Is Multiculturalism or Islam or Socialism or the One World Order Destroying Our Nations & Culture?

New Zealand Attacks – Enforced Multiculturalism Fails Again! Islam Uses Attack To Gain More Ground!

Is Multiculturalism or Islam or Socialism or the One World Order Destroying Our Nations & Culture?

Forget Russian Collusion, It Was Google Collusion All Along! 78 Million Votes Shifted To Democrats Clams Researcher!

EU and its Sock Puppet, Ireland, Use Lies and Hard Border Scare Tactics To Get UK To Abandon BRexit

Is The Deep State Swamp Running Scared? Ban on Lynching Passed Unanimously by Senate!

Boycott the Boycotters: Here’s The Complete List of Companies Boycotting Tucker Carlson’s Show on Fox News

Abortion is NOT politics! Kids who were saved from abortion thank Donald Trump for pro-life policies with a letter campaign

The NEW WORLD ORDER was not a conspiracy theory after all! It commences December 11, 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco!

Alyssa Milano Says “Trump Using Cult Force” On Live TV – She Has Lost Her Friggin Marbles!

USA will soon be more Irish than Ireland! Nazism has come to Ireland HD

The Allied Carpet Bombing of Germany in WWII was so Heavy it Damaged Earth’s Atmosphere! – Study

Ireland grudgingly recieves 13 Billion windfall tax from Apple. What will it be spent on? Migrants? Refugees? Gay Rights? Abortion?

#GCP #NationalizeGoogle? Google Warned: Stop Your Treason and “Don’t Do Evil” or We The People Will Come After You.

Supremacist MultiNational Corporations Are Worth More Than Most Countries But Have No Loyalty or Accountability to Citizens