Homosexuality is the root cause for the majority of sex abuse at the catholic Church, not the Catholic Church itself, says a German cardinal who is one of the most senior German figures in the Catholic Church. He has controversially denied that sexual abuse was a problem in the Catholic Church, saying that the problem was caused by gay men rather than catholic priests.
Cardinal Walter Brandmüller played down widespread reports of sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church in an interview with news agency DPA on Friday. Bradmüller said that public debate on the sexual abuse “forgets or silences the fact that 80 percent of the cases of sexual assault in the church affected male youths not children”. He added that it was “statistically proven” that there is a connection between homosexuality and sexual abuse.
In an impassioned defence of the Church’s record, Brandmüller claimed that “<
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GRAPHIC: If This Video Offends Or Bothers You, You Should Not Be Welcoming Illegal Unknown Migrants. M&M’s Anyone?
This is the video the Establishment, Mainstream media and Social Media Networks do not want you to see. Some mainstream media outlets like BBC and CBS are going so far as to call the islamic beheading as mere stab wounds to the neck! Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are removing this video as soon as it is being posted by users. We have decided to post it on EuroWars.org, as horrendous as it is, in an effort to make people realise the barbarity they are welcoming with open arms, and also in the interest of not censoring the brutality and inhumanity of these warriors and servants of Allah, but also to highlight the deceit that Mainstream media and the Establishment is practicing in the name of false virtue and oil cash.
You wouldn’t think the much vaunted ‘Religion of Peace,’ would need public relations interference by the mainstream media, establishment and global tech elites, but that’s exactly what Islam is ge
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Not So PC Sir? Snob Geldof Revealed as Shareholder in Bloodsport Greyhound Racetrack in UK!
Sir Snob Geldof fans (if there are any) take note: it has come to light that not only does he watch dog racing, he even owns a share in a greyhound racetrack. Wonder if he knows that over 1,000 dogs were killed or put down with injury in Greyhound racing last year in UK and Ireland?
Disappointment has been widely expressed after a photograph emerged showing Bob Geldof at a greyhound track presenting an award.
The photo appeared in the Racing Post’s “Off the Leash” column along with a report which revealed that Geldof owns a share in a racing greyhound track
The report stated: “Central Park [in Kent] was graced by a visit from Sir Bob Geldof last Sunday [16 December 2018]. Er, yes, really. He was there to see Tony Collett’s Professor Gimlet in whom he has a share, in action. Geldof duly presented the trophy for the race…but it was to the Paul Philpott-trained Alarming Hades and not his own hound, who had to settle for third.”
The Irish Council Aga
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“Losing Your Child Is The Worst Red Pill Ever!” UK Gov Hiding Islamic Attacks and Putting Impact on Attackers and Their Rights Above The Victim’s!
Tracy Blackwell’s son Josh was mowed down with 4 of his friends by a Pakistani Muslim in a black Audi mounting the pavement and not braking or swerving, murdering 3 of the kids who were on their way to a 16th birthday party.
Thanks to Tracy’s strong will and courage and dedication to her son’s memory, it has subsequently come to light that there is a deliberate program or regime by the establishment politicians, civil authority and mainstream media of burying and hiding anything that will impact negatively on Islam and Muslims! Even court officials who lie under oath to hide the truth!
Exposing a sinister state-backed underhand cover-up and influence network is foreboding enough, yet the real conspiracy is the blind eye turned by the Western establishment, institutions and mainstream media, who all appear fine with subterfuge. Since 2010 many cars, vans and buses have been mounting pavements!
When mainstream media like LBC and BBC reports a protest in Sunderla
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Boycott the Boycotters: Here’s The Complete List of Companies Boycotting Tucker Carlson’s Show on Fox News
Fiery conservative commentator Tucker Carlson has never had a problem speaking his mind. For better or for worse, the Fox News host’s public opinions are unfiltered and raw, which contributes to his sizable following.
Given Carlson’s unabashed approach to sociopolitical discourse, he has made his fair share of leftist rivals. Sometimes, as is the case with CNN, those leftists have no discernible comeback other than to mock him.
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Macron Arrests Democracy in France – Over 4,500 Yellow Vest Protesters Arrested and 4,100 STILL in Custody!
The number of people arrested since the beginning of the massive popular protests that have gripped France for weeks has surpassed a staggering 4,500, with critics calling the actions of the authorities crackdown on democracy.
The French police have detained a total of 4,523 people in connection to the so-called Yellow Vests protests that united tens of thousands of people across the country discontent with taxes polices and fuel prices hikes. Of those almost 4,100 still remain in police custody, the French BFM TV broadcaster reported, citing police sources.
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So UK is Not Sovereign After All? Why Is Traitor May Begging EU Dictators For Permission To Leave EU Despite BRexit Win?
For years EU apologists have constantly claimed that UK was still Sovereign whilst power was transferred to Brussels, yet here we are with the UK leader down on her hands and knees begging for permission to leave. Where are all these short sighted apologists now? EU supremacist leader Merkel bluntly said “No way to change” BRexit deal, May’s grovelling and embarrassing visit, where May even struggled to exit her car, should be the guilty verdict for all the traitors and naysayers over the years!
May visited three European capitals Tuesday in a desperate bid to beg for the return of UK Sovereignty and her Brexit deal, a day after delaying a parliamentary vote on the text to avoid a crushing defeat.
