A new “struggle song” in Afrikaans has been released on all major music platforms
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New Afrikaner Boer Struggle Song released: “Net Ons Riviere Loop Vry”
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Young White Worker Killed in Philippi Township, Nothing Stolen! Why are Black Townships Still No Go Zones for Whites?
An innocent young man, Kyle Venter (20) from Bergvliet in Cape Town, has been shot and killed in cold blood in the black township of Philippi East, however nothing was stolen, so are we to assume it is just because he was a white guy caught alone in a black township, because, let’s be honest, whites risk their lives just going into black townships!
Kyle worked for a construction company and was doing deliveries in the area on Wednesday 12 May, at around 15:45. At the corner of Stock road and Symphony road, a vehicle drove into the back of Kyle’s Hyundai 120.
Kyle’s grandfather, Andre Venter, told Netwerk24 that Kyle was then shot dead. Nothing was stolen from Kyle’s car according to his grandfather. The Police have confirmed that it was murder.
Why is it literally life threatening for a white person to enter black townships, even though blacks can do anything they please at anytime in mostly white residential areas? Being robbed is almost certain. Being the founde
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Second Wheelchair-bound Man Murdered in a Week! Africans Prey on the Weak and Old!
You don’t see sick or weak animals in the wild! Last weekend Neil McKay (46), who was confined to a wheelchair after a farm attack 20 years ago, was cruelly killed on his farm in Winterton, KwaZulu-Natal, while in the same week, another wheelchair-bound man without legs, Greg May (69), the owner of the Lazy Likkewaan guest house in Smithfield, Free State, was callously murdered on Thursday 14 April 2021, just for a cellphone! The liberals will not admit that their “rainbow nation” has turned into an evil murderous African hellhole. It is the inevitable result of black majoritarian socialist rule by a culture that historically preys on the old and weak.
Our small once beautiful rural towns are “radically transforming” into sh*tholes where our oumas and oupas are being murdered on a regular basis, for something as small as a cellphone. We live amongst savages.
Greg May (69), who was the owner of the Lazy Likkewaan guest house in Smithfield, Free Sta
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Blood Soaked Floors & Walls in Suburbia is NOT “Normal Crime”! ANC Regime & Liberal’s Malicious Negligence Puts Target on Back of ALL Whites!
KNEELING TO BLACKS WILL NOT STOP BLOODTHIRSTY HOME INVASIONS! These scenes of blood soaked floors and walls, after yet another violent attack by black males, is the result of the constant rhetoric from mainstream media and ANC government. The constant repetition that all whites are bad people who allegedly stole the land, are all racists, are all rich from colonialism and deserve to be killed, has literally put a target on the back of whites! Even without all this manipulative and blatant encouragement by the ANC Regime and liberal media, blacks were happy to steal from whites whenever they could, ever since their raids across the Fish river to steal livestock 200 years ago. In fact this crime wave is what prompted the British colonial government to bring in settlers to the Eastern Cape, to put in as a buffer between the marauding Africans and the farmers whose livestock they were stealing. Seems little has changed.
The excuse about farm attacks and murders
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VIDEO: Why Whites Should NEVER Trust Politicians Again! They All LIED Except for PW Botha Whose Prediction Came True!
A Nation Conquered by ONE Word! These are the blatant, globalist paid for lies which enabled the ANC’s, terrorist driven, violent coup d’etat of 1994, where they not only annexed a dozen self governing nations in one foul swoop, but before, during and after the coup, white South Africans and their society were, and still are, literally terrorized, ransacked, raped and murdered in staggering numbers. The terrorism, violence and the lies from within the captured white government, created an abnormal regime, in which these horrific attacks are hidden and even justified by the veil of false political correctness, which was given to the bantu by the liberal Global World Order and Communism’s Politically Correct “anti-racism” weapon. As a result, bantu captured a first world country, way beyond their means and ability to create, never mind manage, just as PW Botha predicted.
The ANC and bantu won the worlds biggest lottery, one which the mighty British empire sacr
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VIDEO: Dutch Group Hangs Label on Mandela Statue in Netherlands Exposing Mandela as a Murderer, Terrorist & Communist!
A Dutch group who has been active for decades have commemorated mandela day by exposing the real mandela, which the mainstream media hides. They have asked others to do the same. They hung a banner on the statue of Nelson Mandela with a sign saying: “Terrorist, communist, murderer!”
Protesters from the patriotic group Voorpost have hung a sign on the statue of Nelson Mandela in Scheveningen, Netherlands in protest on mandela day. In large black letters is written “Terrorist, communist, murderer” on the placard.
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VIDEO: #BLM is Kristallnacht for Whites, Next are Yellow Triangles on our sleeves! Like BLM, Nazism Was Popular, Institutional & Structural, Manufacturing Consent For Holocaust!
#BlackLivesMatter is Kristallnacht for White people, and next are yellow triangles on our sleeves! Like BLM, Nazism in its time was popular, institutional & structural, manufacturing consent for a holocaust, otherwise it would not have happened. Large corporations like Ford and IBM were funding it! Today we see FreeSpeech Haters, ADL & NAACP blackmailing multinationals into boycotting social media platforms. The complicit enemies of Free Speech are: Coca-Cola, Verizon, Dove, Lipton, Hershey’s, Honda, Unilever, HP, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Ben&Jerry’s, Patagonia, TheNorthFace, etc. Boycott them! It is they who are forcing their advertising channels and brand representatives, sports stars and celebrities to Take The Knee. It has very little to do with actual racism.
