@YouTube has deleted the 10 year old youtube channel of EuroWars with no warning, no strikes and no opportunity to remove the alleged “misleading” material. EuroWars are also not allowed to open another channel, ever. They had not even actually posted any videos in the last two years, yet still it was removed despite an..
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Cancel Season Again? Youtube Deletes 10 Year Old Channel With No Warning, No Strikes, No Opportunity To Respond!
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VIDEO: PROOF MSM & Big Tech Stole US Election With Censorship! 17% Biden Voters REGRET Vote – Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had They Known About Biden Scandals!
Here is your proof MSM & Big Tech Stole the US2020 Election by Enforcing Censorship! 17% of Joe Biden Voters REGRET Voting Biden! They Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had they Known About Biden Scandals!
An NTD news report reveals how 17% of Biden voters would NOT have voted for him had they known about the Hunter Biden laptop & financial scandals (which Twitter censored) and the Joe Biden Sexual Allegations or even that Trump had been nominated for a Nobel Peace prize!
Never let it be said that silencing freedom of speech does not work! This is why we have to fight even harder to stop Big Tech (Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, etc, and the Big TV networks) from lying by omission, in other words censorship or “Gap News”!
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VIDEO: Far Left Youtube Deletes Biden’s Dislikes! Mainstream “#LoveMedia” Artificially Manufacturing Popularity & Consent for The Left! Did They Trick You?
#TheLeftLies: Did you fall for it? It is all smoke and mirrors as the left, Democrats, Big Tech and the Deep State swamp manufacture Biden’s faux popularity, like they manufactured his election, yet in reality when you step back from Social Media and Mainstream Media imperialism and bias, Biden is the most unpopular “most popular” Prez! Youtube and Big Tech have been actively trying to censor the truth of Biden’s UNpopularity coming out, by deleting dislikes to all his vids, on various channels. On one video as much as 70% of the dislikes were deleted to make him appear popular! Likewise, over Valentine the biased mainstream media gushed about a “Love Story” in the Whitehouse? They seem to forget how Joe and Jill met. How did they meet? Well, Joe cheated on his wife and friend, and Jill cheated on her husband (Joe’s friend). Sounds like a love story made in hell, but cheating fits the narrative of the liberal left just fine.
Sycophantic coverage of pro Bide
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VIDEO: MAGA Framed! Stalin Would be Proud of #TheSwamp Sting & Purge as Globalist Elites Grab Power Back From The People!
No doubt if you have been following Mainstream Media anywhere in the Occident, you are probably starting to believe all the “Orange Man Bad” propaganda and false flags, or are digging your head in the sand out of fear of being falsely called “racist“? However videos have appeared showing Capitol Hill “police” or what appear to be police, allowing protestors in through the barricades! There is also a video of MAGA protestors trying to stop #antifa militants from breaking the window of the Capitol building, and calling antifa out! A known #BLM Antifa activist was also caught inside the building. Did Pelosi & Mitch McConnel instruct the guards to let the protestors in? It is clear this was a setup as Trump is now permanently banned from Twitter and the Big Tech monopoly has restricted ALL Government accounts associated with the Trump Administration!
This proves Joe Biden’s Antifa & BLM breached The Capitol! Trump was framed by The Swamp, Big Tech & Deep State
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BANNED VIDEO: Not Even Allowed to Ask if HydroxyChloroquine Works? Youtube Doesn’t Even Allow Prayers for Covid19 Cure!
This video was banned from Youtube within hours! Why are we not allowed to use a drug that has been FDA approved for 65 years and has been used by over a Billion people all over the world, that works and is widely and cheaply available? We are not even allowed to ask if Hydroxychloroquine works, we are forced to have blind trust in an authoritarian state and it Multinational Corporations? Collusion between state and big business is 100% the definition of Fascism! The CCPvirus is the Socialism Virus that commands you stop thinking for yourself & that destroys common sense! Clearly Covid19 has been turned into a crime against humanity, as a tool of mass control by the communists and globalists in cahoots with Big Tech. Guilt Tripping is Socialism, so stop drinking the mainstream propaganda cool aid being put out by the Establishment media.
Youtube’s guidelines state that you are not allowed to share information or content on YouTube if it
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VIDEO: Deluge of Institutional Election Fraud Evidence From State Hearings! #TheSwamp & MSM Completely Hide it!
THE USA ELECTION WAS STOLEN! How can I say that? Having watched through over 30 hours of witness testimonies sworn under oath at state senate hearings, over the past week, and they all show institutionalized anti Trump, pro Biden bias, with many cases of electoral law being blatantly disregarded by the Democratic Party/BLM/Antifa! Sadly the Republicans are allowing their reasonableness and tolerance to allow the Left Wing to hoodwink them again. How much have YOU watched? How much has YOUR fake news mainstream media shown YOU? Why do you still watch TV? Why do you still use globalist social media, whose aim it is to destroy YOUR country and YOUR culture and history?
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VIDEO: “Socialists Are Selfish & Cowardly Communists!” Destroy Them Or They Will Destroy Us & Our Civilisation!
