Fernando Grande-Marlaska, the Spanish Interior Minister, told Radio COPE that he hoped the political dispute with Morocco “will be as short as possible.” Grande-Marlaska described the flood of illegals crossing into Spanish territory as “an attack on our borders, not a migratory crisis,” slamming Morocco’s role in encouraging the illegal migrants towards Ceuta. Spanish officials said Moroccan border guards actually ushered migrants through the gate.
He said Spain has sinc
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As Thick As Thieves! The election coup / fraud of USA2020 has all the hallmarks of an Obama scam backed by the Deep State, and having been Biden’s boss, Obama would know all the details of his corrupt VP’s activities. He also knew Biden would agree to partaking in election fraud to become President, to save his family from disgrace, like Clinton or any classic african despot does! It is clear the reason Joe Biden was happy to be complicit in election fraud was because being President would give him and Obama immunity from everything, like illegally spying on Trump, the Trump Russia collusion hoax, corrupt deals with Russia and China and various sex scandals, including some which were no doubt “honey traps” set by the CCP! Clearly Biden is a national security risk! But then, it is the aim of NWO and globalist Democrats to destroy USA, so it’s a win win for them!
As VP to Obama, Joe Biden threatened to withhold a Billion dollars of US Government Aid fr
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Cancel Culture Strikes Belgian Government! Rabid Left Wants Theo Francken Gone, Despite Him Being Linked to Asylum Fraud and Human Trafficking!
FENCESITTERS BEWARE: Belgian immigration minister, Theo Francken, is facing calls for him to resign by the radical left, after it was revealed he had repatriated failed asylum seekers to Sudan. Now the government coalition itself is at risk of collapse over the scandal. Ironically, in his time as Belgium’s State Secretary for Migration, Theo Francken had presented himself as a “tough guy” om mass immigration, but in reality a secret machine was running behind the scenes, to get as many migrants into the country as possible. The “correct” migrants: those who promise to support the N-VA, and that was done in the usual way for almost all immigrant groups: payment in welfare cash and benefits to the “right” migrants, funded by taxpayers.
The Antwerp Council Chamber has now ruled that Theo Francken’s friend, Mechelen’s N-VA city councilor Melikan Kucam (46) and nine other suspects must answer for human trafficking, passive bribery and membership of a criminal organizatio
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VIDEO: Black Man Stabs Two White Guys on New York Subway After Mayor Bill de Blasio Caves to #BLM & Takes 600 Plainclothes Officers Off The Streets!
In the terrible footage that we are getting far to used to seeing, the black guy viciously attacks two white men, knocking both to the floor of the carriage and slashing at them with the knife, as they tried to fight back. One victim manages to get to his feet
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VIDEO: #BLM is Kristallnacht for Whites, Next are Yellow Triangles on our sleeves! Like BLM, Nazism Was Popular, Institutional & Structural, Manufacturing Consent For Holocaust!
#BlackLivesMatter is Kristallnacht for White people, and next are yellow triangles on our sleeves! Like BLM, Nazism in its time was popular, institutional & structural, manufacturing consent for a holocaust, otherwise it would not have happened. Large corporations like Ford and IBM were funding it! Today we see FreeSpeech Haters, ADL & NAACP blackmailing multinationals into boycotting social media platforms. The complicit enemies of Free Speech are: Coca-Cola, Verizon, Dove, Lipton, Hershey’s, Honda, Unilever, HP, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Ben&Jerry’s, Patagonia, TheNorthFace, etc. Boycott them! It is they who are forcing their advertising channels and brand representatives, sports stars and celebrities to Take The Knee. It has very little to do with actual racism.
Without Walls of Discretion, BLM Will Coerce Us Right Into a Anti White Holocaust
Call to Action: Rebuild the Walls of Discretion. Whites are n
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GODFATHER OF THE LEFT: From “Breaking the Bank of England” to spending BILLIONS of dollars on a NO BORDERS agenda for Europe and USA!
It is necessary for any enlightened person to know who George Soros is, because this man is aiming to rule the world, (especially those countries where white people can be found). If ever there was a person who should be charged with crimes against humanity, Soros is it. He wants to impose his far left agenda and idea of a uniform One World Order, devoid of nation states and devoid of cultural diversity or identities, and he is buying and finding willing partners everywhere. He has no limits or concerns about legality.