Without Walls of Discretion, BLM Will Coerce Us Right Into a Anti White Holocaust
Call to Action: Rebuild the Walls of Discretion. Whites are n
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#Blackwash Roll Call of #FarmMurders & #FarmAttacks Totally Ignored as Liberal World’s Virtue Signaling Reaches Existential Proportions!
DO WHITE LIVES MATTER? Farm attacks and murders have raged on in South Africa and as usual have been ignored by the Liberal Establishment. Farm attacks and murders are not new at all in South Africa and have been allowed to flourish for 3 decades, by the ANC government and other black supremacist parties who wage a slow racial war of attrition against the South African white minority. Even though the ANC government does not keep these statistics, the facts and figures on this are clear because the statistics are being kept by Afrikaner Boer organizations. The ANC and their left wing accomplices, like the liberal media and certain immoral militant antifa linked social media groups, try their best to cover it up, to perpetuate their anarchist agenda.
These are the reported incidents that we are aware of for the period of 1 June 2020 to 27 June 2020. The fact that almost all the victims were white and the perpetrators almost exclusively black, indicates that white are specif
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#WhiteLivesMatter Systemic Black on White Violence Like Farm Murders, are Deliberately Ignored as Black Supremacist Hysteria Hijacks Social Media, Mainstream & The Establishment!
#FactsMatter – White males simply do NOT rape, torture or even murder 85 year old black women! Black males however regularly attack and kill elderly whites! However facts only seem to matter to normal white people. The rest are perfectly happy to not only overlook decades of statistics about black on black and black on white violence, but even to blame the white victims for these terrible statistics. For example, a member of far left Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in UK actually condoned the shooting of “racist” police officers! This self appointed judge, jury and executioner attitude is systemic and endemic to the establishment and left wingers. The world is suffering from the results of decades of over the top tolerance which has been more appeasement and freebie indulgence than tolerance, resulting in a attitude of entitlement.
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Far Left in Ireland in Panic Mode as Christian Conservative Filmmaker Lauren Southern Secretly Visits and Gathers Evidence…
It seems the Irish Occupation regime’s decision to open FOUR Direct Provision centres in quick succession has drawn sharp objection, not only from indignant locals, but has also prompted a secret visit from conservative documentary maker Lauren Southern, whose documentary “Farmlands” about Farm Murders in South Africa (see video at bottom) has received wide acclaim with over 2 Million views on youtube. Lauren is working on a new documentary entitled “No Borders”.
The far left organisations behind the invasion of Ireland, like the Irish Immigration Council, the Irish Refugee Council, Refugee Integration Agency, Dept of Justice, etc. etc, resorted to sending out an emergency alert to all direct Provision centres to warn their profit units (migrants) about the bad boogeyman (rayyyssists!) who would offer them bribes to do an interview.
Whilst this claim is totally false, Lauren has confirmed to Irish news that she does not pay anyone:
Lauren stated: “Wow. I
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British Troops Shoot Traitor May as She Connives With African Despots in South Africa
Dear Mrs May – Prime Minister of GB
I fear you made a terrible error of judgement in Cape Town when you failed to condemn the ANC regime’s proposed racist land grab.
Millions of South Africans and Brits can’t understand why you appear to be in favour of collective punishment based on race. Your apparent show of support for the race based landgrab in South Africa is not only an attack on South African farmers but in the long run it cannot possibly be in the interest of Britain.
There are already reports that some tenants have stopped paying rent, arguing that the farms/homes they rent will soon be expropriated and the title deeds signed over to them. Property owners in South Africa are now unable to find people willing to buy their houses. Farmers are reluctant to invest in new plant and agricultural machinery.
It’s a great tragedy that you appear to have endorsed this lunacy that will bring South Africa to its knees. Th
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#FarmersLivesMatter Europeans Have Always Counted Their Dead and Fallen. Do Africans Count Theirs?
It is a centuries long tradition for Europeans to count their dead and fallen, just because other communities do not want to count their dead and fallen, does not mean whites shouldn’t.
In that regard we still are not able to ascertain a figure of just how many black or coloured farmers have been tortured and murdered in such a brutal manner? Does the ANC regime not know, or are they not telling because they know it will expose the truth that the numbers are far out of proportion…
Don Murray
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Irish Occupation Regime Paid Journalists to Promote €116 BILLION Plan to Import 1 MILLION Migrants into Ireland!
Concerns have been raised about an “ethically dubious deal” between the Irish government and local, regional and national newspapers that involves journalists writing positive pieces about the Ireland 2040 plan.
The treasonous government’s strategic communications unit paid for sponsored content to appear in local, regional and national newspapers including the Irish Independent and The Irish Times.
What is the Ireland 2040 plan, you ask? It’s a €116 BILLION national development plan to prepare for an estimated population growth of one million people over the next two decades.
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Agri SA Will Not Join Protest March To Union Buildings On Saturday
Agri SA has announced it will not be one of the joining the protest march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria on Saturday, because “crime-fighting should be an inclusive process” as it’s a problem which affects all South Africans. Dan Kriek, Agri SA President of Agri SA, said it had consulted its member organisations who..
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‘De Volkskrant – Netherlands ‘The Silent War In South Africa Is Fed By A Corrupt Government
Protest tegen de plaasmoorde bij het Voortrekkermonument in Pretoria, Oktober 30Protes against the farm murders at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria, October 30th. The Government Turns A Blind Eye To The Fate Of The Farmers (Translation – The original article is shown below) The Netherlands, the first in the fight against apartheid, must now protest against..
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