VIDEO: Progressiveness Seeks To Destroy Economies & Countries & Caused 2008 Financial Crash! Stop Chasing The Stick & Start Throwing It!

#EqualityChallenged White Folks Simply Do Not Gang Up, Kill A Single Female & Leave Her For Dead as They Drive Away in Her Car! Prove Us Wrong – VIDEO

So Are Honey Bees “Racist” Too? Naturally, Honey Bees Protect Their Hives & Honey From Intruders Like Bumble Bees & Wasps. How Racist?

Mail & Guardian in South Africa To Become Latest George Soros Mouthpiece Like CNN. Soros Backed Left Wing Investment Group MDIF To Take Control of M&G Media House in SA!

GODFATHER OF THE LEFT: From “Breaking the Bank of England” to spending BILLIONS of dollars on a NO BORDERS agenda for Europe and USA!

On liberalism & identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!

Nigerian “#cRapper” in Sweden advocates extreme anti-white racial violence on social media yet his Youtube channel, with 237k subscribers, is still active and FULLY MONETIZED!

Nigeria repatriates 600 Nigerians from South Africa after anti-mass immigration violence, yet they refuse to repatriate failed Nigerian asylum seekers?

Ireland Sh*ts in its Own Bed! Asylum Claims in Ireland Skyrocket 36% With 41% of Claims From UN “Safe Countries”! Yet Still Ireland Refuses To Forcefully Deport ANY Fake Claimants!

South African Doctor Barred From Medical Practice For Advising That Abortion is The Killing of an Unborn Human!

Dear Europe, Rainbow Nations Become Sh*tholes and Unicorns Get Aids – Look to South Africa for your future…

Global Warming Blamed for New Killer, Antibiotic-Resistant Bug. But What If Global Warming Is Wrong? How The Global Warming Scam Leads Scientists Astray and Could Kill Millions!

Kalergi Plan: Traitors in Government of 14 EU States Capitalise on Hero Salvini’s Closure of Italian Ports to Fake Rescue NGO Ships!

Video: The Southern Oceans Are Getting Greener and Cooler, Proving “Global Warming” Alarmists WRONG, Again

“Don’t ever vote for a white person”: Racist Black ANC Leader Promotes Racism To Voters in South Africa!