VIDEO: China Used CoronaVirus as Bio-Weapon To Mitigate its Economic Losses from COVID-19 & Funded “Hug a Chinese” Activists Blamed For Italy’s High #CoronaVirus Infections!

VIDEO: Progressiveness Seeks To Destroy Economies & Countries & Caused 2008 Financial Crash! Stop Chasing The Stick & Start Throwing It!

So Are Honey Bees “Racist” Too? Naturally, Honey Bees Protect Their Hives & Honey From Intruders Like Bumble Bees & Wasps. How Racist?

HAPPY BREXODUS! Here is The EU Alternative To Make Britain Great Again and 281,000 have already signed this common sense petition!

Why Are People Too Scared To Vote “Far Right”? How Centrist Governments Pay The Far Left, Migrants & Islam To Marginalise & Demonise Patriots, Their No 1 Threat

Mail & Guardian in South Africa To Become Latest George Soros Mouthpiece Like CNN. Soros Backed Left Wing Investment Group MDIF To Take Control of M&G Media House in SA!

Imagine A Country Where One Sect of The Church Is The Government Which Controls The Military! THAT is Iran! Yet The Left Condemn US Strike on Qassem Soeleimani?

GODFATHER OF THE LEFT: From “Breaking the Bank of England” to spending BILLIONS of dollars on a NO BORDERS agenda for Europe and USA!

On liberalism & identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!

Post BRexit UK-Australia Trade Agreement Could Include Visa-Free Travel Proposal For Anglosphere!

Sweden Now Officially A Third World Country Which Deliberately Hid Migrant Crime Stats – Ignoring Data Just Like Any Third World Country Does

“THERE IS NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY!” Over 500 Scientists and Climate Professionals Tell UN That Current Climate Models “Are Unfit For Their Purpose”!

Nigerian “#cRapper” in Sweden advocates extreme anti-white racial violence on social media yet his Youtube channel, with 237k subscribers, is still active and FULLY MONETIZED!

Nigeria repatriates 600 Nigerians from South Africa after anti-mass immigration violence, yet they refuse to repatriate failed Nigerian asylum seekers?

Video: 50 Times Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Promised To Deliver Brexit – Labour Liars Pants on Fire!