The Far Left has already being ridiculed for calculating global cow farts, so it certainly is not beyond them to count how much CO₂ humans exhale! As if it wasn’t bad enough that we were forced to stay in our own homes, even though no one would have believed it before 2020, it now appears that it is not long before our own breath will be measured and counted! A Dutch bankster and professor, Barbara Baarsma from Rabobank, wants to give citizens personal annual CO₂ quotas! If the far left is already counting the emissions from cows, how long before they start measuring the CO₂ we emit with every breath?
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Are Globalists Planning to Charge us to Breathe? What is your breath worth?
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Ireland also Attacks their Farmers, Like the Netherlands, Germany and Canada!
As part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset” agenda for humanity, Irish leaders have joined their co-conspirators in the Netherlands, Germany and Canada, to phase out farmers and their farms, further risking global food shortages. The Irish government plans to impose a reduction in emissions of around 28 percent on Irish farmers.
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Globalist Campaign of Farmers Being “The Enemy of The State”, Strikes The Netherlands & Belgium
The Netherlands is still inherently an agricultural country, which produces a colossal result by surface area, placing it second in the world ranking for agricultural and horticultural product exports. The Dutch farmers and horticulturists form the historical platform of a prosperous Netherlands. However, the globalist Rutte/Kaag government, following World Economic Forum policy, has implemented the plan to liquidate/buy out a significant part of these farmers and agricultural companies.
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Petition: Make Peace NOT War! Invite both Ukraine & Russia to join NATO & EU to ensure lasting peace!
The best way to ensure permanent and lasting peace on the European continent, is to let both Ukraine AND Russia join the very organisations that claim to maintain peace and stability in Europe.
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Ukraine and Biden Now Talking Openly About Taking Back Crimea, Which Can Only Lead to War with Russia!
Tensions are rising day by day as Ukraine and the United States of America (USA) openly express their desire to take Crimea back into Ukraine. This became clear to the general public following the recent signing of a resolution by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which referred to “occupied territories”, including the Crimea, which would be part of Ukraine. The Ukrainian government is receiving support from Biden’s administration in this effort, US President Joe Biden has already said he believes “Crimea is Ukrainian“.
This presidential decision, numbered 117/2021, means that it is now Ukraine’s official policy to reclaim Crimea from Russia. The following sentence can be read in the text on this matter;
“On the strategy of liberation and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.”
With the knowledge of this policy choice of Ukraine, to appeal in an area belonging
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#ReclaimTheRainbow LGBT is neo-Bolshevism and More Destructive Than Communism – Polish President Duda
Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has said LGBT “ideology” is like the communism his parent’s generation fought, and warned that with its bid to indoctrinate the youth, this “neo-Bolshevism” is even more harmful and destructive. He has taken a firm stance against the EU’s liberal imperialism during his pre-election campaign and vowed to protect children from the “foreign ideology of LGBT.”
The popular politician, who is seeking re-election, spoke to an audience at a Saturday rally where he said that his parents’ generation did not fight communism only to bow down to a new “ideology” that is “even more destructive to the human being.”
While such straight talk would have definitely caused the end to a politician
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Has Ireland finally tired of a 2 party state with Fine Gael and Fianna Fail monopolising Ireland’s democracy, colluding to profiteer from Ireland for a century?
Ireland is holding a General Election on Saturday, 8th of February and the traditional 3rd place underdog, Sinn Fein, of IRA fame, has taken a huge chunk out of current government party Fine Gael, and has now even started chewing Fine Gael’s doppelganger, Fianna Fail! What brought this about?
Exactly like what happened in other EU nations, where the awakening of brainwashed normies, brought about the rise of the populist patriots, which causes cucked voters, who are still too scared of being called nasty names, to panic and scramble to vote for any party or independent that will still allow these cowards to virtue signal, as they betray their own ancestors, selling kith, kin and country for coin and false virtue.
However, politics moves slowly, so that is fine, as long as they break the iron hold that FF & FG have had on Ireland for a century, it will be the start of change. We see this happening to the globalist CDU in Germany and likewise the globalist PVV in Netherl
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HAPPY BREXODUS! Here is The EU Alternative To Make Britain Great Again and 281,000 have already signed this common sense petition!
Congratulations to the Brexiteers, and to those salty Remoaners, there is actually a sensible alternative to the globalist EU, and it is far greater than you ever imagined!
To those who supported the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, Happy Brexit Day, and to those who voted for remaining, we understand that today is a sad day. Don’t be alarmed however, there is in
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Why Are People Too Scared To Vote “Far Right”? How Centrist Governments Pay The Far Left, Migrants & Islam To Marginalise & Demonise Patriots, Their No 1 Threat
THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND: The fact that this well known strategy is being employed by so called “centrist” governments, exposes their pedigree. They are of the Deep State – the globalist Liberal World Order who are so well experienced in playing the Dialectic (playing one side against the other). Following the money, we realise the one undeniable fact, which no one can dispute, is that you could count the number of “right wing”, “far right” or “patriotic” NGOs on your one hand. However there are so many Far Left Wing NGOs, all closely aligned with Left Wing parties, it borders on the ridiculous. In fact there are more “anti-racism” NGOs in Ireland than there are actual cases of racism! Even the United Nations has called Ireland out for this! In the UK we have the absurd situation where a far left NGO (HNH) is the official adviser to the Home Office!
