The USA is The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth & The Left Now Control it Completely! Without Trump, America will now once again revert to becoming the enemy of freedom and independence loving people worldwide, and unless patriots, republicans & freedom lovers step up to the plate, worldwide, it will now stay that way permanently, because the Fascist Deep State will never let their guard down again, like they did in 2016 when Trump so unexpectedly won. In the end Trump, who probably kept more promises than he made, was bogged down by the very Swamp he promised to drain, but if nothing else, at least Trump managed to expose the Deep State and the Establishment to the masses. Whether this will have a lasting effect remains to be seen as the fascist Deep State is hard at work re-installing its fascist structures and communist policies in order to take and keep complete and permanent control, a job that has been made far easier thanks to the weaponized “China Virus” as Tru
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VIDEO: Fascism is a Left Wing Thing & Joseph “Stalin” Biden Proves it! USA Once Again Becomes The Designated Enforcer of The New World Order
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VIDEO: Trump WILL Make Fools of Mainstream Media & Hollywood Again in 2020 for Two Reasons: The #Deplorables & The #Economy, Stupid!
As this video compilation of loud mouth Never Trump Liberals below shows, Mainstream Media & Hollywood made total fools of themselves in 2016, openly spouting their hatred for the normal man on the street, who voted Trump.
#USA2020 is no different, and in fact the contrasts are even starker than in 2016 after the liberals have waged a four year open war on Trump and his base. The castigation, swearing, physical attacks and even murders of any one who supports Trump has created a sub set of voters that the Pollsters have no way of reaching, never mind polling. In fact Pollsters have no way of knowing how much to adjust their polls by, because the so called “Deplorables” or “racists” or “chumps” have completely gone underground and will only surface at the moment the cross is made on the ballot paper.
Thanks to Trump’s many successes on the economy and record job creation, even amongst minorities, this group is now far larger than they were in 2016 thanks to the ag
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Video: Flanders Wants Independence! Mass Protest to Brussels with Motor Convoy Planned By Vlaams Belang on 27 September!
NOT OUR GOVERNMENT! Catalunya is certainly not alone when it comes to the oppression of people’s desire for self determination. Even though Belgium has been without a government for years, there is great dissatisfaction among Flemish citizens in Belgium, over the impending installation of a Walloon-left government of the Belgian state. Just like in Catalunya, more and more marches, protests and demonstrations are being held, but it is difficult in the time of the CCP virus, because the false government blocked demonstrations, such as the demonstration announced last weekend in Mechelen, which was suppressed with dictatorial methods by Open VLD. Even the Flemish Lion flag was banned! But Vlaams Belang have announced an original protest action, which is entirely ‘coronaproof’: a vehicle convoy caravan to the capital Brussels!
The Flemish national party is clear: ‘Words in parliament, the newspapers and social media are important. But now it’s time for a
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Genocidal Anti-white Racist Ash Sarkar, Cheers at The Destruction of The White Demographic in London!
Opinionated Far Left, anti white Ash Sarkar, who the leftist mainstream media loves, points out in a video that the ethnic minority population growth in London far outstrips the white population, which is decreasing, and brags how “they” are winning!
If we stated the opposite, it would be called “inciting racial hatred”. “We’re winning lads” she claims. So the decline of white British people is clearly something they are openly fighting for then… …what was the reason we are putting up with this again?
Interestingly, her video has received FIVE TIMES more dislikes (over 1,000 dislikes) than likes, and the comments are strangely turned off… but the leftist mainstream will still give her airtime!
Yet still the frogs do not realise they are being boiled…
See also: Ant
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So Are Honey Bees “Racist” Too? Naturally, Honey Bees Protect Their Hives & Honey From Intruders Like Bumble Bees & Wasps. How Racist?
Ever wonder why bees, and animals in general, as a species, have survived longer and will survive longer than humans? Because they understand and respect the laws of nature, which demand that true diversity be defended and adhered to, in order to ensure the survival of the species, through evolutionary bottlenecks like catastrophes.
“Mixing it up” as humans do, only serves to dilute and destroy our bio-diversity, making us more susceptible to extinction bottle necks. There are 36 kinds of bees, meaning that for any given catastrophe, at least one of them is likely to survive. If there is only one kind of human, our chances are very limited. There used to be about 9 kinds of human but we did our best to destroy them through mixing it up… we should know better now.
YOU might think you are being all noble and moral by “not being a racist”, but in fact you are disobeying a fundamental law of nature, and also neutralizing your own natural and evolutionary self defens
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HAPPY BREXODUS! Here is The EU Alternative To Make Britain Great Again and 281,000 have already signed this common sense petition!
Congratulations to the Brexiteers, and to those salty Remoaners, there is actually a sensible alternative to the globalist EU, and it is far greater than you ever imagined!
To those who supported the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, Happy Brexit Day, and to those who voted for remaining, we understand that today is a sad day. Don’t be alarmed however, there is in
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Why Are People Too Scared To Vote “Far Right”? How Centrist Governments Pay The Far Left, Migrants & Islam To Marginalise & Demonise Patriots, Their No 1 Threat
THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND: The fact that this well known strategy is being employed by so called “centrist” governments, exposes their pedigree. They are of the Deep State – the globalist Liberal World Order who are so well experienced in playing the Dialectic (playing one side against the other). Following the money, we realise the one undeniable fact, which no one can dispute, is that you could count the number of “right wing”, “far right” or “patriotic” NGOs on your one hand. However there are so many Far Left Wing NGOs, all closely aligned with Left Wing parties, it borders on the ridiculous. In fact there are more “anti-racism” NGOs in Ireland than there are actual cases of racism! Even the United Nations has called Ireland out for this! In the UK we have the absurd situation where a far left NGO (HNH) is the official adviser to the Home Office!
