UN and IOC Plan Proves Refugee Status is a Globalist Scam To Destroy Nations States, Replace Their People and Redistribute Their Wealth

What Price Atheism? Genocidal UNHCR decides where refugees are “resettled”, sends Muslims to UK and Christian Syrians to Germany and Sweden!

The UK’s Traitorous Regime Takes in 1,100 “refugees”, NOT A SINGLE ONE IS Christian – ALL are Muslim!

International Animal Rights Conservationist Stuck in Irish Asylum System Awaiting Protection Order

The Rape of Lisdoonvarna, Europe and Humanity. NO! Cried Locals. “Racism?” hissed the rapist, thrusting foreign seed deep into rural Ireland!

Irish Occupation Regime Paid Journalists to Promote €116 BILLION Plan to Import 1 MILLION Migrants into Ireland!

Hungary’s PM: Islam is advancing and Christianity is Europe’s last hope

Israel Sets Leading Example in Defending True Diversity by Deporting Illegal African Migrants or Jailing Them

Breitbart reporter says Haley was the holdout, she wanted to continue with UN “compact” on refugees

SOUTH AFRICA: The Naked Hypocritical Curse Of The ‘Majority Rule’

The One Hundred Million Victims of Communism Remembered at 10th Annual VOC Roll Call of Victim Nations

Imminent, Unstoppable South African Genocide – Why Dismantling Apartheid caused the Genocide of Black and White South Africans