EU and its Sock Puppet, Ireland, Use Lies and Hard Border Scare Tactics To Get UK To Abandon BRexit

UK Owns Ireland’s Rosslare Europort, Which Bypasses UK and Connects Direct To Mainland Europe, Yet Anti BRexit Irish Government Spurns UK and Fails To Prepare Rosslare For No Deal BRexit

#ForgetEurope? Post BRexit Freedom of Movement Between UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland? Just Imagine…

More Illegal Aliens Paying Crazy Money To Human Traffickers To Risk Life Crossing English Channel To Join Feeding Frenzy On UK’s Dying Carcass

Not So PC Sir? Snob Geldof Revealed as Shareholder in Bloodsport Greyhound Racetrack in UK!

Arrogant Muslim Rapist Claps To Jury After Muslim Rape Gang Members Found Guilty of Rape and Grooming Oxford Schoolgirl!

So UK is Not Sovereign After All? Why Is Traitor May Begging EU Dictators For Permission To Leave EU Despite BRexit Win?

Far Left in Ireland in Panic Mode as Christian Conservative Filmmaker Lauren Southern Secretly Visits and Gathers Evidence…

Leaked Soros Document Exposes Plan To Politicise Imported Migrants To Take Power and To Marginalise Indigenous Europeans!

Fact: The More Muslim Immigrants in A Country the Higher the Rape Rate. Why Muslim Immigration Should Scare All Women!

Suspects Named in Huddersfield Muslim Rape Gang Offences – 31 Charged With Child Rape, Trafficking and Assault!

What Price Atheism? Genocidal UNHCR decides where refugees are “resettled”, sends Muslims to UK and Christian Syrians to Germany and Sweden!

Desperate Left Wing Prison Service and Mainstream Spread Lies about Tommy Robinson’s Treatment in Jail (Video)

BRexit Poker: UK Gov. Blinked and Folded To EU’s Bluff! Proof Theresa May’s Chequers Assurances Are Hollow Surrender

The UK’s Traitorous Regime Takes in 1,100 “refugees”, NOT A SINGLE ONE IS Christian – ALL are Muslim!