“The meeting will take place today … in Stockholm,” foreign ministry spokesperson Anton Dahlquist told AFP, refusing to disclose other details.
On February 12th, Sweden’s Social Democratic Social Affairs Minister Annika Strandhäll wrote on Twitter that Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s seven-point family planning policy “reeks of the 1930s” and that “what is happening in Hungary is alarming”.
“Now Orban wants to have more ‘real’ Hungarian children. This kind of policy will harm the autonomy for which women have struggled for decades,” Strandhäll said.
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UK Owns Ireland’s Rosslare Europort, Which Bypasses UK and Connects Direct To Mainland Europe, Yet Anti BRexit Irish Government Spurns UK and Fails To Prepare Rosslare For No Deal BRexit
Ger O’Donoghue, candidate councilor for Renua in Enniscorthy Wexford, revealed during his launch speech at the Riverside Hotel, the extent to which the Irish government has neglected Rosslare Harbour, which is Ireland’s best direct connection to mainland Europe, bypassing the UK “land bridge” to Europe. This land bridge presents a major problem to the UK and Irish governments with the upcoming BRexit, especially in the event of a no deal BRexit. The imposition of customs at the port of Dover will create miles of backlog for trucks from Ireland heading to Europe.
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Not All Are Born Equal – 21 Year Old Irish Student Questions Establishment Thinking On Race and IQ, Like Students Should Do, Gets Unequal Treatment From Egalitarian Elites
Ireland’s reputation as being a world renowned place for free thinking writers, authors and journalist’s seems numbered. In today’s world of Marxist Universities and dumbed down consumerism, not many 21 year millennials are able to write, research and compose a decent article. It is also rare to find a student that is not blindly and fanatically following the Establishment left wing soundbytes, even though students are meant to question established thought patterns, in order to discover, create and invent new things and ideas. An Irish student has penned an article calling for diversity amongst nations to be upheld, as he states, the concept of egalitarianism has not worked in this sphere and has been shown to be a false paradigm. Egalitarianism and diversity seem to be at odds, meaning open discussion is required… something the left hates.
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Break The Banks! Yellow Vest In France To Try Trigger A Bank Run On Saturday By Withdrawing All Their Money!
Yellow Vest protesters are hoping to trigger a bank run with a nationwide coordinated cash withdrawal. By threatening the French financial system, protesters say, they want to peacefully force the government to pass their reforms.
“If the banks weaken, the state weakens immediately,” said Yellow Vest “sympathizer” Tahz San on Facebook. “It’s elected officials’ worst nightmare.”
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Homosexuality Caused Majority of Sex Abuse in Catholic Church, After Mistakenly Following The Sexualisation of Greater Society
Homosexuality is the root cause for the majority of sex abuse at the catholic Church, not the Catholic Church itself, says a German cardinal who is one of the most senior German figures in the Catholic Church. He has controversially denied that sexual abuse was a problem in the Catholic Church, saying that the problem was caused by gay men rather than catholic priests.
Cardinal Walter Brandmüller played down widespread reports of sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church in an interview with news agency DPA on Friday. Bradmüller said that public debate on the sexual abuse “forgets or silences the fact that 80 percent of the cases of sexual assault in the church affected male youths not children”. He added that it was “statistically proven” that there is a connection between homosexuality and sexual abuse.
In an impassioned defence of the Church’s record, Brandmüller claimed that “<
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GRAPHIC: If This Video Offends Or Bothers You, You Should Not Be Welcoming Illegal Unknown Migrants. M&M’s Anyone?
This is the video the Establishment, Mainstream media and Social Media Networks do not want you to see. Some mainstream media outlets like BBC and CBS are going so far as to call the islamic beheading as mere stab wounds to the neck! Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are removing this video as soon as it is being posted by users. We have decided to post it on EuroWars.org, as horrendous as it is, in an effort to make people realise the barbarity they are welcoming with open arms, and also in the interest of not censoring the brutality and inhumanity of these warriors and servants of Allah, but also to highlight the deceit that Mainstream media and the Establishment is practicing in the name of false virtue and oil cash.
You wouldn’t think the much vaunted ‘Religion of Peace,’ would need public relations interference by the mainstream media, establishment and global tech elites, but that’s exactly what Islam is ge
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“Losing Your Child Is The Worst Red Pill Ever!” UK Gov Hiding Islamic Attacks and Putting Impact on Attackers and Their Rights Above The Victim’s!
Tracy Blackwell’s son Josh was mowed down with 4 of his friends by a Pakistani Muslim in a black Audi mounting the pavement and not braking or swerving, murdering 3 of the kids who were on their way to a 16th birthday party.
Thanks to Tracy’s strong will and courage and dedication to her son’s memory, it has subsequently come to light that there is a deliberate program or regime by the establishment politicians, civil authority and mainstream media of burying and hiding anything that will impact negatively on Islam and Muslims! Even court officials who lie under oath to hide the truth!
Exposing a sinister state-backed underhand cover-up and influence network is foreboding enough, yet the real conspiracy is the blind eye turned by the Western establishment, institutions and mainstream media, who all appear fine with subterfuge. Since 2010 many cars, vans and buses have been mounting pavements!
When mainstream media like LBC and BBC reports a protest in Sunderla
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Homeschooling in Ireland triples as government perverts education system with cultural marxism and globalism
The number of homeschooled children has jumped in the past few years due to so called “School-phobia” a name the ignorant no doubt coined to deny the real reasons for the rise of more Irish parents homeschooling their children.
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While Italy and Hungary Reward Families, Ireland’s Death Cult Attacks Families and Family Values
While Italy and Hungary Reward Families and encourage them to have children, Ireland’s Cult of Death Attacks Families and Family Values.
