EU pays Mafia millions to house and feed illegal migrants in Italy! Nigel Farage was right, they ARE Mafia!

Doctors Without Borders and other NGOs under investigation for collusion with Human Traffickers in The Med

Slanderers and Usurers steal French Election. Will FN name change be enough, or is Patriotism just an English thing?

Traitorous Migrant “Rescue” NGOs 100% in Cahoots with Human Traffickers & Smugglers – Italian Minister

Traitorous NGOs learn Africans will kill you to get to Free Stuff in Europe. Send out SOS after taking on too many invaders in the Med.

The Colonial Propaganda Firm Paid By The ANC To Racially Divide South Africa

Deny White Men The Right To Vote Then Steal Their Assets – Huffington Post

The State Supplies Arms To Criminals: Robbers Raid 9 SAI Battalion Base, Steal R4 Rifles

Study with babies proves Racism is NOT bias, it is natural built in preference!

Calais style Jungle Migrant Camp coming to Ireland with its Soft UK border, traitorous NGOs and Politicians

Globalism and Consumerism Kills! Gobal trade causes more than 20% of premature air pollution deaths

One of the 5 Biggest Threats to Humanity has Died, so why is Mainstream Media not cheering but rather commiserating?

Emboldened after Dutch Elections, Turkey Declares Racewar on EU, threatening flood of migrants, urging Turks to Breed in Europe!

Coerced Political Correctness Wins Dutch Election, Scatters Castigated Voters in All PC Directions

Dutch Voters ARE Scared! “What use is a good economy if your country becomes an Islamic State?”