Emperor has no clothes! People around the world will be gathering in cities on Saturday 20 March 2021, to Rally for Freedom and real democracy in the face of the totalitarianism forced upon us in recent times…
Protecting our Rights
Together we can bring an end to the distortion of the truth, coercion through fear and regain the autonomy and freedom achieved over centuries of struggle and sacrifice.
Responding to Tyranny
There are many thousands of people in this country and millions across the world who know that the ‘health crisis’, which began in March 2020, is a Trojan horse to introduce a supposed new era or order for humanity.
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VIDEO: How Kyoto Accord & Paris Agreement INCREASED CO2 Emissions by Giving China & India a Free Pass!
China and India are cashing in on our enforced sacrifices and taxes, but data doesn’t lie, yet the Chinese Communist Party sure does when it uses “science” to attack the rest of the world.
According to BP Statistical Review of World Energy in 2018, China’s latest industrialization, with a reliance on coal-fired power, has created more carbon dioxide emissions than the US and EU combined! US and EU have been steadily decreasing emissions over the years while China’s keeps soaring higher to skyrocket past the US and EU.
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Yet when asking about Asia to people, when they pontificate about climate change, you just get blank looks…
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VIDEO: Where Will YOU Run To? Joe Biden’s Ethnic Cleansing Plan for White Americans! – The Video Joe Biden Wants to Hide!
JOE BIDEN ADMITTED HE WANTS TO COMMIT GENOCIDE ON WHITE AMERICANS! In 2015, as Vice President on a trip to Brazil, VP Joe Biden said: “a wave of an unrelenting stream of migrants, non stop… non stop… and we don’t want to stop it… the wave should continue till whites in USA will be the absolute minority… whites will be an absolute minority in US by 2017! By 2017, those of us of European stock will be an absolute minority in the United States of America,” Biden said this at a State Department luncheon for Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Biden added that that’s “not a bad thing, that’s a good thing and we should be proud of it!” Amazing that this genocidal psychopath is so keen, or so dim, that he even believed the 2017 estimate…
The U.S. Census Bureau had just recently revealed that in 2014, minorities made up a majority of children under five years of age in the United States, for the first time.
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Video: Flanders Wants Independence! Mass Protest to Brussels with Motor Convoy Planned By Vlaams Belang on 27 September!
NOT OUR GOVERNMENT! Catalunya is certainly not alone when it comes to the oppression of people’s desire for self determination. Even though Belgium has been without a government for years, there is great dissatisfaction among Flemish citizens in Belgium, over the impending installation of a Walloon-left government of the Belgian state. Just like in Catalunya, more and more marches, protests and demonstrations are being held, but it is difficult in the time of the CCP virus, because the false government blocked demonstrations, such as the demonstration announced last weekend in Mechelen, which was suppressed with dictatorial methods by Open VLD. Even the Flemish Lion flag was banned! But Vlaams Belang have announced an original protest action, which is entirely ‘coronaproof’: a vehicle convoy caravan to the capital Brussels!
The Flemish national party is clear: ‘Words in parliament, the newspapers and social media are important. But now it’s time for a
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Cancel Culture Strikes Belgian Government! Rabid Left Wants Theo Francken Gone, Despite Him Being Linked to Asylum Fraud and Human Trafficking!
FENCESITTERS BEWARE: Belgian immigration minister, Theo Francken, is facing calls for him to resign by the radical left, after it was revealed he had repatriated failed asylum seekers to Sudan. Now the government coalition itself is at risk of collapse over the scandal. Ironically, in his time as Belgium’s State Secretary for Migration, Theo Francken had presented himself as a “tough guy” om mass immigration, but in reality a secret machine was running behind the scenes, to get as many migrants into the country as possible. The “correct” migrants: those who promise to support the N-VA, and that was done in the usual way for almost all immigrant groups: payment in welfare cash and benefits to the “right” migrants, funded by taxpayers.
The Antwerp Council Chamber has now ruled that Theo Francken’s friend, Mechelen’s N-VA city councilor Melikan Kucam (46) and nine other suspects must answer for human trafficking, passive bribery and membership of a criminal organizatio
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VIDEO: Dutch Group Hangs Label on Mandela Statue in Netherlands Exposing Mandela as a Murderer, Terrorist & Communist!
