@YouTube has deleted the 10 year old youtube channel of EuroWars with no warning, no strikes and no opportunity to remove the alleged “misleading” material. EuroWars are also not allowed to open another channel, ever. They had not even actually posted any videos in the last two years, yet still it was removed despite an..
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Cancel Season Again? Youtube Deletes 10 Year Old Channel With No Warning, No Strikes, No Opportunity To Respond!
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Giorgia Meloni, “Italy’s Trump”, Favoured To Become First Female PM in Coalition with Salvini & Berlusconi
After the globalist EU has already succeeded in driving out the British and demonised the democratic right-wing governments of Hungary and Poland, the left wing European Union is already panicking ahead of Sunday’s parliamentary elections in Italy.
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VIDEO: Dutch Group Hangs Label on Mandela Statue in Netherlands Exposing Mandela as a Murderer, Terrorist & Communist!
A Dutch group who has been active for decades have commemorated mandela day by exposing the real mandela, which the mainstream media hides. They have asked others to do the same. They hung a banner on the statue of Nelson Mandela with a sign saying: “Terrorist, communist, murderer!”
Protesters from the patriotic group Voorpost have hung a sign on the statue of Nelson Mandela in Scheveningen, Netherlands in protest on mandela day. In large black letters is written “Terrorist, communist, murderer” on the placard.
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So Are Honey Bees “Racist” Too? Naturally, Honey Bees Protect Their Hives & Honey From Intruders Like Bumble Bees & Wasps. How Racist?
Ever wonder why bees, and animals in general, as a species, have survived longer and will survive longer than humans? Because they understand and respect the laws of nature, which demand that true diversity be defended and adhered to, in order to ensure the survival of the species, through evolutionary bottlenecks like catastrophes.
“Mixing it up” as humans do, only serves to dilute and destroy our bio-diversity, making us more susceptible to extinction bottle necks. There are 36 kinds of bees, meaning that for any given catastrophe, at least one of them is likely to survive. If there is only one kind of human, our chances are very limited. There used to be about 9 kinds of human but we did our best to destroy them through mixing it up… we should know better now.
YOU might think you are being all noble and moral by “not being a racist”, but in fact you are disobeying a fundamental law of nature, and also neutralizing your own natural and evolutionary self defens
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Has Ireland finally tired of a 2 party state with Fine Gael and Fianna Fail monopolising Ireland’s democracy, colluding to profiteer from Ireland for a century?
Ireland is holding a General Election on Saturday, 8th of February and the traditional 3rd place underdog, Sinn Fein, of IRA fame, has taken a huge chunk out of current government party Fine Gael, and has now even started chewing Fine Gael’s doppelganger, Fianna Fail! What brought this about?
Exactly like what happened in other EU nations, where the awakening of brainwashed normies, brought about the rise of the populist patriots, which causes cucked voters, who are still too scared of being called nasty names, to panic and scramble to vote for any party or independent that will still allow these cowards to virtue signal, as they betray their own ancestors, selling kith, kin and country for coin and false virtue.
However, politics moves slowly, so that is fine, as long as they break the iron hold that FF & FG have had on Ireland for a century, it will be the start of change. We see this happening to the globalist CDU in Germany and likewise the globalist PVV in Netherl
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Why Are People Too Scared To Vote “Far Right”? How Centrist Governments Pay The Far Left, Migrants & Islam To Marginalise & Demonise Patriots, Their No 1 Threat
THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND: The fact that this well known strategy is being employed by so called “centrist” governments, exposes their pedigree. They are of the Deep State – the globalist Liberal World Order who are so well experienced in playing the Dialectic (playing one side against the other). Following the money, we realise the one undeniable fact, which no one can dispute, is that you could count the number of “right wing”, “far right” or “patriotic” NGOs on your one hand. However there are so many Far Left Wing NGOs, all closely aligned with Left Wing parties, it borders on the ridiculous. In fact there are more “anti-racism” NGOs in Ireland than there are actual cases of racism! Even the United Nations has called Ireland out for this! In the UK we have the absurd situation where a far left NGO (HNH) is the official adviser to the Home Office!
While a lot of this left wing, migrant & Islamic funding comes from globalist Oligarchs like
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Nigerian “#cRapper” in Sweden advocates extreme anti-white racial violence on social media yet his Youtube channel, with 237k subscribers, is still active and FULLY MONETIZED!
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Not All Are Born Equal – 21 Year Old Irish Student Questions Establishment Thinking On Race and IQ, Like Students Should Do, Gets Unequal Treatment From Egalitarian Elites
Ireland’s reputation as being a world renowned place for free thinking writers, authors and journalist’s seems numbered. In today’s world of Marxist Universities and dumbed down consumerism, not many 21 year millennials are able to write, research and compose a decent article. It is also rare to find a student that is not blindly and fanatically following the Establishment left wing soundbytes, even though students are meant to question established thought patterns, in order to discover, create and invent new things and ideas. An Irish student has penned an article calling for diversity amongst nations to be upheld, as he states, the concept of egalitarianism has not worked in this sphere and has been shown to be a false paradigm. Egalitarianism and diversity seem to be at odds, meaning open discussion is required… something the left hates.
