#FactsMatter – White males simply do NOT rape, torture or even murder 85 year old black women! Black males however regularly attack and kill elderly whites! However facts only seem to matter to normal white people. The rest are perfectly happy to not only overlook decades of statistics about black on black and black on white violence, but even to blame the white victims for these terrible statistics. For example, a member of far left Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in UK actually condoned the shooting of “racist” police officers! This self appointed judge, jury and executioner attitude is systemic and endemic to the establishment and left wingers. The world is suffering from the results of decades of over the top tolerance which has been more appeasement and freebie indulgence than tolerance, resulting in a attitude of entitlement.
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#WhiteLivesMatter Systemic Black on White Violence Like Farm Murders, are Deliberately Ignored as Black Supremacist Hysteria Hijacks Social Media, Mainstream & The Establishment!
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#ReclaimTheRainbow LGBT is neo-Bolshevism and More Destructive Than Communism – Polish President Duda
Poland’s President Andrzej Duda has said LGBT “ideology” is like the communism his parent’s generation fought, and warned that with its bid to indoctrinate the youth, this “neo-Bolshevism” is even more harmful and destructive. He has taken a firm stance against the EU’s liberal imperialism during his pre-election campaign and vowed to protect children from the “foreign ideology of LGBT.”
The popular politician, who is seeking re-election, spoke to an audience at a Saturday rally where he said that his parents’ generation did not fight communism only to bow down to a new “ideology” that is “even more destructive to the human being.”
While such straight talk would have definitely caused the end to a politician
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Has Ireland finally tired of a 2 party state with Fine Gael and Fianna Fail monopolising Ireland’s democracy, colluding to profiteer from Ireland for a century?
Ireland is holding a General Election on Saturday, 8th of February and the traditional 3rd place underdog, Sinn Fein, of IRA fame, has taken a huge chunk out of current government party Fine Gael, and has now even started chewing Fine Gael’s doppelganger, Fianna Fail! What brought this about?
Exactly like what happened in other EU nations, where the awakening of brainwashed normies, brought about the rise of the populist patriots, which causes cucked voters, who are still too scared of being called nasty names, to panic and scramble to vote for any party or independent that will still allow these cowards to virtue signal, as they betray their own ancestors, selling kith, kin and country for coin and false virtue.
However, politics moves slowly, so that is fine, as long as they break the iron hold that FF & FG have had on Ireland for a century, it will be the start of change. We see this happening to the globalist CDU in Germany and likewise the globalist PVV in Netherl
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Video: The Irish Times Backs Criminal Antifa Who Attacked Police Outside The Dail! The 3 Left Wing Extremists Were Arrested Trying To Disrupt #FreeSpeech Rally
#GE2020 Whilst Ireland is in the midst of a General Election, The Irish Times in Ireland have once again clearly demonstrated how mainstream media issues fake news! Scenes at the Free Speech demo in Dublin as pro-censorship globalists instigate violence against Irish Nationalists and Gardaí. Reports that they were targeting female Gardaí specifically.
As can be seen in the video, the three masked black uniformed Antifa “stormtroopers”, there on behalf of the far left People Before Profit (PBP) party, attacked the peaceful protesters without reason, the Gardai sprang to defend the free speech protesters from further harm, upon which one of the Antifa “stasi” broke off the leg of a photographer’s tripod and used it to hit an advancing Garda in the jaw and felled him.
Other Gardai ran and arrested him and handcuffed him on the ground. That is exactly what happened as you can see from video and photos and not the lies the Irish Times is telling on
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#GE2020 Is it Time for Ireland to Come Right and Do Right by The Right? Or is the Irish Bog Too Deep & Terminal?
All across the embattled Irish Nation which is experiencing historic crisis in almost all of it’s government departments, the new parties such as The Irish Freedom Party, the National Party, ACI, as well as old friends like RENUA and Independents, are excited by the doorstep reactions they are getting in this General Election campaign.
They all report that the electorate is intensely against all the media refusing to talk about the mass immigration that the main parties are pushing – and they are looking like they could have their successes too.
