As part of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset” agenda for humanity, Irish leaders have joined their co-conspirators in the Netherlands, Germany and Canada, to phase out farmers and their farms, further risking global food shortages. The Irish government plans to impose a reduction in emissions of around 28 percent on Irish farmers.
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Ireland also Attacks their Farmers, Like the Netherlands, Germany and Canada!
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Petition: Make Peace NOT War! Invite both Ukraine & Russia to join NATO & EU to ensure lasting peace!
The best way to ensure permanent and lasting peace on the European continent, is to let both Ukraine AND Russia join the very organisations that claim to maintain peace and stability in Europe.
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Russia Concerned About Biden’s Human Rights Abuses with Blanket Arrests & Persecution of Political Opposition During “Capital Riots” on Jan 6!
Russia has said it is more than ready to discuss human rights abuses if Biden wants, but they should start with arrests of opposition protesters at the US Capitol, says Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov. This comes after Biden claimed he plans to raise the issue of human rights when he meets Vladimir Putin next month.
During a press conference on Monday, FM Sergey Lavrov said Moscow is happy to have the discussion, as long as it goes both ways. He announced that “we are ready to talk, we have no taboo topics. We will discuss whatever we think is necessary. We will be ready to answer the questions that the American side will raise. This also applies to human rights.”
However, he added that one issue might be far closer to home for Biden than other issues might be. “For example, we are following with interest the persecution of those persons who are accused of the riots on Januar
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Video: World Wide Rally For Freedom & Democracy! Take Back YOUR Consent & Expose The Covid19 Emperor With No Clothes!
Dr. Anne McCloskey from Northern Ireland explains why the CoronaVirus Emperor has no clothes! People around the world will be gathering in cities on Saturday 20 March 2021, to Rally for Freedom and real democracy in the face of the totalitarianism forced upon us in recent times…
Protecting our Rights
Together we can bring an end to the distortion of the truth, coercion through fear and regain the autonomy and freedom achieved over centuries of struggle and sacrifice.
Responding to Tyranny
There are many thousands of people in this country and millions across the world who know that the ‘health crisis’, which began in March 2020, is a Trojan horse to introduce a supposed new era or order for humanity.
If the video does not load above, please watch here: https://
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VIDEO: MAGA Framed! Stalin Would be Proud of #TheSwamp Sting & Purge as Globalist Elites Grab Power Back From The People!
No doubt if you have been following Mainstream Media anywhere in the Occident, you are probably starting to believe all the “Orange Man Bad” propaganda and false flags, or are digging your head in the sand out of fear of being falsely called “racist“? However videos have appeared showing Capitol Hill “police” or what appear to be police, allowing protestors in through the barricades! There is also a video of MAGA protestors trying to stop #antifa militants from breaking the window of the Capitol building, and calling antifa out! A known #BLM Antifa activist was also caught inside the building. Did Pelosi & Mitch McConnel instruct the guards to let the protestors in? It is clear this was a setup as Trump is now permanently banned from Twitter and the Big Tech monopoly has restricted ALL Government accounts associated with the Trump Administration!
This proves Joe Biden’s Antifa & BLM breached The Capitol! Trump was framed by The Swamp, Big Tech & Deep State
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BANNED VIDEO: Not Even Allowed to Ask if HydroxyChloroquine Works? Youtube Doesn’t Even Allow Prayers for Covid19 Cure!
This video was banned from Youtube within hours! Why are we not allowed to use a drug that has been FDA approved for 65 years and has been used by over a Billion people all over the world, that works and is widely and cheaply available? We are not even allowed to ask if Hydroxychloroquine works, we are forced to have blind trust in an authoritarian state and it Multinational Corporations? Collusion between state and big business is 100% the definition of Fascism! The CCPvirus is the Socialism Virus that commands you stop thinking for yourself & that destroys common sense! Clearly Covid19 has been turned into a crime against humanity, as a tool of mass control by the communists and globalists in cahoots with Big Tech. Guilt Tripping is Socialism, so stop drinking the mainstream propaganda cool aid being put out by the Establishment media.
