Here is a list of all the patriotic or nationalist candidates for the upcoming local elections in Ireland. Remember not to give any transfer or preference votes to the mainstream parties, as that is how they sneak in every time on the umpteenth count. Only vote for who you actually want, and leave the rest.. Continue reading…
The best way to ensure permanent and lasting peace on the European continent, is to let both Ukraine AND Russia join the very organisations that claim to maintain peace and stability in Europe. Continue reading…
Hollywood is now irrelevant: Sky News host Alan Jones has said he is not surprised that no one is interested or wants to hear a lecture from elites, after the Oscars slumped to a record low viewership in 2021.
“Who would want to sit and watch a group of narcissists who have an overinflated sense of self importance, who reside in Los Angeles mansions, lecturing us for hours on TV?”
Do not let the mainstream media pretend that the Oscars or indeed Hollywood still mean anything. The old Hollywood red carpet “night of nights” as The Oscars used to be known is now irrelevant and has slumped to a record low viewership of only 9.85 million in a nation of 328 million, Continue reading…
No doubt if you have been following Mainstream Media anywhere in the Occident, you are probably starting to believe all the “Orange Man Bad” propaganda and false flags, or are digging your head in the sand out of fear of being falsely called “racist“? However videos have appeared showing Capitol Hill “police” or what appear to be police, allowing protestors in through the barricades! There is also a video of MAGA protestors trying to stop #antifa militants from breaking the window of the Capitol building, and calling antifa out! A known #BLM Antifa activist was also caught inside the building. Did Pelosi & Mitch McConnel instruct the guards to let the protestors in? It is clear this was a setup as Trump is now permanently banned from Twitter and the Big Tech monopoly has restricted ALL Government accounts associated with the Trump Administration!
This proves Joe Biden’s Antifa & BLM breached The Capitol! Trump was framed by The Swamp, Big Tech & Deep State Continue reading…
#FactsMatter – White males simply do NOT rape, torture or even murder 85 year old black women! Black males however regularly attack and kill elderly whites! However facts only seem to matter to normal white people. The rest are perfectly happy to not only overlook decades of statistics about black on black and black on white violence, but even to blame the white victims for these terrible statistics. For example, a member of far left Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in UK actually condoned the shooting of “racist” police officers! This self appointed judge, jury and executioner attitude is systemic and endemic to the establishment and left wingers. The world is suffering from the results of decades of over the top tolerance which has been more appeasement and freebie indulgence than tolerance, resulting in a attitude of entitlement.
Britain’s Immigration Minister Caroline Nokes has said that a spike in illegal aliens crossing the Channel by boat was “deeply concerning”, after dozens of people were rescued overnight. Continue reading…
The number of homeschooled children has jumped in the past few years due to so called “School-phobia” a name the ignorant no doubt coined to deny the real reasons for the rise of more Irish parents homeschooling their children. Continue reading…
As Rav Ashi was walking abroad one day he saw some grapes growing in a roadside vineyard, and sent his servant to see whom they belonged to. “If they belong to a Gentile,” he said, “bring some here to me, but if they belong to an Israelite, do not meddle with them.” (Bava Kama, Fol. 113,.. Continue reading…
Gordian Knots of Denial The ideas of the Alt-Right concern truths, and therefore priorities, belonging to the bigger picture. To refute or be blind to such matters requires myopia, either intentional, self-deluding, or via genuine confusion. “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” The world is comprised of particles. Knowing each particle should lead to.. Continue reading…