Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivered a fiery speech to European lawmakers in Strasbourg, before they began deliberations on suspending the country’s key EU rights due to his government’s policies. Orban accused the “pro-migrant majority” of having “already made up their minds” to invoke the European Union Treaty’s Article 7 against Hungary, for its treatment of migrants and minorities, and the ruling party purported abuse of the law and suppression of media freedoms.
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Miscegenist E.U. Uses Hungary to Continue Bluffing and Playing for Time to Smuggle Africans and Asians into Europe.
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E.U. Brings Conflict To Europe! Battle lines are drawn between EU Supremacists versus Traditional European Nation States!
French President Macron has declared war on Europe and has said leaders of Hungary, Italy and other patriotic nations were right to see him as their main opponent, thereby upping the ante in the bitter European debate over mass immigration policies.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on Tuesday launched an anti mass immigration manifesto aiming at next year’s European parliament elections, and countering the opposing camp led by the French and German presidents.
“There are currently two camps in Europe and one is headed by [Emmanuel] Macron,” Orban said at a press conference after holding talks with Salvini in Milan. “He is at the head of the political forces supporting immigration. On the other hand, we want to stop illegal immigration.”
E.U. countries are expected to go to the polls in May 2019, and Salvini has aligned himself with some of the patriotic “Visegrad” countries: the Czech
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Population Replaced: Germans Have To Integrate With Migrants in Germany! Only 2 Kids out of 25 Are German in Nursery School! (Video)
In a Facebook video post filmed on August 15, the mother, Leen Kroetsch, takes aim at German politicians for what she claims is a botched immigration policy which is forcing her 3-year-old, who has no immigrant background, to adjust to foreign and alien environment in the daycare center.
Kroetsch claims that out of 25 children, her son’s group consists of only two without an immigrant background and who can
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WHAT IF THEY HAD GUNS? Platoon of Well Organised African Invaders Land a Kalergi Boat on a Spanish Beach and Quickly Disappear
Yet another video has appeared showing dozens of migrant invaders landing on a Spanish beach in a “Kalergi Boat” (semi inflatable Zodiac boat supplied by human traffickers) and in an organised pre-planned fashion jogging off in single file towards the cliffs, leaving beachgoers shocked and nonplussed at the clinical execution of the attack. The stunned tourists could only muster jokes about them heading to the nearby luxury hotel to get to the all-inclusive hotel service probably all paid for by the supremacist EU and left wing Oligarchs who promise these invaders free handouts and cash for life, which they are actually getting at the expense of the European taxpayers!
With the closure of the route through Italy, thanks to the election of the patriotic government of Matteo Salvini, Spanish beaches are becoming a frequent destination as the continents are separated only by the 30 miles stretch of the Strait of Gibraltar. You might ask why this route was not
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Desperate to Signal Virtue and Save “Unhelpful” EU, Irish Gov and Catholic Church Sink Italy’s Challenge to the EU on Illegal Immigration
Showing its desperation to suck up to the EU, the Irish Government was the only European government to break ranks and offer to take some of the “refugees” in the standoff between Italy and the EU. Italy was attempting to force EU to reform its genocidal, inept and grossly corrupt policy on mass immigration. Italy’s Foreign Minister and Deputy PM, Matteo Salvini, has been holding the standoff since Monday, demanding the EU step up to the plate. Apart from pointless rhetoric, calling Italy “unhelpful”, the EU unhelpfully did nothing…
During the week long standoff Salvini had said “The next ship can turn around and go back where it came from because our limit has been reached!” Rome had even threatened to pull funding for the EU unless it agreed to take in some of those on board the Diciotti.
On Sunday, after Ireland had offered to take in some of the migrants, Italy finally disembarked all 140 migrants from the “rescue” ship that had been docked
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Migrants “Enriching” The West with Record Breaking Measles Outbreak and South American “Kissing Bug” Disease!
Although measles vaccination ra
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The Invasion of Europe Moves to The Spanish Front as Troop of 300 Africans, Flying EU Flag, Attack Morocco-Spain Border Post
Only weeks after the last attack, Africans have once again launched an attack on a Spanish Border Post in Cueta in what seems to have become the new focal point of the invasion of Europe. Flying the EU flag with victorious shouts of “Boza!” (victory!), they ran through the streets. Spain has now overtaken Italy as the top target for human traffickers ever since Italy’s patriotic leader Matteo Salvini stopped allowing migrant invasion parties to enter Italy. With its new Communist government, Spain is now a week point in Europe’s defenses and the invaders and their treasonous enablers have shifted their tactics accordingly.
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Will Taxing Couples Who Choose Not to Have Kids Be an Answer To Europe’s Demographic and Pension Time Bomb?
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#SWexit – General Election Favourites, Patriotic Swedish Democrat Party, Pledge Support for an EU Referendum
“The EU is not the way to cooperate in Europe,” Party chief Jimmie Akesson said on Sveriges Radio, calling for a Brexit-style vote. “My position is that we should renegotiate the terms [of our membership] of
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Irish Freedom and Independence to be Reclaimed by new Irexit Freedom Party on 8th September in Dublin
The Republic of Ireland will soon see the launch of a new Eurosceptic party to be called the Irexit Freedom Party. It will be launched after a conference in Dublin on this September 8th at the Bonnington Hotel in Drumcondra, Dublin 9.
