The USA is The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth & The Left Now Control it Completely! Without Trump, America will now once again revert to becoming the enemy of freedom and independence loving people worldwide, and unless patriots, republicans & freedom lovers step up to the plate, worldwide, it will now stay that way permanently, because the Fascist Deep State will never let their guard down again, like they did in 2016 when Trump so unexpectedly won. In the end Trump, who probably kept more promises than he made, was bogged down by the very Swamp he promised to drain, but if nothing else, at least Trump managed to expose the Deep State and the Establishment to the masses. Whether this will have a lasting effect remains to be seen as the fascist Deep State is hard at work re-installing its fascist structures and communist policies in order to take and keep complete and permanent control, a job that has been made far easier thanks to the weaponized “China Virus” as Tru
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VIDEO: Fascism is a Left Wing Thing & Joseph “Stalin” Biden Proves it! USA Once Again Becomes The Designated Enforcer of The New World Order
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George Floyd Appeared on Judge Judy at 16! Crashed Car he Stole, but Blames Police for Chasing Him! Dindunuffin!
Grand Theft Auto, attacking women, resisting arrest – surprised he lived so long… It seems George Floyd was destined to become a police statistic from as young as 16! He was already in trouble with everyone even Judge Judy and his family, who are now multi-millionaires thanks to multiple GoFundMe accounts after his death!
Crime pays in a liberal world, if you are black that is… what this revelation does tell us though, is that interventions by the likes of Judge Judy, although noble, do not always work…
See also: Video: #BLM Lied! MSM Lied! The Left Lied! Police Transcripts Expose Lies in The Officia
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“Worst anti-Semitic attacks” on Kosher cafe were Fake! 4 Attacks Staged To Get Sympathy & Money Through Crowdfund
An anti-Semitic attack on a kosher cafe in Canada that police described as one of the “worst” they had seen has been revealed as a ruse by the owners. A vigil and a fundraising campaign had been set up to support the family.
The fake attack saw the BerMax Caffe and Bistro in Winnipeg spray painted with anti-Semitic graffiti and “severely vandalized.” A woman was assaulted and taken to the hospital for treatment, CBC reported at the time.
Police charged the owners with public mischief after an investigation involving 25 police officers and 1,000 hours of work revealed it to be nothing more than a scam. “In the end, we found evidence of a crime. It just wasn’t a hate crime,” Police Chief Danny Smyth said, Global News reports.
Alexander Berent, Oxana Berent, and Maxim Berent are to appear in court next month. Oxana was the woman allegedly assaulted. She denied the attack was fake on CBC Radio, saying, “We don’t joke about swastikas on our walls.
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See The Pattern Yet? Yet Another Afghan Fakugee Attacks German Teen Girl, Drags Her By Her Hair Off Bus!
A 17-year-old girl was seriously injured in Minden, Germany after a drunk Afghan refugee dragged her off a bus by her hair, causing her to be run over while trying to escape the man.
According to a police statement, the girl was repeatedly harassed by the 22-year-old Afghan refugee while she waited at a bus terminal in Minden, near Hanover, with her 14-year-old friend just before 9pm local time on Saturday.
The girl and her friend sought safety from the man, and his 21-year-old friend, by running to a nearby vehicle, where the driver let them on. However, the persistent pair also got onboard and the 22-year-old dragged the girl from the bus by her hair – after it had started to move.
The girl slipped and fell beneath the bus, which ran over her legs, leaving her with “severe injuries,” police said. As bystanders rushed to help the teen, the driver chased the men hoping to get a picture of them. He was reportedly slapped in the face by the 21-year-old.
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Far Left Fascists Admit Vicious Attack on German Parliamentarian, AfD’s Magnitz, Only Days After AfD Office Was Bombed
Following the brutal attack on populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP Frank Magnitz, a far-left extremist Antifa group have allegedly taken credit for the attack in a post on a well-known far-left website.
The post, which was made on the Indymedia platform, credits the brutal attack on Magnitz to the Antifa group “Antifaschistischer Frühling Bremen” who made the post at 6 p.m. local German time on Wednesday.
Only an archive of the post remains online as the link to the original, which still displays on a Google search, says the post has either been deleted or is inaccessible, with the message “you do not have permission to access this page” displayed.
In the post, the group takes credit for the attack on the populist MP who serves as AfD chairman in Bremen, saying: “The anti-fascist spring Bremen announces that we wanted to free the AfD politician F. Magnitz of his fascist ideas on Monday at 18.00 clock local time.”
The group claimed that Ma
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See the pattern yet? – Another naive brainwashed German teen girl murdered by illegal alien in Germany for no reason!