A Dutch group who has been active for decades have commemorated mandela day by exposing the real mandela, which the mainstream media hides. They have asked others to do the same. They hung a banner on the statue of Nelson Mandela with a sign saying: “Terrorist, communist, murderer!”
Protesters from the patriotic group Voorpost have hung a sign on the statue of Nelson Mandela in Scheveningen, Netherlands in protest on mandela day. In large black letters is written “Terrorist, communist, murderer” on the placard.
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VIDEO: #BLM is Kristallnacht for Whites, Next are Yellow Triangles on our sleeves! Like BLM, Nazism Was Popular, Institutional & Structural, Manufacturing Consent For Holocaust!
#BlackLivesMatter is Kristallnacht for White people, and next are yellow triangles on our sleeves! Like BLM, Nazism in its time was popular, institutional & structural, manufacturing consent for a holocaust, otherwise it would not have happened. Large corporations like Ford and IBM were funding it! Today we see FreeSpeech Haters, ADL & NAACP blackmailing multinationals into boycotting social media platforms. The complicit enemies of Free Speech are: Coca-Cola, Verizon, Dove, Lipton, Hershey’s, Honda, Unilever, HP, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Ben&Jerry’s, Patagonia, TheNorthFace, etc. Boycott them! It is they who are forcing their advertising channels and brand representatives, sports stars and celebrities to Take The Knee. It has very little to do with actual racism.
Without Walls of Discretion, BLM Will Coerce Us Right Into a Anti White Holocaust
Call to Action: Rebuild the Walls of Discretion. Whites are n
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VIDEO: #TakeTheKneeForIslam “We Muslims are the New Black People of America!” – Blacks Get Brainwashed Into Attacking Whites for Islam’s Jihad!
BLM is currently more popular than both the Republican and Democrat Party in America! So who is paying for and stoking the race war? It is clear to even the most cucked or uninterested observer, that something is going on. Over the last few years “anti-racism” has become so militant and aggressive, that it is now the epitome of structural and systemic racism itself! Yet still it is pushed further and further, and now CAIR comes out openly admitting they have hijacked the Black Lives Matter movement! We already know Muslim Brotherhood in Europe has been heavily funding the “anti-racism” movement and antifa.
So who is using blacks as cannon fodder in a proxy war? Jews? Zionists? Communists? Russia? NWO Globalist Capitalists? Chinese? Muslims? Arabs? All of these certainly have the resources, influences, funding, networks and global supremacist ambition to ally with, and brainwash blacks into attacking whites like never seen before. While the historic wrongs of whites
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Should China Pay For Our CoronaVirus Losses? Two US Firms Sue China For Criminal Negligence For Covering Up Corona “Chinese” Virus Outbreak in Wuhan!
While the world is scrambling trying to mitigate China’s mess, US President Donald Trump recently lashed out at China over the “Chinese Virus” as he called it. At a recent press conference where he said that China did not inform the US about the crisis, and said that he is a little upset with the Chinese authorities, Trump added that had everyone been informed a few months back, when China knew, a lot of lives could have been saved. Even the W.H.O. warned a while back that the next big epidemic could come from wet markets in China, but China willfully ignored it…
Yet it appears China is still busy with subterfuge and blatant lies and cover-ups. China reported a twenty-one million drop in cellphone users for the past three months, which could indicate that the #CCPvirus casualties are far more than they admitted. One would imagine in a lockdown situation, there would be more cellphone accounts, as people try keep in touch with each other?
Also, as we repor
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On liberalism & identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!
Looking at the global trends in politics today, it is clear that two clear mainstreams have emerged. It is necessary to understand what is happening and get a clear sense of why there are certain developments in the global political world. There are not enough political scholars and writers around today who can give people a clear picture of why there are certain political trends at play. Global media is mostly captured by one of the mainstreams, namely global liberalism driving a globalist society , so one can not expect a fair and balanced view from them at all. If people don’t understand why things are happening, it would be quite easy for misconceptions to abound. So lets try and get a real clear and easy to understand explanation.
I am basing this article on the words of Natan Sharansky, a famous Soviet intellectual and dissident against communism who immigrated to Israel. I am adding my own perspective into the mix.
His interview with the Jerusalem Post g
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