Finally Spain Wakes Up With A Populist Party: VOX Pledges to Put Spanish First and Make Spain Great Again!
ALERT! Dating Apps Are The New Weapon To Secretly Commit White Genocide and Trick You Into Racemixing!
PUBLIC HEALTH WARNING! If your Dating APP or Dating Sites does not allow you to choose the race of your preferred potential matches and dates, delete your profile now! There are many dating services that DO allow you to set the preference of your intended partners! (Here is an example of a dating site where you can specify what races you want contacting you).
So you thought it was bad enough that the genocidal left and supremacist tech giant firms do not allow dating sites purely for white people, whilst allowing and promoting many sites purely for Blacks or Asians, as hypocritical and racist as that is, they have now crept even lower into the gutter and plan to manipulate you into racemixing by fiddling with the algorithms… as if their constant mainstream media pro racemixing propaganda were not enough!
As most true believers in true diversity, not the false diversit
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Doh! EU’s Own Poll Shows Majority of Italians Would Follow UK and Vote to Leave EU if Referendum Was Held Now! #ItalExit
According to a poll of nearly 28,000 Europeans commissioned by the European Parliament’s Eurobarometer, only 44 percent of Italians would vote to remain in the EU, compared to the member states’ average of 66 percent, making Italy one of the bloc’s most eurosceptic countries.
The figure is higher even than Britain which announced that it was withdrawing from the bloc in 2016 after 51 percent of Britons voted for BRexit.
A clear majority of respondents in Italy were convinced that things in the EU were going in the wrong direction: 58 percent, compared to just 21 percent who said it was on the right track. Most EU countries answered similarly, in fact, with a comparable percentag
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Video: Why Was Tommy Robinson Arrested If Public Can Obstruct Justice Being Served and Prevent Deportation of Convicted Muslim Gang Rapist!?
PUSHING SNOWFLAKE BUTTONS: A Group of mostly Asian passengers prevented a Muslim gang rapist from being deported to Somalia on a Turkish Airlines flight at Heathrow Airport. The Somali man had raped a 16-year-old girl in London and his accomplice went on to fight for ISIS!
Officials escorting Yaqub Ahmed on a flight from Heathrow to Turkey were forced to abandon his deportation when around a dozen passengers heard his deliberate pleas and protestations, felt sorry for him angrily intervened shortly before take-off. Third worlders know very well how to push the buttons of Westerners to achieve sympathy…
Justice really is literally blind in the UK if Tommy Robinson can get arrested outside a trial fro broadcasting something the BBC had already published, yet anyone can prevent Justice from being served by interfering with the carriage of Justice! Why are people being deported on commercial passenger planes anyway? Not only does this put the public at risk, but it
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UN and IOC Plan Proves Refugee Status is a Globalist Scam To Destroy Nations States, Replace Their People and Redistribute Their Wealth
The crazy decision was taken on Wednesday during an IOC session in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which is hosting the 2018 Youth Olympics. IOC president Thomas Bach stressed that the initiative was introduced in an attempt to unite and socially integrate displaced
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Trudeau Government Fakes TripAdvisor Reviews To Hide Migrant Mess! Should You Check if Hotels, Motels or B&Bs are Housing Migrants Before you Book?
Toronto area hotels housing asylum seekers have been inundated with “bad reviews” by disgruntled holiday makers who were kept in the dark when booking, whilst the Canadian government has been secretly posting fake reviews to hide the mess caused by their darling invaders.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada have been housing asylum seekers in Toronto area hotels and motels. The economic migrants, primarily those self-deporting from immigration law enforcement in the United States, are part of the more than 34K people who have illegally crossed our borders since 2017.
The asylum seekers were originally housed in area university dorms until the fall classes reconvened. As an interim solution, migrants were shuffled over to long term hotel accommodations while the government found more permanent housing.
But that’s not happening fast enough, and it’s bad news for the hotels and unsuspecting guests alike.
Sue Ann Levy reports
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Ireland grudgingly recieves 13 Billion windfall tax from Apple. What will it be spent on? Migrants? Refugees? Gay Rights? Abortion?
While Ireland struggles under massive problems in public housing, health, unemployment and other basic sectors, one can only wonder if an extra 13.1 Billion Euros will help alleviate the problems or will it also go astray and be used by the left wing Irish Government to further its Marxist policies and invasion of Ireland by 3rd worlders?
Proving Ireland’s total lack of actual independence, Apple has finally been forced to pay, and Ireland has been forced to take, the 13.1 Billion Euros it owes Ireland in back taxes by the European Union. Apple which has more than $250 Billion in cash, more than most countries, just sitting stashed in offshore accounts, could easily feed all the starving in the world yet they spend so much time and money virtue signalling about how noble and moral and “cool” they are… cool does not feed the hungry.