Youtube’s guidelines state that you are not allowed to share information or content on YouTube if it
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VIDEO: Progressiveness Seeks To Destroy Economies & Countries & Caused 2008 Financial Crash! Stop Chasing The Stick & Start Throwing It!
So who was it that forced the mortgage lenders to take on risky loans and sub-prime mortgages to address alleged social injustice? We need to STOP chasing the PC stick & start throwing it. Liberalism is a parasite designed to destroy everything, even the very things that create and sustain it.
Yes, we are on the back foot because we still hold some values, principles and things dear. The left have thrown everything they have and are into the big multiculti one world pot, so they have nothing to lose. They have no loyalty to kith, kin or country. They have already betrayed their very race and in many cases even their own gender!
The minute we take them seriously and chase the stick they throw, out of a knee jerk reaction, or self defense we lose.
We may not say that a virus that originated in China came from China! For various reasons the WHO is indebted to China and now act as the Chinese Communist party’s propaganda dept.
Ironically, the fact is that C
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Video: The Irish Times Backs Criminal Antifa Who Attacked Police Outside The Dail! The 3 Left Wing Extremists Were Arrested Trying To Disrupt #FreeSpeech Rally
#GE2020 Whilst Ireland is in the midst of a General Election, The Irish Times in Ireland have once again clearly demonstrated how mainstream media issues fake news! Scenes at the Free Speech demo in Dublin as pro-censorship globalists instigate violence against Irish Nationalists and Gardaí. Reports that they were targeting female Gardaí specifically.
As can be seen in the video, the three masked black uniformed Antifa “stormtroopers”, there on behalf of the far left People Before Profit (PBP) party, attacked the peaceful protesters without reason, the Gardai sprang to defend the free speech protesters from further harm, upon which one of the Antifa “stasi” broke off the leg of a photographer’s tripod and used it to hit an advancing Garda in the jaw and felled him.
Other Gardai ran and arrested him and handcuffed him on the ground. That is exactly what happened as you can see from video and photos and not the lies the Irish Times is telling on
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South African Doctor Barred From Medical Practice For Advising That Abortion is The Killing of an Unborn Human!
Former Military Hospital doctor, Dr Jacques de Vos, has been charged by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) for advising that abortion is the killing of an unborn human being. The complaint against Dr. De Vos and the denial of signing off his service is from the Military hospital and the HPCSA, who have entertained the complaint have taken a long time to hear it.
Dr De Vos, who is a member of Doctors For Life International (DFL) will finally be able to respond to charges after waiting more than two years since being barred from practicing as a doctor.
Dr De Vos was a medical intern at 2 Military Hospital when he was suspended from the gynaecology rotation and refused to be signed off. As a result, Dr De Vos has also been prevented from commencing his community service year, effectively barring him from practicing medicine in South Africa for the past two years. Despite numerous efforts by Dr De Vos and his legal team, Dr De Vos has not received
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Video: Covert “Compulsory” LGBT Agenda Teaches Primary Kids in School That Having A Best Friend From The Same Sex = Gay!
Would you let a total stranger talk to your child, explicitly, about sex while you are not there? A new video exposing the subversive, deviant nature of LGBT materials available in Irish and UK schools has been released.
Not only does it expose how “optional” programs are being sold to parents as “compulsory”, but it shows how transgenderism and puberty blocking hormones are promoted to school children, and how picture books for 5-year-olds subtly but powerfully confuse friendship with homosexuality, leading kids to the inevitable wrong assumption that having a best friend of the same sex means you are gay!
From September 2020, Relationships Education will be introduced into primary schools, and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) into secondary schools in UK and Ireland. All Primary school pupils will have to learn about homosexuality and transgenderism in these new school subjects.
Many parents have serious concerns, and protests against LGBT lessons in pr
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Globalism is Cancer Feeding Off Our countries, Enabling Islam & Socialism to Enforce Totalitarianism
Allastriona talks to author David Bailey from USA to compare notes on the Far Left attacking all our nations….