The new Party will headed by European Parliament veteran, Hermann Kelly, who is well qualified having served as Nigel Farage’s Chief Communications Director in Brussels for the past few years. Not only does he have the right contacts in that regard, but he has already attracted a following of determined Independence loving Irish patriots.
This will be the second conference for the Irexit movement in Ireland this year with the the first ‘Irexit Freedom to Prosper’ Conference having been held in February when “Mr. BRexit”, the former UKIP leader and popular MEP Nigel Farage, was one of the key note speakers. Hermann has also rubbed shoulders with the likes of Matteo Salvini, Viktor Orban, Vlaams Belang and other patriotic eurosce
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What Price Atheism? Genocidal UNHCR decides where refugees are “resettled”, sends Muslims to UK and Christian Syrians to Germany and Sweden!
In what some would call karma or payback for UK’s anti Christian, anti Catholic policies and attitudes, going back centuries, the supremacist UNHCR, who decides on behalf of Western nations where refugees are sent, sends Muslims to UK but sends Christian refugees to Germany or Sweden. This is also where the refugees prefer to go, further underscoring the pick and choose lottery win, that the refugee system has become. The word used is “resettlement” which indicates it is permanent with no intention that these refugees will ever be asked to return to their countries of origin. Indeed, “resettling ONE refugee plus FIFTEEN family members makes it clear they are permanently relocating people en masse! This is warfare! This is blatant kidnapping of desperate people to use be used as consumer fodder by oligarchs and multinationals and voter fraud by the occupation governments in the West.
As EuroWars reported Continue reading…
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#GCP #NationalizeGoogle? Google Warned: Stop Your Treason and “Don’t Do Evil” or We The People Will Come After You.
Steve Reports that Google is planning a return to China with a censored search engine.
Elitism: This most important term is not actually the elite, you can be part of the elite and still be on the side of the people, but elitism, elitism is an ideology that prioritises the interests of those at the top, and has been the dominant ideology in American politics for the last few decades. A big part of elitism is globalism, the idea that we should put some vague notion of the Global interests ahead of the National interest.
There was a story this week that is a perfect encapsulation of elitist globalist thinking and I want to start with it tonight.
It was reported that tech giant Google is working with the Chinese government to develop a search engine that implements the regime’s censorship of information it does not like.
This is part of Google’s plan to get back into China after it pulled out in 2010 in protest of the Chinese Governments hacking of Gmail.
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Ready for the Red Pill? – Musician in Dublin Discovers Globalism is Not So Groovy After All With Sky High Rents
“I can’t afford to live in my hometown any more. I don’t want to go” says Dublin-based musician David Kitt who took to social media to reveal his sadness at having to leave his beloved hometown because of high rent prices.
The 43-year-old, who ironically, or possibly tellingly, is the son of former Fianna Fáil minister Tom Kitt, spoke of how spiraling rent costs and Fine Gael’s housing policy is “failing this city and its people massively“.
While this might come as a surprise or disappointment for someone in the entertainment industry, where they are prone to worship globalism and liberalism, it comes as no surprise to those amongst us who are already Red Pilled. Maybe it will start dawning on them that “no borders” is a trojan horse – it might be groovy and luvly to hop across to the Mainland with just a credit card an passport in your shirt pocket, but who is hopping over into your home, and why?
Tom revealed
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BRexit Poker: UK Gov. Blinked and Folded To EU’s Bluff! Proof Theresa May’s Chequers Assurances Are Hollow Surrender
They say the more you repeat a lie, it soon becomes seen as the the truth. Clearly the amount of times that Theresa May has repeated the mantra that UK will “leave the Customs Union, will leave the EU Judiciary and will end Freedom of Movement” makes it clear that she is trying to fool someone…
The video below elucidates Economics 101 – Either we have grade school kids negotiating UK’s BRexit deal or someone is telling porkies and caving to EU supremacy… I fear it is the latter and that the 3M’s, Macron, Merkel and May are busy with subterfuge.
Theresa may has cut short her holiday in Italy to visit Macron in France on the day Tommy was released from jail… interesting times lay ahead… no wonder Theresa May cut Parliament short for summer recess!
Is it any wonder UKIP are experiencing a surge in members.
[video width=”720″ height=”328″ mp4=”″ poster=”https://news-headlines.
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The UK’s Traitorous Regime Takes in 1,100 “refugees”, NOT A SINGLE ONE IS Christian – ALL are Muslim!
Why are Muslims running away from Muslim countries when Christians are the target of Islam?
The UK has taken ZERO Christian Syrian refugees this year according to New figures recently released by the Barnabas Fund charity which show that not a single Christian refugee from Syria was brought to the UK in 2018.
The figures show that out of 1,100 refugees, not a single one was Christian – and previous figures show a systematic discrimination against people from the Christian faith.
Even Barnabas admits that the government appears to be discriminating, and I have to ask — is this ideologically driven?
It seems to me like the British government is just hell bent on importing as many Muslim migrants as they can get away with…
Don V
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