While a lot of this left wing, migrant & Islamic funding comes from globalist Oligarchs like
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On liberalism & identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!
Looking at the global trends in politics today, it is clear that two clear mainstreams have emerged. It is necessary to understand what is happening and get a clear sense of why there are certain developments in the global political world. There are not enough political scholars and writers around today who can give people a clear picture of why there are certain political trends at play. Global media is mostly captured by one of the mainstreams, namely global liberalism driving a globalist society , so one can not expect a fair and balanced view from them at all. If people don’t understand why things are happening, it would be quite easy for misconceptions to abound. So lets try and get a real clear and easy to understand explanation.
I am basing this article on the words of Natan Sharansky, a famous Soviet intellectual and dissident against communism who immigrated to Israel. I am adding my own perspective into the mix.
His interview with the Jerusalem Post g
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Post BRexit UK-Australia Trade Agreement Could Include Visa-Free Travel Proposal For Anglosphere!
Australian and British workers can enjoy visa-free travel to each other’s country under a proposed post-Brexit free trade agreement, with both Canberra and London eager to sign the deal before Christmas 2020.
With the UK government officially now under the administration of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, formal negotiations are set to begin soon after the UK leaves the European Union in January.
Two-way trade between the countries is already valued at $27 billion, with the UK currently the second-largest source of foreign investment in Australia, at $574.8 billion in 2018.
Mr Johnson has long advocated for a trans-Tasman-style free movement agreement between the UK and Australia post-Brexit, calling for “creative thinking” among Anglosphere countries.
As Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson MP, had renewed his call for a Trans-Tasman-style free-movement area between
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Video: 50 Times Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Promised To Deliver Brexit – Labour Liars Pants on Fire!
50 times Labour promised to deliver Brexit ….
They promised they would honour our votes.
They promised it was a once-in-a-generation decision.
They promised we would leave the EU.
It’s time that Remain politicians live up to their promises to voters and stop trying to block Brexit.
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VIDEO: Trump Was Right! Again! Leo Varadkar & EU Do Want, and Will Put Up, A Hard Border Wall After BRexit!
Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar conceded that a no-deal Brexit would force Dublin to put up a hard border in order to protect the European Union. However they also insist there is no other option than the already signed “Withdrawal Agreement” which has been rejected 3 times by UK parliament.
On his first official visit to Ireland, President Donald Trump met with Leo Varadkar at the VIP lounge at Shannon Airport. While Trump appeared to make mistake about the irish border, it seems he was once again right and ahead of his time… Trump supports the United Kingdom’s divorce from the European Union while Varadkar, as an EU puppet has become a Brexit opponent.
The Irish prime minister vowed to protect the EU’s single market if Britain leaves the bloc without a deal on October 31. The leader said he would implement the necessary checks on goods from Northern Ireland, which would ultimately lead to a hard border. After EU27 leaders were “updated” on the bloc’
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Pro Establishment Irish Times, Keeping it’s Readers on the Wrong Side of History. Open Letter to Fintan O’Toole from Anthony Coughlan
Anthony Coughlan, Director of The National Platform EU Research and Information Centre in Dublin has written an open letter to Irish Times columnist Fintan O’Toole, about their paradoxical support for the UK establishment and their misinformation that the Ruling class is for BRexit…
This paradox and contradiction in their very existence is endemic in mainstream media who claim to be for “free speech” when they have a monopolist media platform for misleading the masses. But when you disagree with them they are no longer for “free speech” and change it to “hate speech”. When they have the majority of people fooled, in going along with their nefarious plans, they are “pro-democracy”. But once people, as a majority, start voting from being informed, like in BRexit, then they call it populism and decry democracy, as “reckless and decadent of the ruling class”.
They however have no choice in the positions they take, and thus no editorial integrity, as their entire ho
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Once A Traitor, Always A Traitor – Blair’s Spin Doctor Alastair Campbell Expelled From Labour For Voting For LibDems! Yet Corbyn Not Expelled for Same Thing!
Campbell revealed that he had voted outside of party lines during the BBC’s election night broadcast on Sunday. On Tuesday the PR man said he was both “sad and disappointed” at his party’s decision, which he vowed to fight having taken legal counsel.
He claimed after the deed that his decision to vote for the Lib Dems was based on their platform in support of a second Brexit referendum, and that it was an attempt to persuade Labour to “do the right thing” regarding the party’s handling of Brexit.
Campbell alluded to precedent within his own party of members voting for other parties or causes including, most notably, when his former boss and Br
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BRexit Poker Nerves – Is Theresa May Bluffing and What is At Stake If She Wins or Loses?
Who is Theresa May appeasing? Remainers? Brexiteers?
Or her own party to remain in power?
Don critically analyses what is happening with BRexit in light of Theresa May’s request for a brief extension, and the wider implications for UK and Europe
Wake up and start fighting back – we will need to make sacrifices… so that we can hand down the heritage we inherited to our children…
Telling it like it is….
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Allah Declared The Only God in New Zealand Parliament – Dail Also Being Destroyed From Within!
Allastriona discusses current affairs with regular guest Elvis, an Iranian christian who sought refuge in UK, only to find more persecution there… Elvis, who speaks and reads Arabic, has some shocking revelations about Islam…
The treasonous New Zealand Prime Minister, who clearly does not understand arabic, unknowingly allowed Islam to officially declare in the NZ Parliament that New Zealand was now an islamic state and that Allah was the only god…
As we are forced back to Imperialism by islamo-globalist corporate interests and socialist supremacists, the time has come for Crusaders to Save Europe!
It does not matter what happens to the Dail or the UK Parliament because power is being handed to the EU Parliament, so party politics and problems are irrelevant. The same way the Irish and UK army is being destroyed from the inside because there will a new EU army which will absorb them.
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