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The Reconquista Returns To Spain As Anti Immigration Party Vox, Wins 12 Seats in Autonomous Regional Parliament of Andalusia
Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s Socialists were has now lost control of southern Andalusia, which it has governed for over three decades, after Vox took a surprise 12 seats in a regional election on Sunday, handing a majority to right-wing parties in Spain’s most populous region.
It was Sanchez’s first electoral test since taking office in June after winning a vote of no-confidence against the conservative Popular Party (PP) government of Mariano Rajoy over a corruption scandal.
Top-selling daily El Pais called
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Gotcha! Southern Exposes Left Wing NGOs Who Train Migrants To Lie in Asylum Claims – UN Pretends Ignorance and “Alarm”!
Undercover reporting from Lauren Southern, for her upcoming documentary Borderless, shows Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) training Muslim migrants how to lie about trauma they have allegedly experienced, and about being Christians in order to gain asylum status in Europe amongst other things. It is well known George Soros funded the printing of maps and guides with phone numbers for these left wing NGOs so the migrants could call them the moment they land (that is why they all have a phone when they arrive and guard it with their life)!
Lauren Southern is the young Christian Canadian who was banned from Fascist UK for simply critising Islam…
Ariel Ricker, the director of Advocates Abroad, which is a left wing group staffed by legal experts who help those seeking asylum, is heard admitting that “it’s all acting,” and is akin to “theatre.”
In one part of the undercover video recorded in Greece, Ricker is heard giving an exampl
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Desperate Left Wing Prison Service and Mainstream Spread Lies about Tommy Robinson’s Treatment in Jail (Video)
In an attempt to gain back control of their left wing agenda, the mainstream and HMS Prison Service have been spreading lies about Tommy’s incarceration.
Whoever this so called informant is, it is almost certain it is from some left wing radical group like Hope not Hate or Antifa or Green Party.
Sadly the days of true investigative journalism are long gone, so it is left up to alternative media, who have nowhere near the budgets of mainstream, to get the truth out…
Don Murray
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Tommy Robinson wins his appeal and is to be released from jail!
Tommy Robinson has won his appeal over the contempt sentence, and will be released. Jeremy Dein QC, Robinson’s lawyer, said his client’s initial court appearance was “unnecessarily and unfairly rushed,” with Robinson being arrested, sentenced and jailed within hours of his arrest.
Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett, along with two other judges, quashed a finding of contempt, ordering a fresh hearing of the allegation. Robinson did not attend court but witnessed his appeal hearing via videolink.
Robinson’s appeal was funded by crowdfunding arranged by Rebel Media. Supporters broke into applause as Lord Burnett announced the decisio
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The UK’s Traitorous Regime Takes in 1,100 “refugees”, NOT A SINGLE ONE IS Christian – ALL are Muslim!
Why are Muslims running away from Muslim countries when Christians are the target of Islam?
The UK has taken ZERO Christian Syrian refugees this year according to New figures recently released by the Barnabas Fund charity which show that not a single Christian refugee from Syria was brought to the UK in 2018.
The figures show that out of 1,100 refugees, not a single one was Christian – and previous figures show a systematic discrimination against people from the Christian faith.
Even Barnabas admits that the government appears to be discriminating, and I have to ask — is this ideologically driven?
It seems to me like the British government is just hell bent on importing as many Muslim migrants as they can get away with…
Don V
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“We Will Save Our Tradition, Our Story, Our Identity With More European Babies, NOT Replace them with Migrants” – Matteo Salvini
Matteo Salvini, The League (Lega) leader, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister of Italy’s new patriotic coalition government, has not held back his opinion that Italy’s “tradition, our story, our identity” was at risk while the political left have abused declining birthrates and threat of an ageing population as an “excuse” to “import migrants”. It is the left that promotes abortion on demand too.
In an interview with The Sunday Times at the historic Palazzo del Viminale in Rome, the Italian Interior Minister cautioned that a country which imports migrants instead of supporting families is “destined to die”.
“We have created a ministry of the family to work on fertility, nurseries, on a fiscal system which takes large families into account. At the end of this mandate, the government will be measured on the number of newborns more than on its public debt,” the Minister stated.
Italy’s most powerful elected po
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UK Will Have A Right Wing Government or Be an Islamic State. Muslim Birth Rates and LibLabCon Treason Favours The Latter!
It is clear that given the inevitable and impending choice between a democratically elected Right Wing Government or Sharia law in A UK Caliphate, the Establishment and Political Elites (LibLabCon = LIBerals, LABour and CONservatives), have decided UK will be an Islamic state.
This is not hearsay, the facts and actions of successive treasonous UK governments (which are withheld from mainstream media), clearly prove this. They ban anyone who has a hint of association to the right from entering UK whilst allowing an Islamic Hate preacher, who was banned in Pakistan for being too radical, to freely enter UK! They allow the Home Office to be captured by a Far Left Wing Hate group, deceitfully calling themselves “Hope Not Hate”, as is common practice amongst the traitorous Left, who will stop at nothing to destroy our hard won national freedoms, just so that they can rule. Hope Not Hate were most likely behind the banning of Selner, Pettibone Lauren Southern and Bachman in their
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