What Price Atheism? Genocidal UNHCR decides where refugees are “resettled”, sends Muslims to UK and Christian Syrians to Germany and Sweden!

The UK’s Traitorous Regime Takes in 1,100 “refugees”, NOT A SINGLE ONE IS Christian – ALL are Muslim!

NGO #FakeRescue Ship Directs Migrants To Jump Into Sea So They Can Be “Rescued” and Prevent Libyan Coastguard From Taking Them Back! (Video)

Traitor: Manchester City Coach Pep Guardiola Gives €150,000 to Human Trafficking NGO Smuggling Migrants from Libya

#FakeRescue – Pushing people into the water to rescue them allows Migrant “Rescue” to be the new “Anchor Baby”. Arrest the NGOs!

Italy Says NO to #KalergiBoats! Communist Spain says YES. Will Spain be the next target for mass illegal immigration perpetrated by The Establishment and EU?

Ireland’s Government Thinks Irish DNA is SUBHUMAN and Plans to Spend Billions Replacing The Irish!

The Rape of Lisdoonvarna, Europe and Humanity. NO! Cried Locals. “Racism?” hissed the rapist, thrusting foreign seed deep into rural Ireland!

Irish Occupation Regime Paid Journalists to Promote €116 BILLION Plan to Import 1 MILLION Migrants into Ireland!

Israel ready to deport thousands to Africa, UN furious…

Wow! Trump withdraws US from UN Compact on migration/refugees