Traitorous NGOs learn Africans will kill you to get to Free Stuff in Europe. Send out SOS after taking on too many invaders in the Med.

The Colonial Propaganda Firm Paid By The ANC To Racially Divide South Africa

Deny White Men The Right To Vote Then Steal Their Assets – Huffington Post

The State Supplies Arms To Criminals: Robbers Raid 9 SAI Battalion Base, Steal R4 Rifles

Study with babies proves Racism is NOT bias, it is natural built in preference!

Enough is Enough: Stop White Genocide Now

What Comes After The ANC? Revisiting Our Vision Of Tomorrow

Paul O’Sullivan At London Protest: ‘Corrupt Zuma’s Stooges’ Run South Africa’s Criminal Justice System

No Protests Please; We Are Afrikaners

They Said It Couldn’t Be Done…And Now…?

From Polokwane To Junk Status: The Rapid Radical Goose-Step To The Left

Murder For These White Farmers, 20 Times The International Average

Calais style Jungle Migrant Camp coming to Ireland with its Soft UK border, traitorous NGOs and Politicians

#FARMMURDERS Make Headlines In France – South Africa: The Forgotten Massacre Of White Farmers

One of the 5 Biggest Threats to Humanity has Died, so why is Mainstream Media not cheering but rather commiserating?