The National Party has ten candidates in the fray across the country and look forward to their deputy leader , the former Longford IFA chairman James Reynolds getting elected in Longford-Westmeath – James went down in price in PaddyPower odds from 66/1 to 7/1 in the past 24 hours and his price is still dropping like a stone. All this despite mainstream media like Irish Times and RTE doing their best to omit him from the
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Why Are People Too Scared To Vote “Far Right”? How Centrist Governments Pay The Far Left, Migrants & Islam To Marginalise & Demonise Patriots, Their No 1 Threat
THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND: The fact that this well known strategy is being employed by so called “centrist” governments, exposes their pedigree. They are of the Deep State – the globalist Liberal World Order who are so well experienced in playing the Dialectic (playing one side against the other). Following the money, we realise the one undeniable fact, which no one can dispute, is that you could count the number of “right wing”, “far right” or “patriotic” NGOs on your one hand. However there are so many Far Left Wing NGOs, all closely aligned with Left Wing parties, it borders on the ridiculous. In fact there are more “anti-racism” NGOs in Ireland than there are actual cases of racism! Even the United Nations has called Ireland out for this! In the UK we have the absurd situation where a far left NGO (HNH) is the official adviser to the Home Office!
While a lot of this left wing, migrant & Islamic funding comes from globalist Oligarchs like
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Sweden Now Officially A Third World Country Which Deliberately Hid Migrant Crime Stats – Ignoring Data Just Like Any Third World Country Does
Sweden’s Crime Prevention Council (Brå) has a difficult task. In a country where mainstream media outlets obediently omit police-circulated descriptions of suspects’ ethnicity and origin, and the government actively downplays the surge in gun crime and bombings in its immigrant ghettoes, Brå is charged with compiling factual, accurate crime statistics.
According to a Continue reading…
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Video: 50 Times Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Promised To Deliver Brexit – Labour Liars Pants on Fire!
50 times Labour promised to deliver Brexit ….
They promised they would honour our votes.
They promised it was a once-in-a-generation decision.
They promised we would leave the EU.
It’s time that Remain politicians live up to their promises to voters and stop trying to block Brexit.
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Pro Establishment Irish Times, Keeping it’s Readers on the Wrong Side of History. Open Letter to Fintan O’Toole from Anthony Coughlan
Anthony Coughlan, Director of The National Platform EU Research and Information Centre in Dublin has written an open letter to Irish Times columnist Fintan O’Toole, about their paradoxical support for the UK establishment and their misinformation that the Ruling class is for BRexit…
This paradox and contradiction in their very existence is endemic in mainstream media who claim to be for “free speech” when they have a monopolist media platform for misleading the masses. But when you disagree with them they are no longer for “free speech” and change it to “hate speech”. When they have the majority of people fooled, in going along with their nefarious plans, they are “pro-democracy”. But once people, as a majority, start voting from being informed, like in BRexit, then they call it populism and decry democracy, as “reckless and decadent of the ruling class”.
They however have no choice in the positions they take, and thus no editorial integrity, as their entire ho
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Once A Traitor, Always A Traitor – Blair’s Spin Doctor Alastair Campbell Expelled From Labour For Voting For LibDems! Yet Corbyn Not Expelled for Same Thing!
Campbell revealed that he had voted outside of party lines during the BBC’s election night broadcast on Sunday. On Tuesday the PR man said he was both “sad and disappointed” at his party’s decision, which he vowed to fight having taken legal counsel.
He claimed after the deed that his decision to vote for the Lib Dems was based on their platform in support of a second Brexit referendum, and that it was an attempt to persuade Labour to “do the right thing” regarding the party’s handling of Brexit.
Campbell alluded to precedent within his own party of members voting for other parties or causes including, most notably, when his former boss and Br
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Globalist attacks on BRexit same as attacks on Irish after voting NO in the Lisbon Treaty Referendum
Feelings are sacred now, countries are not…
Ireland was the only EU country to put the Lisbon Treaty to a popular vote and they rejected it. Brussels then launched a secret plan to force Ireland to vote yes in a second referendum.