Coup d’etat USA2020: Globalist Capitalists (MultiNationals) and International Communists are conspiring to overthrow all our nations and bring us all under their totalitarian control in order to unequally, raise their own status, power and wealth – they are already more than three quarters of the way to world supremacy and total global domination forever! It really is them or us!
The similarities between what Big Tech and Mainstream Media are doing in USA and all Western nations, and Socialism / Communism are stunning!
Like any far left or even african despot dictator, these American Dictators are:
- Unelected
- Super Rich
- Buy The Judiciary
- Above The Law
- Rig Elections
- Totalitarian Censorship
- Destroy The Opposition and anyone who opposes them
If the video does not load above, w
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Genocidal Anti-white Racist Ash Sarkar, Cheers at The Destruction of The White Demographic in London!
Opinionated Far Left, anti white Ash Sarkar, who the leftist mainstream media loves, points out in a video that the ethnic minority population growth in London far outstrips the white population, which is decreasing, and brags how “they” are winning!
If we stated the opposite, it would be called “inciting racial hatred”. “We’re winning lads” she claims. So the decline of white British people is clearly something they are openly fighting for then… …what was the reason we are putting up with this again?
Interestingly, her video has received FIVE TIMES more dislikes (over 1,000 dislikes) than likes, and the comments are strangely turned off… but the leftist mainstream will still give her airtime!
Yet still the frogs do not realise they are being boiled…
See also: Ant
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Why Are People Too Scared To Vote “Far Right”? How Centrist Governments Pay The Far Left, Migrants & Islam To Marginalise & Demonise Patriots, Their No 1 Threat
THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND: The fact that this well known strategy is being employed by so called “centrist” governments, exposes their pedigree. They are of the Deep State – the globalist Liberal World Order who are so well experienced in playing the Dialectic (playing one side against the other). Following the money, we realise the one undeniable fact, which no one can dispute, is that you could count the number of “right wing”, “far right” or “patriotic” NGOs on your one hand. However there are so many Far Left Wing NGOs, all closely aligned with Left Wing parties, it borders on the ridiculous. In fact there are more “anti-racism” NGOs in Ireland than there are actual cases of racism! Even the United Nations has called Ireland out for this! In the UK we have the absurd situation where a far left NGO (HNH) is the official adviser to the Home Office!
While a lot of this left wing, migrant & Islamic funding comes from globalist Oligarchs like
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Nigerian “#cRapper” in Sweden advocates extreme anti-white racial violence on social media yet his Youtube channel, with 237k subscribers, is still active and FULLY MONETIZED!
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Dear Europe, Rainbow Nations Become Sh*tholes and Unicorns Get Aids – Look to South Africa for your future…
The protests outside Google’s European Headquarters in Dublin continued this weekend, with the left with their mainstream media tag alongs finally taking notice after 4 weeks. As expected, they came out with their vitriol, noise and usual disrupt, deny and destroy…
There are tonnes of video and other evidence out there cataloging and enumerating the disastrous decline of South Africa since it “liberalised”, threw open its doors to the world and became a “Rainbow Nation”.
Even the leader of the official Opposition Party Julius Malema said it was better under apartheid…
South Africa, the modern day sh*thole is what happens when the populace discover the Left has been deceiving them for decades, leading them on with empty platitudes, false virtue and empty promises… instead they got 56 murders every day! The same amount of murders every year as the ENTIRE Apartheid period (40 years). 70% of the SA Army have AIDS / HIV!
Dublin in a decade or less? When vote
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Sh*tstorm Coming Youtube’s Way! Every Youtuber MUST Watch. Why You Should Join The European Protest Against Youtube / Google Censorship!
#SpeakersUnicorner There have been protests outside Google’s European headquarters in Dublin over the last two weeks after Google summarily deleted a well known Irish Journalists Youtube channel with over 20,000 Subscribers. Strangely though, a variety of left wing groups including the MEP, Ming Flanagan, have called for counter protests against these Protestors in support of Google! Whilst their support of censorship is nothing new, the left are actually supporting Multinational Capitalism and monopolistic practices. In Germany, Youtube has been given a deadline of 23 August (12 Days now) to respond to demands that it comes to the table and treats its youtubers as partners and NOT as “False self employed” – a phrase which should send shivers down Youtube management’s spines… also, to treat Youtuber’s data according to GPDR regulations, something which could cost Google / Youtube BILLIONS in fines!
There has been a small uprising growing in Europe about Google / Youtube ill
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GRAPHIC: If This Video Offends Or Bothers You, You Should Not Be Welcoming Illegal Unknown Migrants. M&M’s Anyone?
This is the video the Establishment, Mainstream media and Social Media Networks do not want you to see. Some mainstream media outlets like BBC and CBS are going so far as to call the islamic beheading as mere stab wounds to the neck! Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are removing this video as soon as it is being posted by users. We have decided to post it on EuroWars.org, as horrendous as it is, in an effort to make people realise the barbarity they are welcoming with open arms, and also in the interest of not censoring the brutality and inhumanity of these warriors and servants of Allah, but also to highlight the deceit that Mainstream media and the Establishment is practicing in the name of false virtue and oil cash.
You wouldn’t think the much vaunted ‘Religion of Peace,’ would need public relations interference by the mainstream media, establishment and global tech elites, but that’s exactly what Islam is ge
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