VIDEO: “Blacks Are Not From South Africa!” – Malema Finally Admits The Truth About Bantu Migration & Black Colonisation of Southern Africa!

Blood Soaked Floors & Walls in Suburbia is NOT “Normal Crime”! ANC Regime & Liberal’s Malicious Negligence Puts Target on Back of ALL Whites!

VIDEO: Why Whites Should NEVER Trust Politicians Again! They All LIED Except for PW Botha Whose Prediction Came True!

VIDEO: Dutch Group Hangs Label on Mandela Statue in Netherlands Exposing Mandela as a Murderer, Terrorist & Communist!

Axis of Shame: Suicidal Lesotho Signs UN Resolution Praising China for Oppressing Hong Kong With National Security Law?

VIDEO: How Black Men (& Women) Create Multiple Single Mothers Keeping Blacks in Poverty Rife with Drugs, Gender & Sexual Violence!

#Blackwash Roll Call of #FarmMurders & #FarmAttacks Totally Ignored as Liberal World’s Virtue Signaling Reaches Existential Proportions!

List of ANC Regime’s 114 Race Based Laws Versus Only 17 Under Apartheid! Zille is Right – Blacks Prefer Victimhood to #Equality!

#WhiteLivesMatter Systemic Black on White Violence Like Farm Murders, are Deliberately Ignored as Black Supremacist Hysteria Hijacks Social Media, Mainstream & The Establishment!

India Gets Dodgy PPE Gear Too! China Putting Lives at Risk as it “Donates” Faulty Medical Gear To Cover up its #CCPVirus Guilt!

Apartheid 2.0 – Black Supremacist ANC Implements Racist Criteria for Government COVID-19 Assistance, Despite Calling it Fake News! DA & Afriforum Will Fight This Race Based Aid!

As Desperate European Nations Return Defective Medical Gear To China, Media Giant NASPERS Partners With Communist China to “Donate” a R 1 Billion Tax Break for its Tencent Business in China, To Buy Chinese Made Medical Gear For SA’s COVID19 Fight!

VIDEO: China Used CoronaVirus as Bio-Weapon To Mitigate its Economic Losses from COVID-19 & Funded “Hug a Chinese” Activists Blamed For Italy’s High #CoronaVirus Infections!

#EqualityChallenged White Folks Simply Do Not Gang Up, Kill A Single Female & Leave Her For Dead as They Drive Away in Her Car! Prove Us Wrong – VIDEO

South African Doctor Barred From Medical Practice For Advising That Abortion is The Killing of an Unborn Human!