Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: African Abuse of Visa Free Travel Force Ireland & UK To Implement Visa Requirement

List of Patriotic Candidates for Irish Local Elections

Axis of Shame: Suicidal Lesotho Signs UN Resolution Praising China for Oppressing Hong Kong With National Security Law?

Video: The Irish Times Backs Criminal Antifa Who Attacked Police Outside The Dail! The 3 Left Wing Extremists Were Arrested Trying To Disrupt #FreeSpeech Rally

Why Are People Too Scared To Vote “Far Right”? How Centrist Governments Pay The Far Left, Migrants & Islam To Marginalise & Demonise Patriots, Their No 1 Threat

“THERE IS NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY!” Over 500 Scientists and Climate Professionals Tell UN That Current Climate Models “Are Unfit For Their Purpose”!

Ireland Sh*ts in its Own Bed! Asylum Claims in Ireland Skyrocket 36% With 41% of Claims From UN “Safe Countries”! Yet Still Ireland Refuses To Forcefully Deport ANY Fake Claimants!

Dear Europe, Rainbow Nations Become Sh*tholes and Unicorns Get Aids – Look to South Africa for your future…

Video: Covert “Compulsory” LGBT Agenda Teaches Primary Kids in School That Having A Best Friend From The Same Sex = Gay!

Kalergi Plan: Traitors in Government of 14 EU States Capitalise on Hero Salvini’s Closure of Italian Ports to Fake Rescue NGO Ships!

Homeless Irish Family Evicted From Hotel To Make Way For Illegal Immigrants Because Ireland Does NOT Deport Fake Refugees!

VIDEO: Trump Was Right! Again! Leo Varadkar & EU Do Want, and Will Put Up, A Hard Border Wall After BRexit!

Macron Tries To Use Anti Mass-immigration Sentiment To Create EU State and Change Dublin Schengen Agreement

“Worst anti-Semitic attacks” on Kosher cafe were Fake! 4 Attacks Staged To Get Sympathy & Money Through Crowdfund

Between The Upcoming Lisbon Treaty and The Hidden Hand Of Islam, Ireland Really is No More!