If there is one way to recognise an evil covert manipulator, it is by his signature modus operandi, and no one is better at vilifying a target in the global fake news theatre, than the International Socialist establishment “Liberal One World Order”. Whilst their Hitlerisation of Trump failed, their Hitlerisation or Nazification of Putin runs the risk of backfiring and expose their deep deceit and treachery in WWII
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#InterNazi – Will Hitlerisation of Putin backfire and expose the InterNational Socialist’s deceit and treachery in WWI & II?
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As Thick As Thieves! The election coup / fraud of USA2020 has all the hallmarks of an Obama scam backed by the Deep State, and having been Biden’s boss, Obama would know all the details of his corrupt VP’s activities. He also knew Biden would agree to partaking in election fraud to become President, to save his family from disgrace, like Clinton or any classic african despot does! It is clear the reason Joe Biden was happy to be complicit in election fraud was because being President would give him and Obama immunity from everything, like illegally spying on Trump, the Trump Russia collusion hoax, corrupt deals with Russia and China and various sex scandals, including some which were no doubt “honey traps” set by the CCP! Clearly Biden is a national security risk! But then, it is the aim of NWO and globalist Democrats to destroy USA, so it’s a win win for them!
As VP to Obama, Joe Biden threatened to withhold a Billion dollars of US Government Aid fr
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VIDEO: #BLM is Kristallnacht for Whites, Next are Yellow Triangles on our sleeves! Like BLM, Nazism Was Popular, Institutional & Structural, Manufacturing Consent For Holocaust!
#BlackLivesMatter is Kristallnacht for White people, and next are yellow triangles on our sleeves! Like BLM, Nazism in its time was popular, institutional & structural, manufacturing consent for a holocaust, otherwise it would not have happened. Large corporations like Ford and IBM were funding it! Today we see FreeSpeech Haters, ADL & NAACP blackmailing multinationals into boycotting social media platforms. The complicit enemies of Free Speech are: Coca-Cola, Verizon, Dove, Lipton, Hershey’s, Honda, Unilever, HP, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Ben&Jerry’s, Patagonia, TheNorthFace, etc. Boycott them! It is they who are forcing their advertising channels and brand representatives, sports stars and celebrities to Take The Knee. It has very little to do with actual racism.
Without Walls of Discretion, BLM Will Coerce Us Right Into a Anti White Holocaust
Call to Action: Rebuild the Walls of Discretion. Whites are n
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Dear Europe, Rainbow Nations Become Sh*tholes and Unicorns Get Aids – Look to South Africa for your future…
The protests outside Google’s European Headquarters in Dublin continued this weekend, with the left with their mainstream media tag alongs finally taking notice after 4 weeks. As expected, they came out with their vitriol, noise and usual disrupt, deny and destroy…
There are tonnes of video and other evidence out there cataloging and enumerating the disastrous decline of South Africa since it “liberalised”, threw open its doors to the world and became a “Rainbow Nation”.
Even the leader of the official Opposition Party Julius Malema said it was better under apartheid…
South Africa, the modern day sh*thole is what happens when the populace discover the Left has been deceiving them for decades, leading them on with empty platitudes, false virtue and empty promises… instead they got 56 murders every day! The same amount of murders every year as the ENTIRE Apartheid period (40 years). 70% of the SA Army have AIDS / HIV!
Dublin in a decade or less? When vote
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Greece Ready To Claim 270 Billion in War Reparations From Germany – The Price of Enforced Bailouts?
Greece’s parliament on Wednesday began a debate on a resolution to demand the payment of German war crime reparations, an issue long disputed by Berlin.
“These demands are always active. They were never set aside by Greece,” parliament chairman Nikos Voutsis told reporters this week.
The chamber is expected to approve later Wednesday, with cross-party support, a resolution calling on the government of Premier Alexis Tsipras “to take all the necessary diplomatic and legal steps to claim and fully satisfy all the demands of the Greek state stemming from World War I and World War II”.
