Russia Concerned About Biden’s Human Rights Abuses with Blanket Arrests & Persecution of Political Opposition During “Capital Riots” on Jan 6!

#GE2020 Is it Time for Ireland to Come Right and Do Right by The Right? Or is the Irish Bog Too Deep & Terminal?

BIG Profits in Selling Countries Out to Refugees! Refugee Contractor from UK makes Half a Billion selling USA out to foreigners!

Next batch of Australian rejected asylum seekers headed our way, mostly single men

Comment worth noting: Many blind ‘conservatives’ in Minnesota

Oklahoma Republican Senator Lankford to headline Leftwing World Relief press event today in DC

USCRI gets big federal grant to teach senior refugees English

Unlikely aborted deportation flight to Somali will ever be rescheduled, as court steps in

Refugee ban lifted, but extra vetting for Muslims denounced by refugee contractors

Lancaster, PA: Church World Service puts on sob story event, never mentions their federal boodle!

Refugee contractor CEO (moneybags) Miliband moans: shocking decline in Muslim arrivals

A reader asks: Who is resettling refugees in North Carolina?

Taxpayer-funded refugee contractors lead anti-Trump rally in DC tomorrow

A loving Christian representative of Church World Service?

Temporary Protected Status for Syrians will expire March 31st and already the wailing has begun