Here is a list of all the patriotic or nationalist candidates for the upcoming local elections in Ireland. Remember not to give any transfer or preference votes to the mainstream parties, as that is how they sneak in every time on the umpteenth count. Only vote for who you actually want, and leave the rest..
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List of Patriotic Candidates for Irish Local Elections
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Should Medical Cannabis be used for Chronic Pain? –
This week a group of people protested in Dublin for the legalisation of medical cannabis.
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VIDEO: Deluge of Institutional Election Fraud Evidence From State Hearings! #TheSwamp & MSM Completely Hide it!
THE USA ELECTION WAS STOLEN! How can I say that? Having watched through over 30 hours of witness testimonies sworn under oath at state senate hearings, over the past week, and they all show institutionalized anti Trump, pro Biden bias, with many cases of electoral law being blatantly disregarded by the Democratic Party/BLM/Antifa! Sadly the Republicans are allowing their reasonableness and tolerance to allow the Left Wing to hoodwink them again. How much have YOU watched? How much has YOUR fake news mainstream media shown YOU? Why do you still watch TV? Why do you still use globalist social media, whose aim it is to destroy YOUR country and YOUR culture and history?
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#WhiteLivesMatter Systemic Black on White Violence Like Farm Murders, are Deliberately Ignored as Black Supremacist Hysteria Hijacks Social Media, Mainstream & The Establishment!
#FactsMatter – White males simply do NOT rape, torture or even murder 85 year old black women! Black males however regularly attack and kill elderly whites! However facts only seem to matter to normal white people. The rest are perfectly happy to not only overlook decades of statistics about black on black and black on white violence, but even to blame the white victims for these terrible statistics. For example, a member of far left Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in UK actually condoned the shooting of “racist” police officers! This self appointed judge, jury and executioner attitude is systemic and endemic to the establishment and left wingers. The world is suffering from the results of decades of over the top tolerance which has been more appeasement and freebie indulgence than tolerance, resulting in a attitude of entitlement.
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Homeschooling in Ireland triples as government perverts education system with cultural marxism and globalism
The number of homeschooled children has jumped in the past few years due to so called “School-phobia” a name the ignorant no doubt coined to deny the real reasons for the rise of more Irish parents homeschooling their children.
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