The best way to ensure permanent and lasting peace on the European continent, is to let both Ukraine AND Russia join the very organisations that claim to maintain peace and stability in Europe.
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Petition: Make Peace NOT War! Invite both Ukraine & Russia to join NATO & EU to ensure lasting peace!
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VIDEO: “Socialists Are Selfish & Cowardly Communists!” Destroy Them Or They Will Destroy Us & Our Civilisation!
Coup d’etat USA2020: Globalist Capitalists (MultiNationals) and International Communists are conspiring to overthrow all our nations and bring us all under their totalitarian control in order to unequally, raise their own status, power and wealth – they are already more than three quarters of the way to world supremacy and total global domination forever! It really is them or us!
The similarities between what Big Tech and Mainstream Media are doing in USA and all Western nations, and Socialism / Communism are stunning!
Like any far left or even african despot dictator, these American Dictators are:
- Unelected
- Super Rich
- Buy The Judiciary
- Above The Law
- Rig Elections
- Totalitarian Censorship
- Destroy The Opposition and anyone who opposes them
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Video: Flanders Wants Independence! Mass Protest to Brussels with Motor Convoy Planned By Vlaams Belang on 27 September!
NOT OUR GOVERNMENT! Catalunya is certainly not alone when it comes to the oppression of people’s desire for self determination. Even though Belgium has been without a government for years, there is great dissatisfaction among Flemish citizens in Belgium, over the impending installation of a Walloon-left government of the Belgian state. Just like in Catalunya, more and more marches, protests and demonstrations are being held, but it is difficult in the time of the CCP virus, because the false government blocked demonstrations, such as the demonstration announced last weekend in Mechelen, which was suppressed with dictatorial methods by Open VLD. Even the Flemish Lion flag was banned! But Vlaams Belang have announced an original protest action, which is entirely ‘coronaproof’: a vehicle convoy caravan to the capital Brussels!
The Flemish national party is clear: ‘Words in parliament, the newspapers and social media are important. But now it’s time for a
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“White People are in BIG Trouble!” Rabbi Says Jews are Safer in Israel Than Whites are in Their Own Homelands!
Where will YOU run to once globalism has destroyed your homeland? Even Jews are even fleeing from South Africa! Is it time to stand and fight?
Edited highlights of a mini documentary released by Katie Hopkins, showing how Jews finally have a proper homeland of their own, to be safe in and preserve and protect their culture history, language and heritage, yet whites, who hosted them in the diaspora for so many centuries, have mostly lost control of their own homelands. Rabbi Chaim Klein tells Katie directly that whites are in Big trouble and that jews are much more safer than whites!
The liberal driven islamification and africanisation of white countries has created a genocidal dystopian environment for millions of white’s in their own Homelands as muslims and africans flood their countries.
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VIDEO: #TakeTheKneeForIslam “We Muslims are the New Black People of America!” – Blacks Get Brainwashed Into Attacking Whites for Islam’s Jihad!
BLM is currently more popular than both the Republican and Democrat Party in America! So who is paying for and stoking the race war? It is clear to even the most cucked or uninterested observer, that something is going on. Over the last few years “anti-racism” has become so militant and aggressive, that it is now the epitome of structural and systemic racism itself! Yet still it is pushed further and further, and now CAIR comes out openly admitting they have hijacked the Black Lives Matter movement! We already know Muslim Brotherhood in Europe has been heavily funding the “anti-racism” movement and antifa.
So who is using blacks as cannon fodder in a proxy war? Jews? Zionists? Communists? Russia? NWO Globalist Capitalists? Chinese? Muslims? Arabs? All of these certainly have the resources, influences, funding, networks and global supremacist ambition to ally with, and brainwash blacks into attacking whites like never seen before. While the historic wrongs of whites
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Should China Pay For Our CoronaVirus Losses? Two US Firms Sue China For Criminal Negligence For Covering Up Corona “Chinese” Virus Outbreak in Wuhan!
