Homeless Irish Family Evicted From Hotel To Make Way For Illegal Immigrants Because Ireland Does NOT Deport Fake Refugees!

“Don’t ever vote for a white person”: Racist Black ANC Leader Promotes Racism To Voters in South Africa!

EU Institutionalises Racism, Black Privilege and Black Supremacy! Elevates Blacks In Europe To Privileged Class!

Sweden Hates White Families – Commie Social Minister Summonses Hungarian Ambassador Because Orban Spends Money on Families and Not Migrants

Irish are Foreigners in THEIR Own Country as European Children are Sacrificed on the Altar of Islamo-Globalism!

Gotcha! Southern Exposes Left Wing NGOs Who Train Migrants To Lie in Asylum Claims – UN Pretends Ignorance and “Alarm”!

The NEW WORLD ORDER was not a conspiracy theory after all! It commences December 11, 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco!

ALERT! Dating Apps Are The New Weapon To Secretly Commit White Genocide and Trick You Into Racemixing!

Video: Why Was Tommy Robinson Arrested If Public Can Obstruct Justice Being Served and Prevent Deportation of Convicted Muslim Gang Rapist!?

UN and IOC Plan Proves Refugee Status is a Globalist Scam To Destroy Nations States, Replace Their People and Redistribute Their Wealth

Trudeau Government Fakes TripAdvisor Reviews To Hide Migrant Mess! Should You Check if Hotels, Motels or B&Bs are Housing Migrants Before you Book?

Leaked Soros Document Exposes Plan To Politicise Imported Migrants To Take Power and To Marginalise Indigenous Europeans!

Vienna Has Fallen! 51% of Pupils Do Not Speak German. Only Deportations Can Save Austria Now…

Miscegenist E.U. Uses Hungary to Continue Bluffing and Playing for Time to Smuggle Africans and Asians into Europe.

E.U. Brings Conflict To Europe! Battle lines are drawn between EU Supremacists versus Traditional European Nation States!