Muslim Rape Gang “Targets Drunk Irish Women” Leaving Nightclubs in South East Ireland!

Suspects Named in Huddersfield Muslim Rape Gang Offences – 31 Charged With Child Rape, Trafficking and Assault!

Oh Susanna, Merkel won’t cry for you… but Tommy would die for you…

Paris: Pickpocket gang charged over €3million worth of thefts at tourist sites

Why is the Left so Quick to Excuse Rape? Continental Edition

Ireland Becoming a 3rd World EU Sh*thole as Migrant Copper Thieves on Welfare go Unpunished

The Netherlands is turning into a “narco state” where criminal groups are left undisturbed

Syrians walk free after stabbing German at Christmas market

Philadelphia bans bulletproof plexiglass for shop fronts

#FARMATTACK:  Fifteen Year Old Girl Shot Seven Times On Farm – Driefontein

#HOMEINVASION: Elderly Port Elizabeth Couple (+70’s) Found Murdered In Their Home

‘We Do Not Give Colour To Crime, We Do Not Give Colour To Victims’

The World Reacts To South Africa’s #BlackMonday

Man (43) Killed And His Son In Hospital After Home Invasion – Stellenbosch

#FARMMURDER:  Another Farmer Murdered In Fochville Area