While a lot of this left wing, migrant & Islamic funding comes from globalist Oligarchs like
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On liberalism & identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!
Looking at the global trends in politics today, it is clear that two clear mainstreams have emerged. It is necessary to understand what is happening and get a clear sense of why there are certain developments in the global political world. There are not enough political scholars and writers around today who can give people a clear picture of why there are certain political trends at play. Global media is mostly captured by one of the mainstreams, namely global liberalism driving a globalist society , so one can not expect a fair and balanced view from them at all. If people don’t understand why things are happening, it would be quite easy for misconceptions to abound. So lets try and get a real clear and easy to understand explanation.
I am basing this article on the words of Natan Sharansky, a famous Soviet intellectual and dissident against communism who immigrated to Israel. I am adding my own perspective into the mix.
His interview with the Jerusalem Post g
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115 Fakugees Caught Going On Holiday To Their “Dangerous” Home Country This Year Already From Belgium! All Paid For By Hard Working Gullible European Taxpayers
In the first six months of this year, 115 fakugees have already been caught traveling back to their country of origin which they were allegedly fleeing for fear of their lives. That is almost as many as in the whole of 2017 and more than twice as many as in 2016. Clearly they feel very secure and confident in the knowledge that soft touch Europe will not let them risk losing their residence permit in Belgium.
People who are recognized as refugees receive residence papers because they are in danger in their own country. Returning for a “family visit” or a vacation does not seem obvious, but it still happens. Judging by the number of refugees caught, the phenomenon is even on the rise. This despite them being allowed to bring their entire extended family to Europe to live off the honest hard working European taxpayers money. Taxpayers who now have to work until past 65 to support the system…
For the first six months of this year, the counter is already at 115, al
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UN Pact To Be Compulsory! Establishment Lies To The People To Hold onto Power! Get Out & Fight Back!
Is Physical Intervention The Only Way To Save European Nations?
So, the so called “far right conspiracy”, that the UN Migration Pact was not voluntary, turns out to be true! A document has been leaked showing that the Establishment is planning to make the UN Migration Pact compulsory and even countries that did not sign, will be forced to comply.
Internal documents reveal that Brussels plans to incorporate the controversial UN migration pact into the EU’s legal framework “through the back door”, Austria and Hungary have warned.
Earlier this week, Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl told Brussels the government was opposed to a report by the European Commission’s Legal Service declaring that the UN compact should have legally binding consequences for every EU member state including those which withdrew from the agreement. The compact describes mass migration as “inevitable, necessary and desirable”.
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Allah Declared The Only God in New Zealand Parliament – Dail Also Being Destroyed From Within!
Allastriona discusses current affairs with regular guest Elvis, an Iranian christian who sought refuge in UK, only to find more persecution there… Elvis, who speaks and reads Arabic, has some shocking revelations about Islam…
The treasonous New Zealand Prime Minister, who clearly does not understand arabic, unknowingly allowed Islam to officially declare in the NZ Parliament that New Zealand was now an islamic state and that Allah was the only god…
As we are forced back to Imperialism by islamo-globalist corporate interests and socialist supremacists, the time has come for Crusaders to Save Europe!
It does not matter what happens to the Dail or the UK Parliament because power is being handed to the EU Parliament, so party politics and problems are irrelevant. The same way the Irish and UK army is being destroyed from the inside because there will a new EU army which will absorb them.
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Globalist attacks on BRexit same as attacks on Irish after voting NO in the Lisbon Treaty Referendum
Feelings are sacred now, countries are not…
Ireland was the only EU country to put the Lisbon Treaty to a popular vote and they rejected it. Brussels then launched a secret plan to force Ireland to vote yes in a second referendum.
An explosive secret document was revealed that exposed the deliberate push to make Ireland vote again and make them vote yes – this happened in October 2009. Likewise a document has been revealed showing similar manipulation and secrets arrangements on BRexit between May and Merkel.
The only way out is NOT to vote for FF/FG/SF/PBP/Labour/SD etc.
BRexit is deliberately being turned into a complete disaster to scare any other EU countries from even thinking about it. And it is working!
The British are standing and marching against what has been done, but the Irish seem to be docile and accepting of anything that gets done to them…
Even Africans would not
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Supremacist Guy Verhofstadt Proves Nazism is Liberal Left Wing Ideology, Plans To Conquer Africa Too
The EU is panicking and their true character is coming out. This year’s EU election will be the “last chance” to KILL populism, Guy Verhofstadt has ranted, calling for sovereignty-destroying “reform” which would transfer national powers to Brussels.
In an interview with five influential establishment newspapers from across the continent on Tuesday, the Supremacist MEP who is Brussels’ gaff prone BRexit coordinator, gave his backing to the vision of a federal EU superstate unveiled by Emmanuel Macron and Merkel.
Like Hitler, the EU supremacist even seems set on world domination after he called for the creation of “a single Euro-African economic area” at a conference of the EU parliamentary grouping last week!
A “centrist, pro-European reformist political force” needs to take charge in Brussels following May’s EU elections, Verhofstadt said, stating that the French president’s c
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