VIDEO: Dutch Group Hangs Label on Mandela Statue in Netherlands Exposing Mandela as a Murderer, Terrorist & Communist!

Axis of Shame: Suicidal Lesotho Signs UN Resolution Praising China for Oppressing Hong Kong With National Security Law?

VIDEO: #BLM is Kristallnacht for Whites, Next are Yellow Triangles on our sleeves! Like BLM, Nazism Was Popular, Institutional & Structural, Manufacturing Consent For Holocaust!

#Blackwash Roll Call of #FarmMurders & #FarmAttacks Totally Ignored as Liberal World’s Virtue Signaling Reaches Existential Proportions!

#WhiteLivesMatter Systemic Black on White Violence Like Farm Murders, are Deliberately Ignored as Black Supremacist Hysteria Hijacks Social Media, Mainstream & The Establishment!

#EqualityChallenged White Folks Simply Do Not Gang Up, Kill A Single Female & Leave Her For Dead as They Drive Away in Her Car! Prove Us Wrong – VIDEO

British Troops Shoot Traitor May as She Connives With African Despots in South Africa

International Animal Rights Conservationist Stuck in Irish Asylum System Awaiting Protection Order

Irish Occupation Regime Paid Journalists to Promote €116 BILLION Plan to Import 1 MILLION Migrants into Ireland!

‘We Do Not Give Colour To Crime, We Do Not Give Colour To Victims’

#FARMATTACK: Stabbed 20 Times. Plastic Bag Pulled Over His Head, Hand And Feet Bounded – Survives

A Bottle Of Petrol And The Death Of Hope in ANC’s anti-white abomiNation – Destitute White Woman Sets Herself on Fire!

Time to wake up South Africa!! – Slow War against whites in South Africa

Boer Political Prisoners go to Constitutional Court claiming illegal incarceration and denial of right to appeal

Since 1994 there has been over 400 000 people murdered in South Africa, our so called Rainbow Nation !!!