South African and Botswana passport holders will be required to obtain a visa before travelling to Ireland from Wednesday 9th July, the Irish Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, has announced.
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Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: African Abuse of Visa Free Travel Force Ireland & UK To Implement Visa Requirement
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#Dirkiesdorp’s “Zimbabwe Narrative”! Gupta Style Indian Mining Group Atha Africa Assisted & Incited Blacks To Protest Violently Against Farmers!
The shocking, yet predictable truth behind the highly politicized and media inflamed Dirkiesdorp incident, when an obviously well organised group of aggressive and violent toyi toyers illegally invaded the farm Pampoenkraal, belonging to Werner Potgieter on 9 April, has finally been revealed! A Gupta / Bell Pottinger style Indian mining group, Atha Africa, was determined to drive white farmers off their land, with the full co-operation of Deputy President David Mabuza’s sidekick, Vusi Shongwe, Mpumalanga MEC for Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs! We will however probably never know who paid who to do what, and what favours changed hands, because the victims of this racist intimidation and violence are white!
Yet again a case of greedy and unscrupulous foreign businessmen whipping up black hatred against white people in order to achieve business objectives, just like the anti-white so called WMC narrative, designed and implemented by the Gu
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How Fake Anti-Racism Destroys Nations: South Africa’s ESKOM Directors Use Allegations of Racism To Continue Systemic Looting of The Taxpayer!
“Anti-Racism” is the Number one Nation Killing Weapon for Globalists! Billions have been deliberately poured into the manufacture, weaponizing, propagandizing and strengthening of this weapon of mass destruction. It has been so entrenched in our society (to destroy social cohesion), through the globalist mainstream media, who are major recipients of these billions when they become complicit in implementing the weapon, that it has become a weapon against ANYTHING, even looting! ESKOM, the massive state entity that is considered to be bankrupt, alleges the white CEO, Andre de Ruyter, who was appointed to stop the endemic and systemic corruption, is now a target of anti-racism in the corporation, specifically because he identified and fired perpetrators of gross systemic abuse and looting, who are not white…
The ESKOM Board of Directors apparently “decided” to investigate the alleged racism, that makes De Ruyter guilty simply becau
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VIDEO: Comrade Biden Calling for Violence in South Africa in 1986! Called Afrikaners Repulsive & Repugnant!
Footage from 1986 has come to light which does not bode well for the future of whites in South Africa, if Biden and the Democrats manage to complete their steal of the election. A hate filled comrade Joe Biden is seen calling for violence and calling Afrikaners Repulsive & Repugnant!
What this video shows is why the radical left and socialist world supremacists have been winning. They are not shy or scared or worried about being nice. They are unreasonable and when unreasonable meets the reasoned conservatives, the left always wins!
The second clip contrasts Joe Biden’s hate filled diversity destroying rant with a popular black youtuber who confirms what many awake whites already know, that integration will ensure white extinction and explains why white people need their own space… BOOM!!
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VIDEO: “Blacks Are Not From South Africa!” – Malema Finally Admits The Truth About Bantu Migration & Black Colonisation of Southern Africa!
The establishment mainstream media and ANC/EFF/BLF lie that whites “stole” land from blacks in SA has been totally debunked by the EFF leader Julius Malema himself, when he admitted on a public platform to his followers, that blacks (bantu/ nguni / n e g r o), are colonists and settlers from the North.
This is a very important and fundamental fact because the entire motivation and coercion of whites handing over their country, to the black migrants from the North, with the added threat of mandela’s bombs, was based on this lie which became the mainstream narrative. It was used constantly to create and manufacture white guilt, which was used to trick white South Africans into giving away the first world country, that their forefathers had built over the centuries!
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Cancel Culture Strikes Belgian Government! Rabid Left Wants Theo Francken Gone, Despite Him Being Linked to Asylum Fraud and Human Trafficking!
FENCESITTERS BEWARE: Belgian immigration minister, Theo Francken, is facing calls for him to resign by the radical left, after it was revealed he had repatriated failed asylum seekers to Sudan. Now the government coalition itself is at risk of collapse over the scandal. Ironically, in his time as Belgium’s State Secretary for Migration, Theo Francken had presented himself as a “tough guy” om mass immigration, but in reality a secret machine was running behind the scenes, to get as many migrants into the country as possible. The “correct” migrants: those who promise to support the N-VA, and that was done in the usual way for almost all immigrant groups: payment in welfare cash and benefits to the “right” migrants, funded by taxpayers.
The Antwerp Council Chamber has now ruled that Theo Francken’s friend, Mechelen’s N-VA city councilor Melikan Kucam (46) and nine other suspects must answer for human trafficking, passive bribery and membership of a criminal organizatio
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Axis of Shame: Suicidal Lesotho Signs UN Resolution Praising China for Oppressing Hong Kong With National Security Law?