As a result European Union antitrust regulators plan to drop legal action against Ireland after iPhone maker Apple paid the country
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Leaked Soros Document Exposes Plan To Politicise Imported Migrants To Take Power and To Marginalise Indigenous Europeans!
A leaked Open Society document shows the George Soros organisation are funding the Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI) and NASC to lobby the Irish government to increase migrant citizenships and to then politically mobilise those migrants to take political control. Yet patriotic Europeans are kept out of politics through castigation and insults. Traitorous head of the Immigration Council of Ireland (ICI), Brian Killoran, thinks that now that Ireland is apparently a diverse country, migrants have to have more of a say in how the country is run and is wondering how to encourage migrants to get into politics.
What is not being discussed or researched is how to get indigenous people opposed to migration into politics, so that they can have representation and have their views and feelings voiced. According to the latest Attitudes to Diversity study, 59% of Irish citizens want to ban Muslim immigration. 42% want to ban European migration and 75% want to ban Roma migratio
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Vienna Has Fallen! 51% of Pupils Do Not Speak German. Only Deportations Can Save Austria Now…
The 8th annual report, prepared by an independent expert council, has found that the Austrian government’s efforts to encourage those with migra
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Miscegenist E.U. Uses Hungary to Continue Bluffing and Playing for Time to Smuggle Africans and Asians into Europe.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivered a fiery speech to European lawmakers in Strasbourg, before they began deliberations on suspending the country’s key EU rights due to his government’s policies. Orban accused the “pro-migrant majority” of having “already made up their minds” to invoke the European Union Treaty’s Article 7 against Hungary, for its treatment of migrants and minorities, and the ruling party purported abuse of the law and suppression of media freedoms.
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E.U. Brings Conflict To Europe! Battle lines are drawn between EU Supremacists versus Traditional European Nation States!
French President Macron has declared war on Europe and has said leaders of Hungary, Italy and other patriotic nations were right to see him as their main opponent, thereby upping the ante in the bitter European debate over mass immigration policies.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on Tuesday launched an anti mass immigration manifesto aiming at next year’s European parliament elections, and countering the opposing camp led by the French and German presidents.
“There are currently two camps in Europe and one is headed by [Emmanuel] Macron,” Orban said at a press conference after holding talks with Salvini in Milan. “He is at the head of the political forces supporting immigration. On the other hand, we want to stop illegal immigration.”
E.U. countries are expected to go to the polls in May 2019, and Salvini has aligned himself with some of the patriotic “Visegrad” countries: the Czech
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Population Replaced: Germans Have To Integrate With Migrants in Germany! Only 2 Kids out of 25 Are German in Nursery School! (Video)
In a Facebook video post filmed on August 15, the mother, Leen Kroetsch, takes aim at German politicians for what she claims is a botched immigration policy which is forcing her 3-year-old, who has no immigrant background, to adjust to foreign and alien environment in the daycare center.
Kroetsch claims that out of 25 children, her son’s group consists of only two without an immigrant background and who can
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WHAT IF THEY HAD GUNS? Platoon of Well Organised African Invaders Land a Kalergi Boat on a Spanish Beach and Quickly Disappear
Yet another video has appeared showing dozens of migrant invaders landing on a Spanish beach in a “Kalergi Boat” (semi inflatable Zodiac boat supplied by human traffickers) and in an organised pre-planned fashion jogging off in single file towards the cliffs, leaving beachgoers shocked and nonplussed at the clinical execution of the attack. The stunned tourists could only muster jokes about them heading to the nearby luxury hotel to get to the all-inclusive hotel service probably all paid for by the supremacist EU and left wing Oligarchs who promise these invaders free handouts and cash for life, which they are actually getting at the expense of the European taxpayers!
With the closure of the route through Italy, thanks to the election of the patriotic government of Matteo Salvini, Spanish beaches are becoming a frequent destination as the continents are separated only by the 30 miles stretch of the Strait of Gibraltar. You might ask why this route was not
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Desperate to Signal Virtue and Save “Unhelpful” EU, Irish Gov and Catholic Church Sink Italy’s Challenge to the EU on Illegal Immigration
Showing its desperation to suck up to the EU, the Irish Government was the only European government to break ranks and offer to take some of the “refugees” in the standoff between Italy and the EU. Italy was attempting to force EU to reform its genocidal, inept and grossly corrupt policy on mass immigration. Italy’s Foreign Minister and Deputy PM, Matteo Salvini, has been holding the standoff since Monday, demanding the EU step up to the plate. Apart from pointless rhetoric, calling Italy “unhelpful”, the EU unhelpfully did nothing…
During the week long standoff Salvini had said “The next ship can turn around and go back where it came from because our limit has been reached!” Rome had even threatened to pull funding for the EU unless it agreed to take in some of those on board the Diciotti.
On Sunday, after Ireland had offered to take in some of the migrants, Italy finally disembarked all 140 migrants from the “rescue” ship that had been docked
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