Family, friends and an ever increasing group of concerned supporters, of Ashley Oosthuizen (22), an innocent South African who was imprisoned for life in a Thai jail two years ago, are appealing to the ANC government in SA to pay urgent attention to her case. Oosthuizen’s family also fear that they will now rarely be able to contact her, after she was recently moved to a new prison. Her parents have apparently last spoken with her in December last year.
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Young South African Girl Jailed for Life in Thailand after Signing for Parcel Containing Drugs, Addressed to her Employer!
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Another Summer of BLM Antifa Riots in USA? Record Gun Sales Continue in USA as even non-whites Fear Democrat’s Liberal Socialist Policies!
#ExposeThemToHarm – Crime is soaring in USA under Biden, and so are gun sales, which surged in the early months of 2020 due to the pandemic and BLM riots, and are still on the rise, as Americans are afraid of another summer of BLM Antifa riots like last year, on top of Democrats defunding the police, stricter gun control and masses of illegals flooding into the country through open borders! In April of 2020 there were 2.9 million background checks (for gun licenses) and this past April there were half a million more: 3.4 million for firearm background checks.
Even Hispanics and blacks are afraid of the Democrat Biden administration, not only trying to remove the right to gun ownership, but also defunding the police, and then also allowing millions of illegal immigrants to flood into the country, leaving Americans wide open, exposed to harm.
About a fifth of all Americans who bought guns last year, were reportedly first-time gun owners and half of those buyer
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#Dirkiesdorp’s “Zimbabwe Narrative”! Gupta Style Indian Mining Group Atha Africa Assisted & Incited Blacks To Protest Violently Against Farmers!
The shocking, yet predictable truth behind the highly politicized and media inflamed Dirkiesdorp incident, when an obviously well organised group of aggressive and violent toyi toyers illegally invaded the farm Pampoenkraal, belonging to Werner Potgieter on 9 April, has finally been revealed! A Gupta / Bell Pottinger style Indian mining group, Atha Africa, was determined to drive white farmers off their land, with the full co-operation of Deputy President David Mabuza’s sidekick, Vusi Shongwe, Mpumalanga MEC for Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs! We will however probably never know who paid who to do what, and what favours changed hands, because the victims of this racist intimidation and violence are white!
Yet again a case of greedy and unscrupulous foreign businessmen whipping up black hatred against white people in order to achieve business objectives, just like the anti-white so called WMC narrative, designed and implemented by the Gu
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Young White Worker Killed in Philippi Township, Nothing Stolen! Why are Black Townships Still No Go Zones for Whites?
An innocent young man, Kyle Venter (20) from Bergvliet in Cape Town, has been shot and killed in cold blood in the black township of Philippi East, however nothing was stolen, so are we to assume it is just because he was a white guy caught alone in a black township, because, let’s be honest, whites risk their lives just going into black townships!
Kyle worked for a construction company and was doing deliveries in the area on Wednesday 12 May, at around 15:45. At the corner of Stock road and Symphony road, a vehicle drove into the back of Kyle’s Hyundai 120.
Kyle’s grandfather, Andre Venter, told Netwerk24 that Kyle was then shot dead. Nothing was stolen from Kyle’s car according to his grandfather. The Police have confirmed that it was murder.
Why is it literally life threatening for a white person to enter black townships, even though blacks can do anything they please at anytime in mostly white residential areas? Being robbed is almost certain. Being the founde
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Whites Excluded by Law in South Africa! Even Emergency Covid19 Relief Funds Withheld from Whites by the ANC Black Majority Government!
“THE STRUGGLE” for Black Supremacy: The ANC regime have officially become what they allegedly fought against, by legislating race based regulations! Despite legal challenges, the Department of Tourism has announced that it’s controversial “if you are white, you are out” assistance package, of R1, 2 Billion is to proceed and whites will officially be excluded!
Accusing the ANC of Black Supremacism, Dirk Hermann of Solidarity Trade Union has said that race – only giving opportunities to black people – is clearly a super right in South Africa, which is not even subjected to any lockdown.
This was Mr. Hermann’s reaction after Solidarity and Afriforum had a fruitless meeting with the Department of Tourism where they tried to persuade them to drop the exclusion of white owned small businesses from the Department of Tourism’s new assistance fund for the tourism sector of R 1,2 billion.
Solidarity and Afriforum’s meeting with the Department of Tourism happ
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VIDEO: “Blacks Are Not From South Africa!” – Malema Finally Admits The Truth About Bantu Migration & Black Colonisation of Southern Africa!
The establishment mainstream media and ANC/EFF/BLF lie that whites “stole” land from blacks in SA has been totally debunked by the EFF leader Julius Malema himself, when he admitted on a public platform to his followers, that blacks (bantu/ nguni / n e g r o), are colonists and settlers from the North.
This is a very important and fundamental fact because the entire motivation and coercion of whites handing over their country, to the black migrants from the North, with the added threat of mandela’s bombs, was based on this lie which became the mainstream narrative. It was used constantly to create and manufacture white guilt, which was used to trick white South Africans into giving away the first world country, that their forefathers had built over the centuries!
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VIDEO: Why Whites Should NEVER Trust Politicians Again! They All LIED Except for PW Botha Whose Prediction Came True!
A Nation Conquered by ONE Word! These are the blatant, globalist paid for lies which enabled the ANC’s, terrorist driven, violent coup d’etat of 1994, where they not only annexed a dozen self governing nations in one foul swoop, but before, during and after the coup, white South Africans and their society were, and still are, literally terrorized, ransacked, raped and murdered in staggering numbers. The terrorism, violence and the lies from within the captured white government, created an abnormal regime, in which these horrific attacks are hidden and even justified by the veil of false political correctness, which was given to the bantu by the liberal Global World Order and Communism’s Politically Correct “anti-racism” weapon. As a result, bantu captured a first world country, way beyond their means and ability to create, never mind manage, just as PW Botha predicted.
