Imagine A Country Where One Sect of The Church Is The Government Which Controls The Military! THAT is Iran! Yet The Left Condemn US Strike on Qassem Soeleimani?

GODFATHER OF THE LEFT: From “Breaking the Bank of England” to spending BILLIONS of dollars on a NO BORDERS agenda for Europe and USA!

On liberalism & identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!

Post BRexit UK-Australia Trade Agreement Could Include Visa-Free Travel Proposal For Anglosphere!

Video: 50 Times Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Promised To Deliver Brexit – Labour Liars Pants on Fire!

Ireland Sh*ts in its Own Bed! Asylum Claims in Ireland Skyrocket 36% With 41% of Claims From UN “Safe Countries”! Yet Still Ireland Refuses To Forcefully Deport ANY Fake Claimants!

Dear Europe, Rainbow Nations Become Sh*tholes and Unicorns Get Aids – Look to South Africa for your future…

Sh*tstorm Coming Youtube’s Way! Every Youtuber MUST Watch. Why You Should Join The European Protest Against Youtube / Google Censorship!

VIDEO: Trump Was Right! Again! Leo Varadkar & EU Do Want, and Will Put Up, A Hard Border Wall After BRexit!

Globalists Going In For The Kill in Ireland With A Fake Irish Government and MSM Propaganda Chamber

UK Owns Ireland’s Rosslare Europort, Which Bypasses UK and Connects Direct To Mainland Europe, Yet Anti BRexit Irish Government Spurns UK and Fails To Prepare Rosslare For No Deal BRexit

So UK is Not Sovereign After All? Why Is Traitor May Begging EU Dictators For Permission To Leave EU Despite BRexit Win?

Far Left in Ireland in Panic Mode as Christian Conservative Filmmaker Lauren Southern Secretly Visits and Gathers Evidence…

The NEW WORLD ORDER was not a conspiracy theory after all! It commences December 11, 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco!

Finally Spain Wakes Up With A Populist Party: VOX Pledges to Put Spanish First and Make Spain Great Again!