#FactsMatter – White males simply do NOT rape, torture or even murder 85 year old black women! Black males however regularly attack and kill elderly whites! However facts only seem to matter to normal white people. The rest are perfectly happy to not only overlook decades of statistics about black on black and black on white violence, but even to blame the white victims for these terrible statistics. For example, a member of far left Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in UK actually condoned the shooting of “racist” police officers! This self appointed judge, jury and executioner attitude is systemic and endemic to the establishment and left wingers. The world is suffering from the results of decades of over the top tolerance which has been more appeasement and freebie indulgence than tolerance, resulting in a attitude of entitlement.
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#WhiteLivesMatter Systemic Black on White Violence Like Farm Murders, are Deliberately Ignored as Black Supremacist Hysteria Hijacks Social Media, Mainstream & The Establishment!
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The NEW WORLD ORDER was not a conspiracy theory after all! It commences December 11, 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco!
UK Army Captured By Muslim Council of Britain! Soldiers Disciplined for Selfie With Tommy Robinson!
British Army Captured By Muslim Council of Britain! Soldiers Disciplined for Selfie With Tommy Robinson! Sh*tstorm Coming…
Tommy Robinson bumped into four motor coaches of young British soldiers — who all wanted to take a selfie picture with him!
But after the malevolent Muslim Council of the UK complained, the British Army launched an investigation into these young soldiers, and even seized their cell phones, to search for “forbidden” political ideas!
This smacks of intervention by left wing extremist group “Hope not Hate” who have captured the Home Office!
This is outrageous; it’s un-British. These are the young men who fight for our freedoms — the least we can do is to fight for theirs.
Please sign this petition to Chief of the Defence Staff, Gen. Sir Nick Carter, telling him to call off his dogs!
Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins will both deliver the petition to Gen. Carter.
Sign the petition!
We do not want
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A Convicted Thief and Failed Asylum Seeker From Guinea, with a deportation order, jailed for Jumping on Bonnet of Patrol Car in Limerick City
A GUINEAN national was sentenced to one months’ imprisonment for his role in a bizarre incident during which a garda car was damaged.
Ousmane Baah, aged 29, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to a criminal damage charge relating to an incident which happened at O’Connell Street on December 31, 2017.
Inspector Dermot O’Connor told Limerick District Court, Mr Baah, had ‘jumped’ onto the bonnet of an unmarked patrol car while it was stopped at traffic lights.
The bonnet, he said, was dented and around €250 worth of damage caused to the vehicle.
The defendant, who received a three month prison earlier this month for a theft offence in Dublin, also admitted stealing a bottle of Huge Boss perfume, worth €79, from Debenhams, O’Connell Street on February 16, last.
Solicitor Sarah Ryan said her client, who has more than 60 previous convictions, was not in a position to pay compensation given his circumstances.
Mr Baah, who has lived in Ireland f
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Alyssa Milano Says “Trump Using Cult Force” On Live TV – She Has Lost Her Friggin Marbles!
Only days after her disgraceful insensitive showing at the Kavanaugh hearing, with an extremely low cut top, Alyssa Milano has once again proven she lives in la la land by claiming that Trump woos his voters with some kind of “cult force”…
Who’s The Boss now?
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Gotcha! Tommy Robinson Stings Sky News! Sky edits interview to create a lie and propaganda
He recorded the entire interview on an iPhone aswell, so he could wait for them to edit it and create the lie, and then expose them with the evidence! Like they have done for many years to show you the true face of the main stream media propaganda machine.
Please complain to Ofcom about this lying journalist and Sky’s propaganda here:
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Politicians and Officials Who Oppose Tommy Robinson Should Be Background Checked! Here’s why…
This is why the establishment want Tommy Robinson jailed or murdered – listen to this 1 minute clip that explains why we should question any politician who opposes Tommy Robinson and others like him!
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Angry Patriots Confront Left Wing Traitor in Chemnitz Germany Who Admits Spitefulness!
‘I can’t go into the city anymore’: A video of common German people debating on the street over migration goes viral.
In the end the Left wing traitor not only has no answer but actually admits she did it in spite and shows her childish hatred for her fellow countrymen.
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Nigel Farage Destroys EU Dictators at the Fascist ‘Show Trial’ of Hungary and Viktor Orban
Miscegenist E.U. Uses Hungary to Continue Bluffing and Playing for Time to Continue Smuggling Africans and Asians into Europe.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivered a fiery speech to European lawmakers in Strasbourg, before they began deliberations on suspending the country’s key EU rights due to his government’s policies.
Orban accused the “pro-migrant majority” of having “already made up their minds” to invoke the European Union Treaty’s Article 7 against Hungary, for its treatment of migrants and minorities, and the ruling party purported abuse of the law and suppression of media freedoms.
“Hungary will not accede to this blackmailing, Hungary will protect its borders, stop illegal migration and – if needed – we will stand up to you,” said Orban, who was re-elected with an overwhelming majority in April.
