Desperate to Signal Virtue and Save “Unhelpful” EU, Irish Gov and Catholic Church Sink Italy’s Challenge to the EU on Illegal Immigration

The Invasion of Europe Moves to The Spanish Front as Troop of 300 Africans, Flying EU Flag, Attack Morocco-Spain Border Post

#SWexit – General Election Favourites, Patriotic Swedish Democrat Party, Pledge Support for an EU Referendum

Refugee Flees FROM Germany TO Iraq to Escape ISIS! – UNHCR and EU are Importing Islamic War Into The West! (Video)

What Price Atheism? Genocidal UNHCR decides where refugees are “resettled”, sends Muslims to UK and Christian Syrians to Germany and Sweden!

No-Go Zones are Conquered Land in Australia Where Muslim Culture is a Mono-Culture Rejecting Multiculturalism, Freedom of Speech and Association (Video)

Over 30 Mosques in Netherlands Funded From Arab Countries – Treasonous Dutch Government Tried to Keep it Secret!

The Rape of Lisdoonvarna, Europe and Humanity. NO! Cried Locals. “Racism?” hissed the rapist, thrusting foreign seed deep into rural Ireland!

One of 5 Rapefugees in Antwerp Confesses to Gang Raping Two Dutch Girls After Rapper Concert

Feeling Stupid Yet Germany? 43% of Underage Migrants in Germany were NOT Underage! Are Migrants Coached on European Weaknesses?

Putin brings hope of long term peace to Syria – can the refugees go back home now to rebuild their country?

Has Merkel become Toxic? No one wants “One Size Fits All” #VanillaPolitics. Undemocratic EU continues to crash!

Had our Grandparents selfishly deserted their country to go claim Asylum, we would all be speaking German!

Merkel blamed for creating first “right wing” party to enter Bundestag since WWII, while Schulz falls on his sword to prevent (AfD) being official opposition!

Man who Called for Muslims to be Killed After Manchester Bombing Jailed