Is EU’s Worst Nightmare Becoming Real in Italy as Far Left and Far Right Join Talks to Form a Eurosceptic Government

Ireland’s Government Thinks Irish DNA is SUBHUMAN and Plans to Spend Billions Replacing The Irish!

#MuslimFoothold: 75% Children and 55% Adults in Antwerp, Belgium’s second largest city, are foreigners, mostly African!

The Rape of Lisdoonvarna, Europe and Humanity. NO! Cried Locals. “Racism?” hissed the rapist, thrusting foreign seed deep into rural Ireland!

#InterNazi Hitler was a Socialist, so is Hogg, the Nazi Left’s Little Hitler! A true fascist dictator in the making… VIDEO

#InterNazi – Will Hitlerisation of Putin backfire and expose the InterNational Socialist’s deceit and treachery in WWI & II?

Open Letter to Irish Minister Responsible for Forcibly Inserting Migrant Refugees into Small Rural Irish Villages

#IslamIs – Geert Wilders, leader of second largest party in Netherlands releases warning video on Islam…

Has UK Home Office been Captured by far left Hope Not Hate and their Fascist Hatred of Free Speech?

Selling Country for Coin: False accusations of “racism” used to conquer Lisdoonvarna and pour in the migrants!

#IslamicUK arrests 22 year old Canadian for Terrorism but “does not suspect her of Terrorism”!

Video: Italy Finally Awakes and RedPills as They Realise: FOR EUROPE TO LIVE, EU MUST DIE! #EUisNotEurope

The Speech You will NEVER see on Irish TV or any TV! Nigel Farage fires up Irishmen tired of EU Totalitarianism!

Uncucking UKIP – A Bridge Too Far for Nigel Farage as he Contemplates Setting up Another UK Party…

What’s Wrong with Brits? Too Lazy? Too Stupid? Too White? UK Gov to import and train 5,500 Nurses from India and Africa!