A parliamentary committee last year determined that Germany owes Greece at least €270 billion for World War I damages and looting, atrocities and a forced loan during the Nazi occupation in World War II.
Reclaiming war reparations has been a campaign pledge by Tsipras since 2015. He faces multiple electoral challenges this year, with his party trailing in polls.
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News From The Frontlines of Islamic Conquest of Europe – Our Children Are paying For Our “Virtue”
An update on the gruesome third Islamic conquest of Europe – Our children are paying the price for our false virtue, silence and tolerance.
Muslim Privilege has become rife and systemic throughout Europe, especially in public institutions and schools. The more Muslims present the more violence is present, this is an undeniable but suppressed fact.
Ex-muslims who have escaped fro Islamic persecution are now fearing for their lives in Europe and Canada as tolerance allows muslims to do and say and think whatever they wish and pays them for it too… 80% of muslims in Europe are on benefits.
They are flown and bused in secretly overnight while we are asleep because the masses are brainwashed with a blind trust for authorities.
Pakistan has given a fatwa against Hindus – bu the West still bash “nazis” – even an ex muslim who has escaped to the West is now called a “white supremacist” because
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EU NAZIS ARE TAKING OUR COUNTRIES NOW! EU Occupation Regimes Openly Attack National Sovereignty
PROOF – EU NAZIS ARE TAKING YOUR COUNTRY! EU Occupation Regime Openly Attacks Sovereignty and Destroy Nation States
BRexit is Dublin all over again. The EU globalists openly admit Imperialism and Supremacy, with Fianna Fáil’s Micheál Martin even declaring in the Dail that sovereignty and the nation state “is a backward thinking idea”.
In the EU parliament Guy Verhoffstad aggressively demanded that sovereignty must be handed over to the EU and even blamed the problems in Europe on the fact that nations have not handed over power fast enough!
The Dublin Agreement was just step in the greater conquest. It was a blind and has not actually been implemented – they say what people want to hear but do the exact opposite.
They said they would never setup an Army, That is exactly what they are doing with PESCO
No area was supposed to be allowed more than 7% of non-indigenous popul
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Where are FemiNazis when Muslims Stone Women to Death for Literally Nothing?
Where are the FemiNazis when Muslims Stone Women to death for Literally nothing – What are you opening your heart to?
Sharia patrols are employed to keep women under control more than to keep “law and order”. If a women is caught not wearing her headscarf or walking in public without a males permission or escort they will be severely physically punished.
Muslim women as well as western women have a non-Life under Islam – How Islam Oppresses Women In All Spheres of Life…
[embed]https://youtu.be/gop8bUCBEoc[/embed]Islam tells Muslims how to live, to eat, to get in a shower, how to get out a shower, how to read, how to go to bed, even how to go to the toilet…
It also tells them how to control and manage women – in fact a women is only mentioned once in the Koran and that is Mary, Jesus’ mother…
The more you educate yourself about Islam the more you learn it gives you no choice but to resist it…
The entire political establishment, biased media
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Will A Post UN Migration Pact Irish Province of EU Be A Globalist Hellhole or Utopian Fantasy?
What will a post UN Migration Pact Irish Province of The EU look like? Globalist Hellhole or Utopian Fantasy?
The delusion that Ireland is in any way independent or sovereign is very quickly being evaporated, as the world supremacists pivot and come out openly with their imperialist globalist ambitions for a One World Government.
Despite ample evidence of countries that have already been “liberalised” or conquered by left wing globalism, that have become hellholes for its own citizens or indigenous people, Western nations like Ireland are still running at full pace into this Orwellian nightmare.
Just like some Jews believed the stories that they were going to holiday camps when they got on the trains, or the 1820 Settlers were told about cheap land in the Cape Colony which was actually using them as a buffer between the Colony and marauding African tribes, or like South Africans who were told there would be “checks and balances” to secure their civilisation if
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#GetAngry Irish Regime Giving Migrants Privileged Status While Oppressing Real Irish!