As Ireland hurtles headlong into absolute cultural marxism where everything is objectified and families are deconstructed, it seems free abortion on demand and abortion tourism is inevitable, despite denials that it would never happen from the ministers of the cult of death that currently rule in Ireland.
A Death Cult which will not hesitate to use the most horrendous grotesque method to murder babies in the womb… at the very time that they spend millions bringing 3rd worlders and their children in to Ireland…
They literally murder their own children whilst importing the children of 3rd worlders – there can be no greater treason and evil…
This attack on Christianity accompanies an attack on sovereignty and resources as witnessed by gay marriages and murder of unborn babi
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Macron Arrests Democracy in France – Over 4,500 Yellow Vest Protesters Arrested and 4,100 STILL in Custody!
The number of people arrested since the beginning of the massive popular protests that have gripped France for weeks has surpassed a staggering 4,500, with critics calling the actions of the authorities crackdown on democracy.
The French police have detained a total of 4,523 people in connection to the so-called Yellow Vests protests that united tens of thousands of people across the country discontent with taxes polices and fuel prices hikes. Of those almost 4,100 still remain in police custody, the French BFM TV broadcaster reported, citing police sources.
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So UK is Not Sovereign After All? Why Is Traitor May Begging EU Dictators For Permission To Leave EU Despite BRexit Win?
For years EU apologists have constantly claimed that UK was still Sovereign whilst power was transferred to Brussels, yet here we are with the UK leader down on her hands and knees begging for permission to leave. Where are all these short sighted apologists now? EU supremacist leader Merkel bluntly said “No way to change” BRexit deal, May’s grovelling and embarrassing visit, where May even struggled to exit her car, should be the guilty verdict for all the traitors and naysayers over the years!
May visited three European capitals Tuesday in a desperate bid to beg for the return of UK Sovereignty and her Brexit deal, a day after delaying a parliamentary vote on the text to avoid a crushing defeat.
When May was in Ber
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Ireland Pimps Out For Globalist Multinationals Against Digital Sales Tax with Sweden, Denmark and Germany
Digital sales tax proposals are being blocked by an Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany alliance. Ireland is one of the last that’s opposing a European-wide digital tax on internet giants like Apple, Amazon and Facebook. Ireland alone could stop it from succeeding! It had the same privilege with the Lisbon referendum but also went the way of globalists…
The Irish government has been exerting heavy pressure in the industry, and we need to show Finance minister Donohoe that the people of Ireland want fair taxation of tech giants, before European ministers decide on Tuesday.
The prospect of an EU tax on digital sales, which the Government feared could hit Irish tax revenues from internet giants based here, has receded after an alliance of Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany blocked the proposal in Brussels.
The result is a major victory for Irish diplomats and officials who have been quietly building alliances against the digital tax for months, and also for
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Far Left in Ireland in Panic Mode as Christian Conservative Filmmaker Lauren Southern Secretly Visits and Gathers Evidence…
It seems the Irish Occupation regime’s decision to open FOUR Direct Provision centres in quick succession has drawn sharp objection, not only from indignant locals, but has also prompted a secret visit from conservative documentary maker Lauren Southern, whose documentary “Farmlands” about Farm Murders in South Africa (see video at bottom) has received wide acclaim with over 2 Million views on youtube. Lauren is working on a new documentary entitled “No Borders”.
The far left organisations behind the invasion of Ireland, like the Irish Immigration Council, the Irish Refugee Council, Refugee Integration Agency, Dept of Justice, etc. etc, resorted to sending out an emergency alert to all direct Provision centres to warn their profit units (migrants) about the bad boogeyman (rayyyssists!) who would offer them bribes to do an interview.
Whilst this claim is totally false, Lauren has confirmed to Irish news that she does not pay anyone:
Lauren stated: “Wow. I
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Irish are Foreigners in THEIR Own Country as European Children are Sacrificed on the Altar of Islamo-Globalism!
Irish are feeling like foreigners in THEIR Own Country! Sacrificing our Children on the Altar of Islamo-Globalism. Irish are also seen as minority, easy to oppress and they feel like foreigners in Ireland! Allastriona takes a quick look at True Irish History and some of the weeks News…
Europeans are now sacrificing their young on the altar of islamo-globalism due to fear of racism accusations…
Mainstream Media are a propaganda chamber to manufacture this consent and the political parties have been infiltrated and corrupted and hijacked by islamo-globalists
[embed]https://youtu.be/5za_pKirA-c[/embed]The separation of church and state is being done for subversive reasons to remove any moral code and values…
They are trying to destroy the middle class to create a low wage society which they can control. Their control of the media allows them to control the thoughts of people. For instance there has been no mention of the Global Migration Pact in th
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Gotcha! Southern Exposes Left Wing NGOs Who Train Migrants To Lie in Asylum Claims – UN Pretends Ignorance and “Alarm”!
Undercover reporting from Lauren Southern, for her upcoming documentary Borderless, shows Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) training Muslim migrants how to lie about trauma they have allegedly experienced, and about being Christians in order to gain asylum status in Europe amongst other things. It is well known George Soros funded the printing of maps and guides with phone numbers for these left wing NGOs so the migrants could call them the moment they land (that is why they all have a phone when they arrive and guard it with their life)!
Lauren Southern is the young Christian Canadian who was banned from Fascist UK for simply critising Islam…
Ariel Ricker, the director of Advocates Abroad, which is a left wing group staffed by legal experts who help those seeking asylum, is heard admitting that “it’s all acting,” and is akin to “theatre.”
In one part of the undercover video recorded in Greece, Ricker is heard giving an exampl
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