When May was in Ber
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Far Left in Ireland in Panic Mode as Christian Conservative Filmmaker Lauren Southern Secretly Visits and Gathers Evidence…
It seems the Irish Occupation regime’s decision to open FOUR Direct Provision centres in quick succession has drawn sharp objection, not only from indignant locals, but has also prompted a secret visit from conservative documentary maker Lauren Southern, whose documentary “Farmlands” about Farm Murders in South Africa (see video at bottom) has received wide acclaim with over 2 Million views on youtube. Lauren is working on a new documentary entitled “No Borders”.
The far left organisations behind the invasion of Ireland, like the Irish Immigration Council, the Irish Refugee Council, Refugee Integration Agency, Dept of Justice, etc. etc, resorted to sending out an emergency alert to all direct Provision centres to warn their profit units (migrants) about the bad boogeyman (rayyyssists!) who would offer them bribes to do an interview.
Whilst this claim is totally false, Lauren has confirmed to Irish news that she does not pay anyone:
Lauren stated: “Wow. I
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Finally Spain Wakes Up With A Populist Party: VOX Pledges to Put Spanish First and Make Spain Great Again!
ALERT! Dating Apps Are The New Weapon To Secretly Commit White Genocide and Trick You Into Racemixing!
PUBLIC HEALTH WARNING! If your Dating APP or Dating Sites does not allow you to choose the race of your preferred potential matches and dates, delete your profile now! There are many dating services that DO allow you to set the preference of your intended partners! (Here is an example of a dating site where you can specify what races you want contacting you).
So you thought it was bad enough that the genocidal left and supremacist tech giant firms do not allow dating sites purely for white people, whilst allowing and promoting many sites purely for Blacks or Asians, as hypocritical and racist as that is, they have now crept even lower into the gutter and plan to manipulate you into racemixing by fiddling with the algorithms… as if their constant mainstream media pro racemixing propaganda were not enough!
As most true believers in true diversity, not the false diversit
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Video: Why Was Tommy Robinson Arrested If Public Can Obstruct Justice Being Served and Prevent Deportation of Convicted Muslim Gang Rapist!?
PUSHING SNOWFLAKE BUTTONS: A Group of mostly Asian passengers prevented a Muslim gang rapist from being deported to Somalia on a Turkish Airlines flight at Heathrow Airport. The Somali man had raped a 16-year-old girl in London and his accomplice went on to fight for ISIS!
Officials escorting Yaqub Ahmed on a flight from Heathrow to Turkey were forced to abandon his deportation when around a dozen passengers heard his deliberate pleas and protestations, felt sorry for him angrily intervened shortly before take-off. Third worlders know very well how to push the buttons of Westerners to achieve sympathy…
Justice really is literally blind in the UK if Tommy Robinson can get arrested outside a trial fro broadcasting something the BBC had already published, yet anyone can prevent Justice from being served by interfering with the carriage of Justice! Why are people being deported on commercial passenger planes anyway? Not only does this put the public at risk, but it
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Trudeau Government Fakes TripAdvisor Reviews To Hide Migrant Mess! Should You Check if Hotels, Motels or B&Bs are Housing Migrants Before you Book?
Toronto area hotels housing asylum seekers have been inundated with “bad reviews” by disgruntled holiday makers who were kept in the dark when booking, whilst the Canadian government has been secretly posting fake reviews to hide the mess caused by their darling invaders.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada have been housing asylum seekers in Toronto area hotels and motels. The economic migrants, primarily those self-deporting from immigration law enforcement in the United States, are part of the more than 34K people who have illegally crossed our borders since 2017.
The asylum seekers were originally housed in area university dorms until the fall classes reconvened. As an interim solution, migrants were shuffled over to long term hotel accommodations while the government found more permanent housing.
But that’s not happening fast enough, and it’s bad news for the hotels and unsuspecting guests alike.
Sue Ann Levy reports
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Will Taxing Couples Who Choose Not to Have Kids Be an Answer To Europe’s Demographic and Pension Time Bomb?
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#SWexit – General Election Favourites, Patriotic Swedish Democrat Party, Pledge Support for an EU Referendum
“The EU is not the way to cooperate in Europe,” Party chief Jimmie Akesson said on Sveriges Radio, calling for a Brexit-style vote. “My position is that we should renegotiate the terms [of our membership] of
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Irish Freedom and Independence to be Reclaimed by new Irexit Freedom Party on 8th September in Dublin
The Republic of Ireland will soon see the launch of a new Eurosceptic party to be called the Irexit Freedom Party. It will be launched after a conference in Dublin on this September 8th at the Bonnington Hotel in Drumcondra, Dublin 9.
The new Party will headed by European Parliament veteran, Hermann Kelly, who is well qualified having served as Nigel Farage’s Chief Communications Director in Brussels for the past few years. Not only does he have the right contacts in that regard, but he has already attracted a following of determined Independence loving Irish patriots.
This will be the second conference for the Irexit movement in Ireland this year with the the first ‘Irexit Freedom to Prosper’ Conference having been held in February when “Mr. BRexit”, the former UKIP leader and popular MEP Nigel Farage, was one of the key note speakers. Hermann has also rubbed shoulders with the likes of Matteo Salvini, Viktor Orban, Vlaams Belang and other patriotic eurosce
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