While the world is scrambling trying to mitigate China’s mess, US President Donald Trump recently lashed out at China over the “Chinese Virus” as he called it. At a recent press conference where he said that China did not inform the US about the crisis, and said that he is a little upset with the Chinese authorities, Trump added that had everyone been informed a few months back, when China knew, a lot of lives could have been saved. Even the W.H.O. warned a while back that the next big epidemic could come from wet markets in China, but China willfully ignored it…
Yet it appears China is still busy with subterfuge and blatant lies and cover-ups. China reported a twenty-one million drop in cellphone users for the past three months, which could indicate that the #CCPvirus casualties are far more than they admitted. One would imagine in a lockdown situation, there would be more cellphone accounts, as people try keep in touch with each other?
Also, as we repor
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On liberalism & identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!
Looking at the global trends in politics today, it is clear that two clear mainstreams have emerged. It is necessary to understand what is happening and get a clear sense of why there are certain developments in the global political world. There are not enough political scholars and writers around today who can give people a clear picture of why there are certain political trends at play. Global media is mostly captured by one of the mainstreams, namely global liberalism driving a globalist society , so one can not expect a fair and balanced view from them at all. If people don’t understand why things are happening, it would be quite easy for misconceptions to abound. So lets try and get a real clear and easy to understand explanation.
I am basing this article on the words of Natan Sharansky, a famous Soviet intellectual and dissident against communism who immigrated to Israel. I am adding my own perspective into the mix.
His interview with the Jerusalem Post g
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Human Traffickers Charge 20,000 Euros Per Person To Smuggle Fakugees From Morocco To Spain on Kalergi Boats
Spanish police have smashed a Bangladeshi-run ring which smuggled more than 350 migrants from the Indian subcontinent into the country and gave them fake passports.
The migrants allegedly paid the ring between €14,000-20,000 ($15,500-$22,000) for the journey, police said, adding that 11 people had been arrested in Barcelona where the group was based.
The migrants were flown to Algeria, from where they crossed into neighbouring Morocco by foot and were then taken by motorboat across the Mediterranean into Spain, the police said in a statement issued on Friday.
At least 350 people from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka were smuggled in by the group, the statement added.
The ring comprised several cells. One was charged with recruiting migrants, another organised their stay in transit countries while a third arranged the Mediterranean Sea crossing.
The gang fraudulently obtained Algerian entry visas for the migrants in India.
Once the migrants
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EU Revokes The Edict of Versailles and Brings Medieval Religious Intolerance Back to Europe
A controversial American Baptist pastor has been banned from preaching in the Netherlands or from entering Europe’s 26-state Schengen Zone, over his extreme views against the LGBT and Jewish communities.
Steven Anderson, who once praised the mass shooting at a gay night club in Orlando, was due to preach in Amsterdam on May 23 as part of his European tour, which also included public events in Sweden and Ireland. Concerned over the pastor’s well-documented hate statements, gay rights advocates and a number of MPs urged the Dutch government to ban him from entering the Benelux country.
On Wednesday the government adopted “measures” barring the 37-year-old pastor from entering the Schengen Zone, a 26-country area of Europe where visa-free travel is allowed.
The government is “taking strong action against extremist speakers who, by spreading their beliefs, restrict the freedoms of others or even incite hatred or violence” State Secretary of Justice
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Macron Tries To Use Anti Mass-immigration Sentiment To Create EU State and Change Dublin Schengen Agreement
The Schengen agreement and the current migrant-sharing mechanism are deeply flawed and need urgent fixing, French President Emmanuel Macron has said. Europe must “have borders” even if it means a smaller Schengen zone, he said.
In the first major press conference since the Yellow Vest movement took off in November, Macron unveiled a range of policy measures to placate the protesters, including a proposed overhaul of the European-wide migration policy and the Schengen agreement.
The embattled French leader argued that the agreement that guarantees free movement across the Schengen area, while “wonderful,” does not work anymore.
The same, he said, applies to the Dublin Regulation that determines which EU member-state is responsible for accepting asylum seekers. Under the current version of the agreement, which came into force in 2013 and applies to all EU member-states except Denmark, the main criteria for determining responsibility is the first point of entry.