He hates the West, never criticizes Islam and seeks to influence the Christian church to accept his left wing agenda. He has the Democratic Party of the USA in his pocket – he funds Democratic Party presidential candidates – and he funds the militant Antifa movement to enforce his agenda on the mainstream. He funds anything that results in the destruction of our society and social cohesion including promotion of LGBTxyz degeneracy, “anti-raci
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Kalergi Plan: Traitors in Government of 14 EU States Capitalise on Hero Salvini’s Closure of Italian Ports to Fake Rescue NGO Ships!
Italian Minister Matteo Salvini is a hero standing up for his people compared to the traitors in government of 14 plus 8 EU Governments. Macron has said that 14 “states” had approved a plan to take in migrants while a further 8 had said they would be actively involved. These traitorous regimes include Ireland, France, Germany, Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Lithuania and Croatia. macron did not mention the other 6.
This is horrific news for many like the the ten thousand Irish homeless out on the streets who are now further deprived of any prospect of ever getting a roof over their heads. This is evil, it’s dreadful news for four thousand little Irish children to shiver in more Irish winters, at least it’s warmer to be out on the streets in Africa and the Middle East!
It is now totally evident that this is all part of the Coudenhove- Kalergi Plan to replace the poor, the homeless, the suffering and the damned peoples of Europe, and that the treacherous Irish esta
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Human Traffickers Charge 20,000 Euros Per Person To Smuggle Fakugees From Morocco To Spain on Kalergi Boats
Spanish police have smashed a Bangladeshi-run ring which smuggled more than 350 migrants from the Indian subcontinent into the country and gave them fake passports.
The migrants allegedly paid the ring between €14,000-20,000 ($15,500-$22,000) for the journey, police said, adding that 11 people had been arrested in Barcelona where the group was based.
The migrants were flown to Algeria, from where they crossed into neighbouring Morocco by foot and were then taken by motorboat across the Mediterranean into Spain, the police said in a statement issued on Friday.
At least 350 people from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka were smuggled in by the group, the statement added.
The ring comprised several cells. One was charged with recruiting migrants, another organised their stay in transit countries while a third arranged the Mediterranean Sea crossing.
The gang fraudulently obtained Algerian entry visas for the migrants in India.
Once the migrants
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Under Treason May, BRexit Will Accelerate only non-EU Mass Immigration With A Muslim Home Secretary!
Our normal guest Elvis, is having issues with the pro Islam fascist police in UK for talking about his persecution under Islamic rule in Iran as a christian.
He lives in fear now in the UK as Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, who is muslim and a favourite to succeed Treason May, might be what muslims in UK are waiting for, as the Koran has specific instructions for Muslims once the country they are invading, gets an islamic leader…
Will immigration “control” under the current muslim Home Secretary be an opportunity to stop migrants from Eastern Europe, who are traditionally more patriotic and christian, and import only muslim migrants? As it is the UNHCR has not sent any christian refugees to UK, only muslims…
To the EU and traitorous national leaders, the means is irrelevant, all that matters is the end goal, the destruction of the nation states through enforced racemixing and religious mixing and cu
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We Might Never Know How The Notre Dame Fire Started, But We Know Who is Happy About It…
An Islamic looking figure was spotted in the Notre Dame Cathedral AFTER the staff had apparently left…
Sadly, to some The Notre Dame Cathedral burning is a reason to smile or laugh…
A whole lot of people with Arab names are finding the historic Notre Dame ablaze very funny:
Twitter user Damien Rieu posted a video showing a number of Jihad-sympathizers responding to a video of the Paris church with a “laughing” face emoji.
The entire political establishment, biased media and left wing apologists are dead quiet about Islam and quietly allowing the destruction of Ireland to go ahead and its occupation and population replacement…
Wake up and start fighting back – we will need to make sacrifices… so that we can hand down the heritage we inherited to our children…
Telling it like it is….
In order to remain fully independent and not compromised or subservient to
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Is It Safe To Fly To Belgium? 8 Iraqi Migrants Sneak Into US Air Base in Belgium Where No Checks Are Done!
Eight sneaky migrants from Iraq managed to get into a US air base in Belgium aboard a food delivery truck. They were discovered by the driver – the military did not even bother to check the vehicle.