An explosive secret document was revealed that exposed the deliberate push to make Ireland vote again and make them vote yes – this happened in October 2009. Likewise a document has been revealed showing similar manipulation and secrets arrangements on BRexit between May and Merkel.
The only way out is NOT to vote for FF/FG/SF/PBP/Labour/SD etc.
BRexit is deliberately being turned into a complete disaster to scare any other EU countries from even thinking about it. And it is working!
The British are standing and marching against what has been done, but the Irish seem to be docile and accepting of anything that gets done to them…
Even Africans would not
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#BRexitBetrayal Tory & Labour Canvassers Spat At When Going Door to Door As UK Has Its Lisbon Moment
Regular guest Elvis is back on the show to impart his knowledge and experience from fleeing the Islamic revolution in Iran to UK where he now sees the same things happening…
Crime in London is so bad even the muslim Home Secretary says he cannot sleep until his son gets home safe. It is not only knife crime, but also gun crime and drug crime that is up. This is part of the Islamic plan – which they used in Iran before and during the revolution as a way to destroy the society to make it week.
Many Brits might have laughed at the Irish when they had to vote again for Lisbon Treaty and the Nice Treaty, thinking it could never happen in Britain… but here we are…
As Gerard Batten said, the EU Elections have become a rerun of the referendum.
However the BRexit debacle has woken many people up, especially the silent resistance and the silent majority who might not normally go to marches or speak ou
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“Don’t ever vote for a white person”: Racist Black ANC Leader Promotes Racism To Voters in South Africa!
A leading member of South Africa’s ruling party has stirred controversy as he called on the country’s black population not to vote for white candidates. RT has asked a local politician and activist to weigh in.
With even members of his own party condemning the decision to “campaign along race lines,” the pressure is mounting against African National Congress secretary-general Ace Magashule. He has already found himself at the wrong end of a number of corruption scandals and has now been slammed for his “racist” remark.
A few weeks shy of the 25th anniversary of the end of apartheid, racial tensions remain an undeniable part of life in modern South Africa. And some in South Africa support Magashule’s sentiment.
“White people are the beneficiaries of racism, all of them,” Andile Mngxitama of the pan-Africanist Black First Land First party told RT. He believes that the disproportionate amount of resources that remai
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Globalists Going In For The Kill in Ireland With A Fake Irish Government and MSM Propaganda Chamber
Having fabricated consensus to do whatever they want, the EU occupation regime in the Dail is setting up four new Direct Provision Centres, in the run up to the deadline of 25 November after which migrants will not be able to vote in the next local elections!
“Ireland’s Fake Government is rigging referendums and elections” to get access to the constitution to change it. They had to create a really wide margin of victory in order to create the permission to do whatever they want when changing the constitution.
Even allowing unborn babies to be killed without anesthetic and incredulously considering murdering babies at birth!
Mainstream Media are a propaganda chamber to manufacture this consent and the political parties have been infiltrated and corrupted and hijacked by islamo-globalists
Why are the police no longer in charge of Ballot boxes? An NGO from Canada is brought in?
The separation of
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#UNexit UN, EU Plan 10 Million Illegals A Year To Europe After UN Migration Pact is Signed!
#UNexit UN, EU Plan 10 Million Illegals A Year To Europe After UN Migration Pact is Signed December 11 by Ireland!
The UN & EU Are Doubling Down on Their Invasion Before EU Elections in May knowing the voters will rise up!
Ireland is in big trouble! Castigating those who resist is the Establishment’s Priority
You will have no right to speak about your wife, daughter or sister or mother being raped or murdered…
[embed]https://youtu.be/cZTSM-OogJ4[/embed]Sign Petition: https://www.change.org/p/dept-of-just…
Some statistics on immigration into Europe in the last few years so you have context for what the UN is planning:
78% of Europeans want their borders tightened. The people of Europe do NOT get to vote on this agreement or the levels of immigration the EU is dictating to its members.
94% of 2.8k people polled (to date) are against the new UN compact for migration.
70% of Europeans said they believe that a growing Muslim presence is a
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