Leaked Soros Document Exposes Plan To Politicise Imported Migrants To Take Power and To Marginalise Indigenous Europeans!

Fact: The More Muslim Immigrants in A Country the Higher the Rape Rate. Why Muslim Immigration Should Scare All Women!

Suspects Named in Huddersfield Muslim Rape Gang Offences – 31 Charged With Child Rape, Trafficking and Assault!

Dutch Councilor Commits Suicide After Muslim Rape Gang Rapes and Blackmails Her To Silence Her Politically!

Over 30 Mosques in Netherlands Funded From Arab Countries – Treasonous Dutch Government Tried to Keep it Secret!

War in Syria is OVER! Syria needs the refugees and migrants to go home to rebuild their country! Video:

Putin brings hope of long term peace to Syria – can the refugees go back home now to rebuild their country?

Veiled Woman Assaults Shopkeeper for Selling Lingerie Near Headscarves