Yet another teenage German girl has been found murdered by a migrant and this latest case has rocked the quiet Western town of Saint Augustin.
German media reports that the suspect (19) who was in possession of both German and Kenyan passports was arrested after the girl’s body was discovered at a refugee and homeless shelter in
He has since confessed to the murder stating that he met the girl in a pub on November 30th and that she had agreed to return to his refugee shelter where there was an altercation and she was killed.
The area of Germany has been blighted by migrant sex attacks and murders, one the most notable was when an 18-year-old student was gang raped in Freiburg, and 7 Syrians and one German
citizen were arrested for the crime.
This heinous attack coupled with other atrocities committed by migrants prompted protests but they were condemned by German government and media and were suppressed by authorities.
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Neighbourhood defence groups patrol Bavarian town after asylum seekers attack and hospitalise 9 locals
After a violent attack of four refugees, the German town of Amberg is still in shock, news outlet Focus reports.
As Voice of Europe reported earlier, the refugees chose victims in the town centre then kicked and beat them with serious consequences, as nine people were hospitalised.
One man was called “nigger” and beaten up by the refugees in a sickening racist attack, that was part of the ‘orgy of violence’ in Amberg.
According to the data, the suspects were under the influence of alcohol when they attacked people on Saturday night.
Several people fled in panic from the attackers and entered a shop at the local station. A saleswoman, who locked the doors said: “People immediately told me that they were attacked, everyone was scared.”
“Such people do not deserve to be here,” the saleswoman angrily added.
A manager of a restaurant who helped a harassed girl was attacked as well, receiving a headbutt from the men. A friend of his was hit
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Illegal Aliens Bring Their Feuds With Them – “Refugees” Attack Security Staff Trying to Intervene in Germany
German police had to call in reinforcement, deploying scores of officers to quell mayhem in a reception center in country’s south, where a group of migrants faced off with security personnel.
A row between migrants in one of the reception centers escalated into open violence early Tuesday as people living in the shelter attacked local security staff that tried to intervene, police announced. A group of rioters then barricaded themselves in the building, forcing the security workers to call the police.
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Army of African Migrants Storm and Attack Spanish Border – Migrants do not take NO for an answer (Video)
Over 700 hundred migrants have stormed the Spanish exclave of Ceuta, some armed with homemade flamethrowers, sticks, chemicals and even poo, after breaking through the border fence.
Some of them were cut with barbed wire while trying to climb the border fence, and others sustained broken bones. The scuffles also led to 22 border agents receiving injuries. Some agents were burnt as the migrants attacked them with homemade flamethrowers while trying to avoid arrest.
Illegal migrants were also reportedly fighting off the border agents with sticks, quicklime and sprays contain
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London Attack proves Moderate Muslims Create “Safe Spaces” for Extremist Muslims – British Muslims Alarmed Muslims Did NOT Report Attackers
The latest London Attack proves that moderate Muslim communities create “Safe Spaces” for extremist Muslims as proven by the “alarm and concern” that leaders and members of the Muslim community have expressed that moderate Muslims did not tip off the authorities ahead of Saturday’s terrorist attack in London, the Metropolitan Police commander in charge of community..
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Far Left Fake News outlet CNN, uses Berlin Terrorist Attack to brainwash patriotic Germans with guilt
The Far Left Fake News outlet, CNN, used the horrible Berlin Terrorist Attack to brainwash patriotic Germans and conservatives with more guilt! CNN’s online coverage of Monday’s deadly terror attack on a German Christmas market focused on the attack’s potential to stoke far-right anger, rather than the threats of Islamic radicalism. The attack in Berlin..
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Somali Refugee Attacker in Ohio said “I’m Muslim, it’s not what media portrays me to be” then did just that!
Somali Refugee Attacker in Ohio said “I’m a Muslim, it’s not what the media portrays me to be” did just that and attacked innocent Americans! How many more “sleeper” attacker “refugees” are resident in USA? how long before we realise their religion tell them it is OK to lie to us and to deceive us..
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Liberals and Democrats are the new Nazis! Yet another Trump supporting student beaten!
Liberals and Democrats are the now beyond doubt the new Nazi dictators. Yet another Trump supporting student has been beaten up, insulted and castigated for political views. One wonders how often this is happening without a camera present or someone brave enough to share? Voter intimidation is yet another facet of how elections are rigged…
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Nice: Hollande, Merkel and EU are either very stupid or very evil, as THEY murder another 84 innocents in France…
“We knew such an attack would happen but French authorities do nothing to prevent them” said a local. The attack came the day AFTER Hollande announced nonchalantly that they would not extend the existing State of Emergency that has been running since the Paris attacks last year, on July 26. Coincidence? French local media have..
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