The embarrassing incident occurred at Chièvres Air Base – a NATO military installation in Belgium operated by the US Air Force. The migrants – five men, a woman, and two children, managed to get into the base on Friday. The incident was not confirmed by local law enforcement until Sunday, according to local media.
The Iraqis arrived at the military installation hiding in a truck carrying foodstuffs for US servicemen from Germany. It remains unclear at what point of the journey they managed to sneak into the vehicle – and if they actually intended to end up in a military base.
The migrants were discovered by the driver when the vehicle was about to be unloaded. While base personnel should have actually checked the truck before even letting it onto the premi
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EU Rent Boy Leo, and The Irish Political Class Useful Idiots, Puffed Up With EU Bravado, Are Destroying Ireland
Shortsighted EU Rent Boy Leo Varadkar and the entire political establishment in Ireland is Puffed Up with false EU Bravado which will cost Ireland greatly in the coming years, while Sinn Fein even betrays their Republican Base.
Republican Sinn Fein has made a 180 degree turn and become EU Unionists pushing the marxist anti society agenda…
Leo Varadkar is not fit to be Prime Minister – his only task and interest is to deliver Ireland completely and finally to the EU and also play strawman for EU’s fight with UK so they can keep the NI border open to continue smuggling illegals into UK…
His partner in crime, Bono does not pay tax, owns multiple mansions in many countries, yet tells poor Irish to give up their country to 3rd worlders… How many migrants does Bono house?
As Merkel starts her exit, Macron who has been primed to take over lead in EU is having problems of his own. When the
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Hungary Understands The True Existential Threat Presented By UN & EU Sponsored Illegal Immigration
Only Hungary Understands The True Existential Threat Presented By UN Sponsored Mass Immigration To Europe.
Hungary has deployed 2,300 troops to defend the southern border from 70,000 illegals that have amassed there.
By contrast Sweden allows Illegal migrants to rape 10 year children because Muslims put no value on children and women.
The examples throughout Europe are too horrendous and too numerous to mention, yet the Liberal World order and their complicit mainstream propaganda pretends it is normal…
Apart from the constant rape of Europeans, which is NOT a crime to Muslims, 80% of Muslims migrants are on welfare, plundering the European financially too.
Merkel is finally stepping out but Germans and Europeans will be paying for her socialist largess and virtue signalling for generations and decades to come and certainly Germany and Europe will NEVER be the same again…
The killi
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EU Army is to Control and Fight Independence Minded Indigenous Europeans, Not Russia!
The EU Army is designed to Control and Fight Independence Loving Indigenous Europeans, Not Russia or Other Countries. Clearly an EU Army will not stand a chance against Russia.
#UNexit The UN and EU Plan to import 10 Million illegals Aliens a year to Europe after the UN Migration Pact is signed December 11 by Ireland an UK!
The UN & EU Are Doubling Down on Their Invasion Before EU Elections in May knowing the voters will rise up! They will need to get the EU Army plans solidified before this.
[embed]https://youtu.be/eEoCjdpZTq0[/embed]Ireland and Europe is in big trouble! Controlling and castigating those who resist is the Establishment’s Priority as we have seen in France with the yellow jackets – 1 Police officer for every 600 of the population!
Some statistics on immigration into Europe in the last few years so you have context for what the UN is planning:
78% of Europeans want their borders tightened. The people of Europe do NOT get to vote o
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Six Illegal Aliens Hold Belgian Women as Sex Slave for Two Months in Italy!
Italian authorities are investigating claims of a 32-year-old Belgian woman who says she was kidnapped by six migrants and forced into sexual slavery for two months.
The 32-year-old claimed to have been kidnapped by the six Tunisian migrants and held from January to February 2017 in the city of Sanremo which lies in the north-west along the Italian Riviera, 7sur7 reports.
Investigators say that the woman, who lives on the Côte d’Azur, approached one of the men involved who offered to sell her drugs on the night of January the 10th. The man took the opportunity to then force the woman to one of the homes of the migrants where she said she was repeatedly raped while being tied to a bed.
A French girl escapes her illegal migrant boyfriend using a knotted bed sheet to climb down from a 9th-floor apartment.
According to the victim, the six men were all from Tunisia and were aged between 23 and 50 years old.
She also described that one of the men would stan
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