Hungary is going to be condemned because the Hungarian people have decided that this
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British Troops Shoot Traitor May as She Connives With African Despots in South Africa
Dear Mrs May – Prime Minister of GB
I fear you made a terrible error of judgement in Cape Town when you failed to condemn the ANC regime’s proposed racist land grab.
Millions of South Africans and Brits can’t understand why you appear to be in favour of collective punishment based on race. Your apparent show of support for the race based landgrab in South Africa is not only an attack on South African farmers but in the long run it cannot possibly be in the interest of Britain.
There are already reports that some tenants have stopped paying rent, arguing that the farms/homes they rent will soon be expropriated and the title deeds signed over to them. Property owners in South Africa are now unable to find people willing to buy their houses. Farmers are reluctant to invest in new plant and agricultural machinery.
It’s a great tragedy that you appear to have endorsed this lunacy that will bring South Africa to its knees. Th
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#BlackPrivilege University Students in South Africa Refuse to Write Exams Because Its Too Difficult
In a video that went viral on social media, hundreds of students from the University of Limpopo (UL) can be seen exiting a lecture hall because the exam they were set to write was ‘too difficult’.
University of Limpopo’s (UL) spokesperson Johannes Selepe, confirmed that the video is authentic, adding that investigations are underway and action will be taken when the investigations have concluded.
“It happened last week Tuesday at 18:00. They were writing Educational Philosophy,” Selepe told the media.
Numerous videos are doing the rounds on social media and have sparked heated debates on pass marks. Some ‘celebrated’ with the students while others condemned the students’ behaviour.
AfriForum’s Deputy CEO, Ernst Roets took to Twitter to give his take on it, saying “Philosophy is hard. This must be oppression…”
African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) leader and MP Kenneth Meshoe slammed the students.
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USA will soon be more Irish than Ireland! Nazism has come to Ireland HD
USA will soon be more Irish than Ireland! Nazism has come to Ireland which is being pushed off the cliff into Totalitarianism.
Voting for Michael D again is one of the most blatantly flabbergasting acts the Irish have committed in recent years, and there have been quite a few.
What is even scarier is what are they going to replace Ireland with?
Already there is a Europe wide Blasphemy law to protect Islamic Pedophiles, implemented on the very day brainwashed Ireland voted to remove the Blasphemy law which protected Christianity…
The occupation regime has complete control of the country and soon there will be no Ireland anymore…
Weaponising and using Feelings to Force Us into Diversity. Ireland did not “Become” Diverse, it is Deliberately and Forcibly Being Made Multicultural by Ruling Elites and Oligarchs Using “Fweelings” as a weapon…
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The “New Ireland” is NOT Ireland, it is EUland. A Globalist Hellhole without values identity morals
The “New Ireland” is NOT Ireland, it is EUland. A Globalist Hellhole with no values, no identity, no morals, no history, no culture, no heritage and no future.
Just a shopping mall for blank containers to be imported from Africa, given cash to spend on globalist consumer goods to make the Oligarchs and Political Elites even richer…
By Redefining What A Family Is, The Irish Regime and EU are Unilaterally Redefining Family Values
With the Cultural Marxism anti family aims combined with Islamification of Ireland, families are being deliberately neglected and destroyed.
Whilst the fighting Irish seem to be defeated… there are however a few points of hope as family loving people throughout the West start standing up and speaking out against the militant aggressive loud brash supremacist left.
Voting for Michael D again is one of the most blatantly flabbergasting acts the Irish have committed in recent years, and there have b
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Leaked Soros Document Exposes Plan To Politicise Imported Migrants To Take Power and To Marginalise Indigenous Europeans!
A leaked Open Society document shows the George Soros organisation are funding the Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI) and NASC to lobby the Irish government to increase migrant citizenships and to then politically mobilise those migrants to take political control. Yet patriotic Europeans are kept out of politics through castigation and insults. Traitorous head of the Immigration Council of Ireland (ICI), Brian Killoran, thinks that now that Ireland is apparently a diverse country, migrants have to have more of a say in how the country is run and is wondering how to encourage migrants to get into politics.
What is not being discussed or researched is how to get indigenous people opposed to migration into politics, so that they can have representation and have their views and feelings voiced. According to the latest Attitudes to Diversity study, 59% of Irish citizens want to ban Muslim immigration. 42% want to ban European migration and 75% want to ban Roma migratio
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Dutch Councilor Commits Suicide After Muslim Rape Gang Rapes and Blackmails Her To Silence Her Politically!
RAPE AS A TOOL OF CONQUEST. A Dutch anti-immigrant politician has taken her own life after releasing video revealing that a Muslim rape gang had kidnapped and raped her, and have been blackmailing her to silence her politically. The City councilor in The Hague and member of the Freedom Party has taken her own life, hours after posting a video on Facebook in which she revealed she was gang-raped by Muslims as part of an intimidation campaign.
Willie Dille, 53, reportedly ended her own life on Wednesday, shortly after sharing a video on social media in which she claimed to have been kidnapped and raped by a Muslim gang over a year ago. She said that she had been threatened and that she feared for her life. Dille also said that fellow Hague city councilor Arnoud van Doorn is behind it…
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