ALERT! Dating Apps Are The New Weapon To Secretly Commit White Genocide and Trick You Into Racemixing!
PUBLIC HEALTH WARNING! If your Dating APP or Dating Sites does not allow you to choose the race of your preferred potential matches and dates, delete your profile now! There are many dating services that DO allow you to set the preference of your intended partners! (Here is an example of a dating site where you can specify what races you want contacting you).
So you thought it was bad enough that the genocidal left and supremacist tech giant firms do not allow dating sites purely for white people, whilst allowing and promoting many sites purely for Blacks or Asians, as hypocritical and racist as that is, they have now crept even lower into the gutter and plan to manipulate you into racemixing by fiddling with the algorithms… as if their constant mainstream media pro racemixing propaganda were not enough!
As most true believers in true diversity, not the false diversit
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Video: Why Was Tommy Robinson Arrested If Public Can Obstruct Justice Being Served and Prevent Deportation of Convicted Muslim Gang Rapist!?
PUSHING SNOWFLAKE BUTTONS: A Group of mostly Asian passengers prevented a Muslim gang rapist from being deported to Somalia on a Turkish Airlines flight at Heathrow Airport. The Somali man had raped a 16-year-old girl in London and his accomplice went on to fight for ISIS!
Officials escorting Yaqub Ahmed on a flight from Heathrow to Turkey were forced to abandon his deportation when around a dozen passengers heard his deliberate pleas and protestations, felt sorry for him angrily intervened shortly before take-off. Third worlders know very well how to push the buttons of Westerners to achieve sympathy…
Justice really is literally blind in the UK if Tommy Robinson can get arrested outside a trial fro broadcasting something the BBC had already published, yet anyone can prevent Justice from being served by interfering with the carriage of Justice! Why are people being deported on commercial passenger planes anyway? Not only does this put the public at risk, but it
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UN and IOC Plan Proves Refugee Status is a Globalist Scam To Destroy Nations States, Replace Their People and Redistribute Their Wealth
The crazy decision was taken on Wednesday during an IOC session in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which is hosting the 2018 Youth Olympics. IOC president Thomas Bach stressed that the initiative was introduced in an attempt to unite and socially integrate displaced
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Leaked Soros Document Exposes Plan To Politicise Imported Migrants To Take Power and To Marginalise Indigenous Europeans!
A leaked Open Society document shows the George Soros organisation are funding the Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI) and NASC to lobby the Irish government to increase migrant citizenships and to then politically mobilise those migrants to take political control. Yet patriotic Europeans are kept out of politics through castigation and insults. Traitorous head of the Immigration Council of Ireland (ICI), Brian Killoran, thinks that now that Ireland is apparently a diverse country, migrants have to have more of a say in how the country is run and is wondering how to encourage migrants to get into politics.
What is not being discussed or researched is how to get indigenous people opposed to migration into politics, so that they can have representation and have their views and feelings voiced. According to the latest Attitudes to Diversity study, 59% of Irish citizens want to ban Muslim immigration. 42% want to ban European migration and 75% want to ban Roma migratio
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Muslim Rape Gang “Targets Drunk Irish Women” Leaving Nightclubs in South East Ireland!
In a frightening development echoing the mass rapes in UK cities like Rotherham, the Gardai are on high alert for a gang of muslims targeting and isolating drunk women leaving nightclubs across the southeast. There have been reports about the gang in Dungarvan, Co Waterford, in recent weeks. It has also been active in Carlow and Waterford.
A 28-year-old man of Pakistani origin — who was already acquitted of rape in recent years — is the main suspect but gardaí believe he has friends who are also involved. The man is known to drive a grey Kilkenny-registered Audi.
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Population Replaced: Germans Have To Integrate With Migrants in Germany! Only 2 Kids out of 25 Are German in Nursery School! (Video)
In a Facebook video post filmed on August 15, the mother, Leen Kroetsch, takes aim at German politicians for what she claims is a botched immigration policy which is forcing her 3-year-old, who has no immigrant background, to adjust to foreign and alien environment in the daycare center.
Kroetsch claims that out of 25 children, her son’s group consists of only two without an immigrant background and who can
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Suspects Named in Huddersfield Muslim Rape Gang Offences – 31 Charged With Child Rape, Trafficking and Assault!
The charges against the defendants are from offences that have occurred between 2005 and 2012 and relate to five women. The offences were committed against them as children in the Huddersfield area and are alleged to have taken place while the women were aged between 12 and 18-years-old.
The 30 men and one woman will appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court on 5 and 6 September 2018:
The defendants are:
- Banaras Hussain aged 37, of Shipley, is charged with one count of rape of a female over 16.
- Banaris Hussain, aged 35, of Huddersfield, is charged with one count of
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Irish Freedom and Independence to be Reclaimed by new Irexit Freedom Party on 8th September in Dublin
The Republic of Ireland will soon see the launch of a new Eurosceptic party to be called the Irexit Freedom Party. It will be launched after a conference in Dublin on this September 8th at the Bonnington Hotel in Drumcondra, Dublin 9.
The new Party will headed by European Parliament veteran, Hermann Kelly, who is well qualified having served as Nigel Farage’s Chief Communications Director in Brussels for the past few years. Not only does he have the right contacts in that regard, but he has already attracted a following of determined Independence loving Irish patriots.
