On liberalism & identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!

#ExposeThemToHarm is official policy now: Terrorists get second chances while the locals get none & become victims of Islamo-Globalism

Nigerian “#cRapper” in Sweden advocates extreme anti-white racial violence on social media yet his Youtube channel, with 237k subscribers, is still active and FULLY MONETIZED!

Ireland Sh*ts in its Own Bed! Asylum Claims in Ireland Skyrocket 36% With 41% of Claims From UN “Safe Countries”! Yet Still Ireland Refuses To Forcefully Deport ANY Fake Claimants!

Dear Europe, Rainbow Nations Become Sh*tholes and Unicorns Get Aids – Look to South Africa for your future…

Video: Covert “Compulsory” LGBT Agenda Teaches Primary Kids in School That Having A Best Friend From The Same Sex = Gay!

Kalergi Plan: Traitors in Government of 14 EU States Capitalise on Hero Salvini’s Closure of Italian Ports to Fake Rescue NGO Ships!

Muslim “Refugee” Tried To Kill People Who Were “English”! Asks Nationality Before Stabbing Only English People in Sadiq Khan’s London!

Homeless Irish Family Evicted From Hotel To Make Way For Illegal Immigrants Because Ireland Does NOT Deport Fake Refugees!

Sweden Hates White Families – Commie Social Minister Summonses Hungarian Ambassador Because Orban Spends Money on Families and Not Migrants

Far Left in Ireland in Panic Mode as Christian Conservative Filmmaker Lauren Southern Secretly Visits and Gathers Evidence…

When the IRISH become a Minority in Ireland, Remember South Africa’s Cry for Help and Warning!

The NEW WORLD ORDER was not a conspiracy theory after all! It commences December 11, 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco!

British Troops Shoot Traitor May as She Connives With African Despots in South Africa

ALERT! Dating Apps Are The New Weapon To Secretly Commit White Genocide and Trick You Into Racemixing!