Desperate to Signal Virtue and Save “Unhelpful” EU, Irish Gov and Catholic Church Sink Italy’s Challenge to the EU on Illegal Immigration

Migrants “Enriching” The West with Record Breaking Measles Outbreak and South American “Kissing Bug” Disease!

The Invasion of Europe Moves to The Spanish Front as Troop of 300 Africans, Flying EU Flag, Attack Morocco-Spain Border Post

Will Taxing Couples Who Choose Not to Have Kids Be an Answer To Europe’s Demographic and Pension Time Bomb?

German Nurse’s Warning to The West: Migrants are aggressive, spoilt, unemployable and bring diseases. Where are Refugees Welcome Activists Now?

Globalist Irish Government To Import a Million Migrant Consumers to Rural Ireland, Yet Close Hundreds Of Rural Police Stations and Post Offices!

“We Will Save Our Tradition, Our Story, Our Identity With More European Babies, NOT Replace them with Migrants” – Matteo Salvini

Supremacist MultiNational Corporations Are Worth More Than Most Countries But Have No Loyalty or Accountability to Citizens

NGO #FakeRescue Ship Directs Migrants To Jump Into Sea So They Can Be “Rescued” and Prevent Libyan Coastguard From Taking Them Back! (Video)

Traitor: Manchester City Coach Pep Guardiola Gives €150,000 to Human Trafficking NGO Smuggling Migrants from Libya

#FakeRescue – Pushing people into the water to rescue them allows Migrant “Rescue” to be the new “Anchor Baby”. Arrest the NGOs!

Italy Says NO to #KalergiBoats! Communist Spain says YES. Will Spain be the next target for mass illegal immigration perpetrated by The Establishment and EU?

Army of African Migrants Storm and Attack Spanish Border – Migrants do not take NO for an answer (Video)

Germany: Only 1 in 25 rejected African asylum migrants successfully deported home

Is EU’s Worst Nightmare Becoming Real in Italy as Far Left and Far Right Join Talks to Form a Eurosceptic Government