The ANC and bantu won the worlds biggest lottery, one which the mighty British empire sacr
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Axis of Shame: Suicidal Lesotho Signs UN Resolution Praising China for Oppressing Hong Kong With National Security Law?
World Domination: You would expect a tiny landlocked nation like Lesotho to be pro independence, but no, Lesotho along with Zimbabwe and Mozambique, appear to support communism and annexation. Why does Lesotho even exist? Why was Lesotho (and Swaziland & Namibia) allowed to keep its independence, but the other 10 independent bantu homeland nations were annexed by ANC in the 1994 violent coup? Why is Lesotho the favourite of UK Royals? We can only assume large amounts of money or “deals” changed hands when on July 1, 53 countries (including Communist China) signed a resolution introduced by Communist Cuba at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council in Geneva, praising China for the passing of the oppressive Hong Kong National Security Law.
The list of those that have now became part of this new Axis of ShameContinue reading…
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India Gets Dodgy PPE Gear Too! China Putting Lives at Risk as it “Donates” Faulty Medical Gear To Cover up its #CCPVirus Guilt!
India joins the long list of countries complaining that they have been duped by China’s altruistic propaganda campaign. India received 50,000 faulty personal protection equipment (PPE) from China. For many other desperate countries, the gear was part of a charity drive trying to improve China’s image as a global power, promote communism, and also to make up for unleashing CCPvirus on the world, which has now killed nearly 150,000 people.
According to India’s Health Ministry (ICMR), China’s poor quality control has now become a global headache at a time when the world needs help the most. It is almost like pushing someone into the water, then pretending to save them by throwing them a faulty lifebuoy, which sinks. Truly, the only question that remains, is was any of this deliberate…
China’s substandard supplies are not welcomed by the latest recipient struggling with COVID19, India, where sources in the Health Ministry have confirmed a report that India has rece
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W.H.O. Director General Tells The World To Stay Locked Down While China Gets A Headstart in Global Economy! 836,000 Sign Petition for his Resignation!
The embattled Director General of World Health Organisation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has been accused by many of being yet another Chinese plant in a globalist organisation, doubled down on his Chinese loyalty by telling nations of the world to stay locked down, yet China is getting back to work and restarting their economy, getting a headstart on the global economy. How convenient for the very country that started the CCPvirus trouble! Meanwhile over 836,000 people have signed a petition asking for Tedros to resign (see chart below detailing his errors)!
If you thought the Chinese influence over world organisations like UN & World Health Organisation is a coincidence, think again. It is part of a deliberate plot to gain global domination and to spread communist policies worldwide. This was proven when China put out a letter of “solidarity” to 230 globalist left wing parties calling for “co-operation on global governance“! While minimizing the serio
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As Desperate European Nations Return Defective Medical Gear To China, Media Giant NASPERS Partners With Communist China to “Donate” a R 1 Billion Tax Break for its Tencent Business in China, To Buy Chinese Made Medical Gear For SA’s COVID19 Fight!
The Profiteering & Propaganda opportunities created by the CoronaVirus catastrophe seem endless for the Chinese Communist Regime and its sympathisers like NASPERS, ANC, Jack Ma, etc. who are not letting a good crisis go to waste! Having shut its own borders preventing anyone from coming in, China is now happy to play godfather to a world struggling with the ravages of their Chinese virus. China are exporting anything from the virus itself, to masses of cheap low quality, defective medical goods and gear with heaps of propaganda. Like a virtual Commie love-fest, Ramaphosa announced during his address to the nation, that NASPERS, China’s china, had “donated” R1.5 Billion to help Communist China, erm sorry, for the Corona Relief Fund in SA, however the Naspers group will contribute only R500 Million to the Corona Relief Fund, announced by the President last week.
Naspers and its Tencent Business in China, in partnership with the Chinese Communist government will buy R 1 Bill
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ANC regime is the reason why South African citizens live in poverty
Two equal evils, poverty and inequality lie at the root of South Africa’s economic problems. Both should be treated equally. If the focus is only on inequality, it will create an economy where everyone is equally poor, except the elite which holds power, said adv. Anton Alberts, chairman of the FF Plus. Adv. Alberts said..
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Eventually they woke up in the Netherlands – Now how about the rest of the world ?
Links Nederland zwijgt als het graf, sinds afschaffing Apartheid Massamoord in Zuid Afrika van bijna half miljoen mensen Bijna een half miljoen mensen zijn door moord omgekomen in Zuid Afrika sinds de afschaffing van de Apartheid in 1994. Na de vrijlating van Mandela werd er op de wereld door alle linkse mensen feest gevierd, omdat..
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SOROS AND SOUTH AFRICA – Jacob Zuma is vulnerable
TOP TEN SOROS TARGETS FROM 2016 – UP UNTIL NOW: Soros will back the most anti-Christian and pro-Muslim presidential candidates in various countries “Another BRICS leader Soros sees as vulnerable is Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa. Soros’s goal is to destroy the BRICS by peeling away South Africa and Brazil from the alliance,..
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64-year-old farmer stabbed, set alight in the Bulwer/Underberg area of KwaZulu-Natal
A group of men stabbed to death and then set fire to a 64-year-old Bulwer farmer on Wednesday. The man’s wife, who had luckily not been home at the time, discovered his charred body inside their house on the Midlands farm. Authorities responding to the scene said the charred remains of a KZN farmer killed..
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