The Irish State is becoming more Anti Semitic and Anti Irish, yet falls over itself to ingratiate itself with migrants and non irish and give them privileged status with free everything!
Once the “new Irish” have used up all of the resources in Ireland and turned it into a replica of their home countries, they can go back home, the indigenous irish have nowhere to run to and have every right to be put first in their own indigenous homeland.
The Irish Primary Principals’ Network has said 27% of primary schools have children in their school that are homeless.
[embed]https://youtu.be/N2jxyDO8E6s[/embed]According to a recent survey carried out by the IPPN, homelessness can often impact on children’s school attendance and result in reduced participation in school life and learning.
IPPN CEO, Pairic Clerkin, said schools can often be a safe haven for children experiencing homelessness.
Mr Clerkin said: “The homeless issue is one in that we have 27% of ou
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German Socialists Should Remember 69 Years Ago Today The Oppressive Stasi Security Service Was launched To Monitor Its Own Citizens
Exactly 69 years ago, on February 8th, 1950, the fledgling German Democratic Republic(GDR) officially debuted its security service, dedicated to monitoring and preventing outside influences – particularly from the West.
While the many crimes of Nazism still loom large in the popular imagination, we must never forget that for almost 40 years, many East Germans lived in terror of the Ministerium Staatssicherheit – more commonly known as the ‘Stasi’.
With close links to the Russian intelligence services – specifically the KGB – the new organization was provided with training and equipment by the Soviets. This was in order to root out sources of dissent and identify supposed ‘subversive individuals’ who might work against the ‘socialist dream’.
The Stasi employed thousands of soldiers, analysts, officials and technical specialists as part of its apparatus across East Germany, and as a consequence nearly every workplace, public venue and educational ins
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USA will soon be more Irish than Ireland! Nazism has come to Ireland HD
USA will soon be more Irish than Ireland! Nazism has come to Ireland which is being pushed off the cliff into Totalitarianism.
Voting for Michael D again is one of the most blatantly flabbergasting acts the Irish have committed in recent years, and there have been quite a few.
What is even scarier is what are they going to replace Ireland with?
Already there is a Europe wide Blasphemy law to protect Islamic Pedophiles, implemented on the very day brainwashed Ireland voted to remove the Blasphemy law which protected Christianity…
The occupation regime has complete control of the country and soon there will be no Ireland anymore…
Weaponising and using Feelings to Force Us into Diversity. Ireland did not “Become” Diverse, it is Deliberately and Forcibly Being Made Multicultural by Ruling Elites and Oligarchs Using “Fweelings” as a weapon…
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#InterNazi Hitler was a Socialist, so is Hogg, the Nazi Left’s Little Hitler! A true fascist dictator in the making… VIDEO
Few people know or realise that Hitler was a Socialist and that he applied for membership to the Socialist Party in the early 1930’s, but was turned down. He later went on to join the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, (NSDAP) commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party as it became known).
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#InterNazi – Will Hitlerisation of Putin backfire and expose the InterNational Socialist’s deceit and treachery in WWI & II?
If there is one way to recognise an evil covert manipulator, it is by his signature modus operandi, and no one is better at vilifying a target in the global fake news theatre, than the International Socialist establishment “Liberal One World Order”. Whilst their Hitlerisation of Trump failed, their Hitlerisation or Nazification of Putin runs the risk of backfiring and expose their deep deceit and treachery in WWII
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Fascist UK, Fascist Germany, Fascist Spain and Fascist EU Arrests Democratically Elected Catalan Political Leaders!
Carles Puigdemont, the democratically elected Catalan leader who fled Spain has been detained in Germany, whilst Clara Ponsatí, who fled to Scotland, is to hand herself over to police, according to their lawyers.
An arrest warrant had been issued for Puigdemont in Finland after the former president visited the country for talks with lawmakers. He was returning to Belgium, where he lives in self-imposed exile, when he was detained by German authorities after crossing the border from Denmark.
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