Ireland Becoming a 3rd World EU Sh*thole as Migrant Copper Thieves on Welfare go Unpunished

Viva Italia! Viva ItalExit! Patriotic Parties Surge in Italy, as Fascist Left Faces Defeat – Exit Polls

Irish Occupation Regime Paid Journalists to Promote €116 BILLION Plan to Import 1 MILLION Migrants into Ireland!

Cowardly #TraitorMerkel Flees as Patriots have their First Say in German Parliament in over 70 Years!

War in Syria is OVER! Syria needs the refugees and migrants to go home to rebuild their country! Video:

Feeling Stupid Yet Germany? 43% of Underage Migrants in Germany were NOT Underage! Are Migrants Coached on European Weaknesses?

Indian Slavetrade, Conquest or Imperialism? India blackmails UK demanding UK accept more Indian migrants or lose post BRexit trade deal!

Has Merkel become Toxic? No one wants “One Size Fits All” #VanillaPolitics. Undemocratic EU continues to crash!

Had our Grandparents selfishly deserted their country to go claim Asylum, we would all be speaking German!

Yet more evidence that primates and humans emerged from Europe and NOT Africa discovered in Germany

Merkel blamed for creating first “right wing” party to enter Bundestag since WWII, while Schulz falls on his sword to prevent (AfD) being official opposition!

We have the ‘right to be proud’ of soldiers in both world wars and should stop apologizing – German AFD politician

1,000,000 British Children Raped by Muslim Men! This is Institutional Ethnic Cleansing because it is ONLY muslims doing it to ONLY white children!

Draft Italian Law to Stop Traitorous Charity NGOs signalling human traffickers to launch migrant boats using flares and phones!

The Fight to “Defend Europe” just got real! We now have a ship in the Med – Support it’s mission to check on traitorous NGOs