World Domination: You would expect a tiny landlocked nation like Lesotho to be pro independence, but no, Lesotho along with Zimbabwe and Mozambique, appear to support communism and annexation. Why does Lesotho even exist? Why was Lesotho (and Swaziland & Namibia) allowed to keep its independence, but the other 10 independent bantu homeland nations were annexed by ANC in the 1994 violent coup? Why is Lesotho the favourite of UK Royals? We can only assume large amounts of money or “deals” changed hands when on July 1, 53 countries (including Communist China) signed a resolution introduced by Communist Cuba at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council in Geneva, praising China for the passing of the oppressive Hong Kong National Security Law.
The list of those that have now became part of this new Axis of ShameContinue reading…
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W.H.O. Director General Tells The World To Stay Locked Down While China Gets A Headstart in Global Economy! 836,000 Sign Petition for his Resignation!
The embattled Director General of World Health Organisation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who has been accused by many of being yet another Chinese plant in a globalist organisation, doubled down on his Chinese loyalty by telling nations of the world to stay locked down, yet China is getting back to work and restarting their economy, getting a headstart on the global economy. How convenient for the very country that started the CCPvirus trouble! Meanwhile over 836,000 people have signed a petition asking for Tedros to resign (see chart below detailing his errors)!
If you thought the Chinese influence over world organisations like UN & World Health Organisation is a coincidence, think again. It is part of a deliberate plot to gain global domination and to spread communist policies worldwide. This was proven when China put out a letter of “solidarity” to 230 globalist left wing parties calling for “co-operation on global governance“! While minimizing the serio
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VIDEO: China Used CoronaVirus as Bio-Weapon To Mitigate its Economic Losses from COVID-19 & Funded “Hug a Chinese” Activists Blamed For Italy’s High #CoronaVirus Infections!
As Italy’s shocking death toll eclipses even China’s, we see that Trump was right again: this virus is like warfare to China! On the very same day that Italy surpassed China in total deaths, China announces NO NEW CASES of CoronaVirus, apart from a few “imported” ones! Seems almost staged! Italy only has 60 Million people, China has 1.5 BILLION! Even in Africa the pro China lobby & propaganda machine, including the ANC in South Africa, and complicit mainstream media, have convinced everyone that ALL Africa’s CoronaVirus infections, came from Europe! Really? Well where did Europe get the virus from? Yes, China, but shhhh that is racist. In fact “anti racist” campaigners have been blamed for the rapid mass spread of the virus in Italy FROM China!
The price of globalism: In Northern Italy, many Italians had sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese workers from Wuh
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Irish National Animal Rights Association Too Scared of Being Called Racist To Protest Against Zimbabwe For Exporting Baby Elephants To World’s Biggest Animal Rights Abuser, China
Supporters of South Africa Fight For Rhino are outraged against the National Animal Rights Association in Dublin that cites racism when asked for assistance in peaceful protest. While the world is up in arms and everybody stands together in the fight against the Zimbabwean export of baby elephants to China, NARA in Dublin stands back.
This outrage against the export of baby elephants come after the release of video footage from animal activists in Zimbabwe. Filmed were 35 stressed baby elephants that were forcibly taken from their herds. If successful, they will be kept in zoos in the world’s biggest animal rights abuser, China.
The animals appear ‘wide-eyed’, defensive, and show obvious signs of stress in the footage, according to campaign group Human Soci
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International Animal Rights Conservationist Stuck in Irish Asylum System Awaiting Protection Order
A well known campaigner fighting against poaching in Africa, who has exposed high level corruption in poaching, at diplomatic and ministerial level, has had to flee her country and seek refuge in Ireland. However more than 8 months after arriving in secret, she is stuck in limbo and her work, safety and charity have been badly compromised. Meanwhile countless other migrants from Africa have arrived after her and been processed ahead of her, in an Asylum system which even some Irish people find embarrassing.
The campaigner seeking protection in Ireland is a regular attendee at international conservation conferences like Cites and the China / Africa Forum and is the driving force behind the Charity she founded after realising that were would be no stopping the poaching of our wildlife if nothing was done. In her work she highlighted the corruption at all levels including government, police and moneyed elites and works to eradicate this by working with the grassroots communitie
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A visitor to our Country, and already in trouble, may the Law take it’s course or not!
Grace Mugabe, wife of Zimbabwean Robert Mugabe and a possible successor to his throne presidency, has been accused of assaulting a woman in an apartment in Johannesburg. She is due to be formally charged in connection with the incident on Tuesday in the Randburg Magistrate’s Court. Zimbabweans, all too familiar with their first lady’s erratic..
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The One Hundred Million Victims of Communism Remembered at 10th Annual VOC Roll Call of Victim Nations
Embassies & Human Rights Organizations joined VOC to remember The One Hundred Million Victims of Communism on June 9th, when a record number of twenty-three embassies and thirty-four ethnic and human rights organizations joined hundreds of participants for the 10th Annual Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom & Roll Call of Nations Wreath-Laying Ceremony, at the Victims..
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Murder For These White Farmers, 20 Times The International Average
South African minority facing genocide incited by government Over a two-year time span, South African Claudine Van Wyk lost three beloved family members in a series of gruesome farm attacks in the troubled African nation. Her story is hardly unique. The horrendous violence that has become so common in South Africa is a terror that even cross-border violence or..
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