The globalist establishment is trying to outdo each other on both sides of the pond, seeing who can go further left and be more deviant and perverted, and mainstream media is profiting from the division the left is creating.
“If it bleeds, it leads” is the mainstream media mantra – it is up to us to becorealizen-ups and realise what actually motivates the mainstream media and learn to ignore or discern what is relevant or real.
As a result bad actors like Jussie Smollet actually hired someone to beat him up so he can pull the racecard and capitalise on the racebaiting from the leftwing mainstream media.
Furthermore, London was targeted by the Saudis, who have Trillions of dollars just sitting there, more than they can ever spend, to become the Jihadi financial capital of the world and a
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International Animal Rights Conservationist Stuck in Irish Asylum System Awaiting Protection Order
International Animal Rights Conservationist Stuck in Irish Asylum System Awaiting Protection Order.
A well known campaigner fighting against poaching in Africa, who has exposed high level corruption in poaching, at diplomatic and ministerial level, has had to flee her country and seek refuge in Ireland.
However more than 9 months after arriving in secret, she is stuck in limbo and her work, safety and charity have been badly compromised. Meanwhile countless other migrants from Africa have arrived after her and been processed ahead of her, in an Asylum system which even some Irish people find embarrassing.
The campaigner seeking protection in Ireland is a regular attendee at international conservation conferences like Cites and the China / Africa Forum and is the driving force behind the Charity she founded after realising that were would be no stopping the poaching of our wildlife if nothing was don
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Irish National Animal Rights Association Too Scared of Being Called Racist To Protest Against Zimbabwe For Exporting Baby Elephants To World’s Biggest Animal Rights Abuser, China
Supporters of South Africa Fight For Rhino are outraged against the National Animal Rights Association in Dublin that cites racism when asked for assistance in peaceful protest. While the world is up in arms and everybody stands together in the fight against the Zimbabwean export of baby elephants to China, NARA in Dublin stands back.
This outrage against the export of baby elephants come after the release of video footage from animal activists in Zimbabwe. Filmed were 35 stressed baby elephants that were forcibly taken from their herds. If successful, they will be kept in zoos in the world’s biggest animal rights abuser, China.
The animals appear ‘wide-eyed’, defensive, and show obvious signs of stress in the footage, according to campaign group Human Soci
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Yellow Vests in France Protest Police Violence As 60 Lawyers Denounce The Violence Against Protesters
France’s “yellow vest” movement demonstrated against alleged police violence in rallies across the country Saturday, as nearly 60 lawyers denounced the treatment of protesters in the courts.
The latest marches came a day after France’s top court threw out a bid to ban weapons that shoot 40-millimeter rubber projectiles blamed for a number of serious injuries.
Thousands of protesters took part in a “march of the injured” in Paris calling for a ban on the weapons.
One of the movement’s leading figures Jerome Rodriguez, who was hit in the eye at last Saturday’s demonstration, was greeted warmly by fellow demonstrators.
The marchers gathered for a rally at Place de la Republique in the city centre, where police used tear gas and water cannons to force demonstrators to keep their distance and clashes broke out with some protesters, some hooded or masked.
A police estimate put the turn-out at 10,500 in Paris, but an independent count carried out for the media,
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Irish Minister Wants To Dock Striking Nurses Pay, Yet There Is No Limit On Spending For Migrants and Foreign Aid!
Tánaiste Simon Coveney has confirmed that the Government is taking legal advice as to how sanctions may be used against striking nurses, including docking their pay.
Mr Coveney said the Government does not want to be at odds with nurses but called on unions to live up to their part of the national pay agreement.
“They are great people, doing very difficult work, often in very pressurised circumstances. We want to be working with nurses, with the INMO and with the psychiatric nurses to build a better health service that can attract many young people into this profession,” he said.
“What the Government has said is that we are taking legal advice in regard to the options that are available to us, consistent with the pay agreement that everybody signed up to with their eyes open,” he told the Dáil.
There is a responsibility on the Government to deliver on that, and that involves hundreds of millions of euro of extra pay across the public sector. There i
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