New Afrikaner Boer Struggle Song released: “Net Ons Riviere Loop Vry”

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: African Abuse of Visa Free Travel Force Ireland & UK To Implement Visa Requirement

List of Patriotic Candidates for Irish Local Elections

Giorgia Meloni, “Italy’s Trump”, Favoured To Become First Female PM in Coalition with Salvini & Berlusconi

VIDEO: PROOF MSM & Big Tech Stole US Election With Censorship! 17% Biden Voters REGRET Vote – Would NOT Have Voted Biden Had They Known About Biden Scandals!

Are Globalists Planning to Charge us to Breathe? What is your breath worth?

Globalist Campaign of Farmers Being “The Enemy of The State”, Strikes The Netherlands & Belgium

Petition: Make Peace NOT War! Invite both Ukraine & Russia to join NATO & EU to ensure lasting peace!

Cubans Take To Streets Calling for End to Destructive Socialism that has Oppressed & Enslaved Them for Generations!!

VIDEO: US V.P. Kamala Harris Greeted by Protesters in Guatemala Saying “Trump Won” and “Go Home”!

Facebook Stops Banning Posts About Covid Leak from Wuhan Lab! So What Else is Big Tech Wrong About? US Elections 2020?

Russia Concerned About Biden’s Human Rights Abuses with Blanket Arrests & Persecution of Political Opposition During “Capital Riots” on Jan 6!

Biden Destroying the American Dream: “Caused more Damage in 100 Days Than I Thought Possible in Four Years!” – Congresswoman Mace

Morocco Uses Illegal Migrants as a Weapon! Sends 8,000 Migrants Swarming Across the Border to Spain, Who Shelter Moroccan Separatist!

Young White Worker Killed in Philippi Township, Nothing Stolen! Why are Black Townships Still No Go Zones for Whites?