This will be the second conference for the Irexit movement in Ireland this year with the the first ‘Irexit Freedom to Prosper’ Conference having been held in February when “Mr. BRexit”, the former UKIP leader and popular MEP Nigel Farage, was one of the key note speakers. Hermann has also rubbed shoulders with the likes of Matteo Salvini, Viktor Orban, Vlaams Belang and other patriotic eurosce
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Dutch Councilor Commits Suicide After Muslim Rape Gang Rapes and Blackmails Her To Silence Her Politically!
RAPE AS A TOOL OF CONQUEST. A Dutch anti-immigrant politician has taken her own life after releasing video revealing that a Muslim rape gang had kidnapped and raped her, and have been blackmailing her to silence her politically. The City councilor in The Hague and member of the Freedom Party has taken her own life, hours after posting a video on Facebook in which she revealed she was gang-raped by Muslims as part of an intimidation campaign.
Willie Dille, 53, reportedly ended her own life on Wednesday, shortly after sharing a video on social media in which she claimed to have been kidnapped and raped by a Muslim gang over a year ago. She said that she had been threatened and that she feared for her life. Dille also said that fellow Hague city councilor Arnoud van Doorn is behind it…
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#GCP #NationalizeGoogle? Google Warned: Stop Your Treason and “Don’t Do Evil” or We The People Will Come After You.
Steve Reports that Google is planning a return to China with a censored search engine.
Elitism: This most important term is not actually the elite, you can be part of the elite and still be on the side of the people, but elitism, elitism is an ideology that prioritises the interests of those at the top, and has been the dominant ideology in American politics for the last few decades. A big part of elitism is globalism, the idea that we should put some vague notion of the Global interests ahead of the National interest.
There was a story this week that is a perfect encapsulation of elitist globalist thinking and I want to start with it tonight.
It was reported that tech giant Google is working with the Chinese government to develop a search engine that implements the regime’s censorship of information it does not like.
This is part of Google’s plan to get back into China after it pulled out in 2010 in protest of the Chinese Governments hacking of Gmail.
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Desperate Left Wing Prison Service and Mainstream Spread Lies about Tommy Robinson’s Treatment in Jail (Video)
In an attempt to gain back control of their left wing agenda, the mainstream and HMS Prison Service have been spreading lies about Tommy’s incarceration.
Whoever this so called informant is, it is almost certain it is from some left wing radical group like Hope not Hate or Antifa or Green Party.
Sadly the days of true investigative journalism are long gone, so it is left up to alternative media, who have nowhere near the budgets of mainstream, to get the truth out…
Don Murray
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UK Will Have A Right Wing Government or Be an Islamic State. Muslim Birth Rates and LibLabCon Treason Favours The Latter!
It is clear that given the inevitable and impending choice between a democratically elected Right Wing Government or Sharia law in A UK Caliphate, the Establishment and Political Elites (LibLabCon = LIBerals, LABour and CONservatives), have decided UK will be an Islamic state.
This is not hearsay, the facts and actions of successive treasonous UK governments (which are withheld from mainstream media), clearly prove this. They ban anyone who has a hint of association to the right from entering UK whilst allowing an Islamic Hate preacher, who was banned in Pakistan for being too radical, to freely enter UK! They allow the Home Office to be captured by a Far Left Wing Hate group, deceitfully calling themselves “Hope Not Hate”, as is common practice amongst the traitorous Left, who will stop at nothing to destroy our hard won national freedoms, just so that they can rule. Hope Not Hate were most likely behind the banning of Selner, Pettibone Lauren Southern and Bachman in their
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Karl Lagerfeld Labels Mad Merkel Anti Semitic for Importing Millions of Anti Semitic Muslims, decades after the Holocaust, into Germany!
As only a famous Fashion Icon can, Karl Lagerfeld recently spoke the harsh truth about Merkel’s genocide, with style. If he had said this on German TV in German, the German cucks would certainly lock him up or even kill him. Many have been locked up for less…
In an interview on C8 TV, he pointed out that Angela Merkel invited over a million muslim people into Germany that hate the Jews, and yet at the same time she and the Germans are ashamed of what Germany did to the Jews decades ago? He exposed this stark contradiction that goes direct to her psyche and questions the motivation behind Mad Merkel’s genocidal act… total madness.
Karl goes on to explain how a German friend dutifully took in a “young” Syrian as the government had requested. After four days this “young” Syrian told her the best German invention ever was the holocaust. Certainly even those who question whether the holocaust was an “invention” would be shocked by this statement!
Did she do it
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No-Go Zones are Conquered Land in Australia Where Muslim Culture is a Mono-Culture Rejecting Multiculturalism, Freedom of Speech and Association (Video)
Lauren Southern ventures into a No-Go Zone in Sydney Australia and immediately experiences the hatred and fundamentalism from the mainstream media, police and muslim residents…
Her work is for robust political discussions which include immigration policy, policing, and Commonwealth Constitutional power…
Rule 10.3 of the New South Wales police media policy assured the right of persons to record the police.
[video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]
The Worldwide Islamic Conquest has only two ending. Either we are assimilated and probably killed, or we fight.
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