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“Worst anti-Semitic attacks” on Kosher cafe were Fake! 4 Attacks Staged To Get Sympathy & Money Through Crowdfund
An anti-Semitic attack on a kosher cafe in Canada that police described as one of the “worst” they had seen has been revealed as a ruse by the owners. A vigil and a fundraising campaign had been set up to support the family.
The fake attack saw the BerMax Caffe and Bistro in Winnipeg spray painted with anti-Semitic graffiti and “severely vandalized.” A woman was assaulted and taken to the hospital for treatment, CBC reported at the time.
Police charged the owners with public mischief after an investigation involving 25 police officers and 1,000 hours of work revealed it to be nothing more than a scam. “In the end, we found evidence of a crime. It just wasn’t a hate crime,” Police Chief Danny Smyth said, Global News reports.
Alexander Berent, Oxana Berent, and Maxim Berent are to appear in court next month. Oxana was the woman allegedly assaulted. She denied the attack was fake on CBC Radio, saying, “We don’t joke about swastikas on our walls.
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BRexit Poker Nerves – Is Theresa May Bluffing and What is At Stake If She Wins or Loses?
Who is Theresa May appeasing? Remainers? Brexiteers?
Or her own party to remain in power?
Don critically analyses what is happening with BRexit in light of Theresa May’s request for a brief extension, and the wider implications for UK and Europe
Wake up and start fighting back – we will need to make sacrifices… so that we can hand down the heritage we inherited to our children…
Telling it like it is….
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“Not Legally Binding” – When Voluntary Means Obligatory. How Establishment Betrays We The People
UK MPs Voted BRexit off the table but the word “Deal” appeared nowhere on the referendum ballot. “Not legally Binding” are phrases used all the time by Totalitarian EU Forces on Europe, which suddenly become “our obligations” once signed.
Supremacist EU is taking out the champagne as its attempt to grab Northern Ireland for the EU, and trap UK in the EU looks like moving a step closer. EU wants a border in the Irish sea.
EU is even trying to claim credit for the UK – Ireland common travel area which was setup in 1922!
Will Hungary be the last future safe haven for European Refugees From EU Sh*tholes? Will Hungary veto BRexit extension for UK?
The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about it and quietly allowing Population Replacement to go ahead…
Wake up and start fighting back – we will need to make sacrifices… so that we can hand d
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Is Your Investment Portfolio Funding Communist Chinese Oppression? It likely undermines human rights in China!
Marion Smith is executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.
Does your retirement plan or investment portfolio undermine human rights in China? For millions of Americans, the answer is yes. They unwittingly hold or benefit from investments in companies that enable the Chinese Communist Party’s oppression and imprisonment of the Uighur people.
Consider two Chinese firms, Hikvision and Dahua Technology. They supply about one-third of the world’s security cameras, but in their home country, both companies have received government contracts — totaling more than $1 billion — to install a vast surveillance apparatus in the western province of Xinjiang. “The projects include not only security cameras but also video analytics hubs, intelligent monitoring systems, big data centers, police checkpoints, and even drones,” Charles Rollet wrote in June in Foreign Policy.
Beijing has deployed the system to try to control the predominantly M
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“Don’t ever vote for a white person”: Racist Black ANC Leader Promotes Racism To Voters in South Africa!
A leading member of South Africa’s ruling party has stirred controversy as he called on the country’s black population not to vote for white candidates. RT has asked a local politician and activist to weigh in.
With even members of his own party condemning the decision to “campaign along race lines,” the pressure is mounting against African National Congress secretary-general Ace Magashule. He has already found himself at the wrong end of a number of corruption scandals and has now been slammed for his “racist” remark.
A few weeks shy of the 25th anniversary of the end of apartheid, racial tensions remain an undeniable part of life in modern South Africa. And some in South Africa support Magashule’s sentiment.
“White people are the beneficiaries of racism, all of them,” Andile Mngxitama of the pan-Africanist Black First Land First party told RT. He believes that the disproportionate amount of resources that remai
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